ASUW Special Appropriations Committee
Monday:26 January, 2009
Husky Union Building 204N, 3:30 pm
ASUW Finance & Budget Director Holly Jones called the 26 January 2009 meeting of the ASUW Special Appropriations Committee to order at 3:35 pm.
Roll Call:
Present: / Absent: / Guests:Holly Jones / Sean, SAO
Luke O’Bannan / Martin Sanchez, Sigma Lambda Beta
Patrick Hoey / Lionel Candido, Sigma Lambda Beta
Jonathan Woldaub / Wen Liu, QPOCA
Daisy Dong
Conor McLean
Tina Phan / Rae Moore, Swing Kids
Tunny Vann / Erica, Swing Kids
Dylan Yu
Rene Singleton
Approval of Agenda:
There were 4 requests, and 3 of the groups were present. Holly said that FASA may come in later.
Tunny moves to approve the agenda. Seconded by Dylan. The committee passed the agenda unanimously.
Approval of Minutes:
Luke moves to approve the minutes. Seconded by Tina. Holly had some edits to last week’s minutes. She entertains a motion to approve them as a package. Luke withdraws his motion. Luke moves to adopt the revisions as proposed by Holly. Seconded by Tina. The committee passed the revisions unanimously. Conor moves to approve the minutes. Seconded by Daisy. The committee passed the minutes unanimously.
Old Business:
New Business:
- Swing Kids- Swing Kids Winter Ball
Swing Kids is a club that teaches lindy hop, East Coast, and the Charleston to any students who want to learn. They put on dances quarterly. They expect 200-300 students to attend the winter quarter dance. The event has a beginners’ lesson and a swing band. The club helps absorb people into their community. It is a fantastic hobby and brings people together. Holly asked what date is it. February 6th. Tunny asked how many people attended the fall quarter dance. They had around 200-300 people. 150 is a low estimate; usually there is a good turnout. Holly asked for clarification on there hopefully being a live band. The Solomon Douglas Quartet is expected to attend. Hopefully means that they need the funding in order to pay for them. This is a clarification.
Conor moves to approve the application. Seconded by Daisy. The committee passed the request unanimously. The request is pending board approval, Thursday in the Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC).
- Sigma Lambda Beta- Comedy Jam
This is the 7th Annual Comedy Jam. The show is held every spring; this year it is 7 May. It is a show for students, alumni, and graduate students. It is a time for relaxation. Last year they brought a comedian from Last Comic Standing. This year they want three comedians, including Rudy Moreno, a comedian. An estimated 250-300 students overall are expected to attend; last year 320 attended. The event is a non-profit. The event is for everyone to have a good time. Holly asked them to tell the committee about the organization. Sigma Lambda Beta is a multicultural fraternity and collaborates with Lambda Theta Alpha, the Latina sorority. They have collaborated every year. Dylan asked if they needed a ticket crew. They are using the North HUB den, provided through Sound Bites and Trevor, from A&E. Holly asked if they are using the ticket crew. Trevor will be taking care of lighting, the den, the stage and costs for this event. Sean clarified that A&E takes care of all logistics, including the ticket crew, lighting, and sound. Conor asked where is the North Den. Holly said that it is the seating area by Subway. Dylan asked if the revenue is going to Sound Bites. Yes, nothing is going to the organization.
Jonathon moves to approve the request. Seconded by Luke. The committee passed the request unanimously. The request is approved pending board approval.
- Queer People of Color Alliance (QPOCA)
QPOCA is a group that provides a safe space for queer people of color on campus. They work with the Q Center and LGBTC. They want to host an open mic night. This is to create new allies to the community and within the queer communities. They would have 2 live bands and also spoken word performers for the event. Tunny asked where they got the estimated attendance. Last year, they had a similar event, which had 80-100 people. Conor asked why there are 4. These are the performers. They are lots of people from the greater Seattle area, who will draw up crowds from the greater Seattle area. Dylan entertains a motion to approve. So moved by Tunny; seconded by Conor. The committee passed the request unanimously. The request does not need board approval.
- Filipino American Student Association
Tunny asked if the request needs to be tabled. Luke asked if the committee should look over it. It is very detailed. Holly said that it can be tabled. Daisy said the committee is probably going to approve the request; nothing is superfluous. Luke moves to table the request; seconded by Tunny. The committee tabled the request until next week.
Chair’s Reports:
Holly said that it’s a busy season. There will be 4 more requests next week. Jonathon asked how much money has been spent. Conor said that there is overflow from autumn quarter. Holly said before this meeting, the committee had over $17,000, including the overflow. Conor asked how much is allocated per quarter. Holly said that it is $16,000 each quarter. Luke noted that they hadn’t given away all of fall quarter’s money before this meeting. Tunny said that he wants to see how many clubs the committee has given money to. Holly said that she will get that by next week.
Advisor’s Report:
Rene said that the committee is efficient and knows its stuff. Some requests in the future may not be so cool and it will be frustrating. One of the staff members is soon to be a new mom, so they are shifting advisors’ responsibilities, around when 25,000 requests are to be in. She apologized in advance if there are some that are sloppy. There will be groups that request $2000 with little details.
Discussion Items:
Conor asked if all groups have spent their requested amount. He wants to see if the amount allocated matches the budget. Holly said that she does not know.
Holly asked if everyone able to access the applications online. She wanted to make sure everyone can see the applications before the meeting.
The 26 January 2009 meeting of the ASUW Special Appropriations Committee adjourned at 3:58 pm.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Tim R Harris
Executive Administrative Assistant to the President and
Finance and Budget Director