Legacy Ministry Marketing Plan and Materials List

(Please review first 12 month timeline to coordinate)

DURING THE FIRST 6 MONTHS (on the timeline)

1.  Define Your Vision and Communicate to Leadership

·  Incorporate in Church Statement

·  Believe it/Share it!

·  Brochure and person-to-person asking materials

·  Website

2.  Get Leadership on Board

·  First the Pastors

·  Presentations to Church Council, Finance Committee, Trustees and major donors

·  Ask for Personal Commitments, one-on-one meetings

·  Testimonies in meetings and one-on-one meetings

·  Regular Leadership Reporting

DURING THE SECOND 6 MONTHS (on the timeline)

3.  Communicate to the rest of the congregation

·  Sermons on Planned Giving

·  Newsletter Articles, brochure, website

·  Targeted Group Presentations

·  Tag lines on emails, bulletins and projection screens

·  Membership Mailings

4.  Educate

·  Workshops/Seminars

·  List Professionals in Congregation

·  Speaker’s Bureau

·  GUMF Resources

5.  Challenge Your Donors

·  Letter of introduction to member 55+ and remaining top 10% donors

·  One-on-one Meetings

·  Membership Mailings

6.  Make it Easy to Give

·  Train/Identify Key Players

·  Brochures in Pews

·  Wills Instruction

·  Acknowledgement Forms

7.  Celebrate

·  Acknowledge Estate Gifts

·  Identify Planned Givers

·  Annual Recognition Event

·  Regular Reports to Church

Possible Materials for your Legacy Giving Marketing Program

Item Person Responsible Timeline

□  Endowment brochure ______

□  Comprehensive gift acceptance policy with a ______

provision for named funds

□  Legacy Gift Confirmation Form ______

□  Leadership presentation PowerPoint ______

□  Training PowerPoint on how to prayerfully request a gift. ______

□  One-on-one presentation PowerPoint ______

□  Frequently asked questions for presentations ______

□  Sample bequest language (in the PowerPoint presentation)______

□  Examples of planned gifts (in the PowerPoint presentation) ______

□  Donor recognition information (in the PowerPoint presentation)______

□  Planned Giving educational materials on the website ______

□  List of resource professionals in the congregation ______

□  Tag lines on emails, info on newsletters, projection screens ______

□  Written and audio testimonies of givers ______

□  Annual report ______

□  List of Speaker’s Bureau ______

□  Written plan for marketing the Planned Giving ______


□  ______

□  ______