Minutes of Blue Mountain, Chapter 258, Pheasants Forever Meeting

27 January 2016

Smith's Restaurant, Walla Walla

Attendees: Dan Eveland, Chet Hadley, Corrie Thorne Hadley, Annie Charnley-Eveland, Jim Sonne, John Steele, Randy Snyder, Sheri Davis, Mike Davis, John Houston, George Endicott, Carl Bisgard, Irving Park, Gene Weinmaster and Larry Boe

President, Dan Eveland called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1. President, Dan Eveland, made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 30, 2015 chapter meeting. The minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.

2. There will not be a dog auction at the banquet. Randy Snyder will have puppies present.

3. Treasurer’s Report: John Steele reported income of $7,081 banked since the last chapter meeting. That included 94 meal tickets sold.

4. Tami put an advertisement for the banquet in the UB that will run in the next 4 Sunday editions.

5. There will be a Habitat Committee meeting Wednesday, February 3rd.

6. One of the Touchet scholarships has been returned since the recipient changed plans. This money will be rolled over to 2017.


a. Tami has confirmed that Randy Grudzinski will be the auctioneer.

b. The MC script is being drafted, per Dan Eveland.

c. Tami has confirmed that Jennifer Chapman will be the bartender and has secured the 3rd kitchen at

the Community Center this year.

d. Tami has confirmed the menu with Graze (Prime Rib & Salmon). There will be Mac & Cheese

and Spaghetti at the buffet table for children (Graze is providing these dishes w/no additional

charge). Graze will not charge us for children 6 and under. Adult dinners will cost the chapter

$27.50 this year and children 7-13 will cost the chapter $13.75.

e. Gary Benson will not be able to attend the banquet this year but, has purchased 2 meal tickets and

asked that they be donated to cover the cost of 2 comped meals.

f. Aaron Garcia (Yakima) might possibly bring a video game shooting device to the banquet.

g. The gambling license has been renewed.

h. Dan Eveland confirmed that the Certificate of Liability insurance has been obtained and a copy

has been mailed to the Fairgrounds.

i. John Steele will need help at the Cashier’s Station at the banquet.

j. Bertha has volunteered to work the front desk at the banquet and Jim Sonne has volunteered to

help her. Bertha will man the front desk all day Saturday and will bring donuts for Saturday


k. Jim Sonne will contact Matt Prull about supplying music for the banquet.

l. Mike Davis will find out if the Jr ROTC will perform the Color Guard this year.

m. The Bucket Committee will meet at Dan Eveland’s shop on the Wednesday or Thursday before

the banquet.

8. The next Chapter meeting will be February 10, 2016 at Smith’s Restaurant at 6:00 p.m.

9. The Board Meeting will be February 17, 2016 – (site to be announced).

10. President, Dan Eveland, adjourned the meeting at 1955 hours.

Submitted by: Carl Bisgard, Secretary, Blue Mountain Chapter #258 of Pheasants Forever