Pathology Contact List

Issue / Speciality / Contact Name / Contact details
General enquiries, complaints or assistance / Maureen Delorey
Pathology Administrator / 01244 365031

Financial queries / Kerry Robinson
Finance and Business Manager / 01244 362198

Problem with GP Links or reports / Contact PCT IT helpdesk in first instance
For un-resolved, ongoing problems or to discuss strategic issues contact Martin Langan / 01244 650428
01244 365659

Anglia Ice (GP Test Ordering System) enquires / Roger Howells
IT Manager / 01244 362001

Governance and
Incidents / Nicola Brown
Divisional Quality Improvement Facilitator / 01244 365551

Microbiology lab specific issues  / Mr Geoffrey Mihr
Microbiology Manager / 01244 366775 / 6770

Professor John Croall
Consultant / 01244 366788

Secretary 366773
Dr Ildiko Kustos
Consultant Microbiologist / 01244 366785

Secretary 366773
Blood Sciences - Chemical Pathology, Haematology and Blood Transfusion
Laboratory specific issues  / Martin Langan
Blood Sciences Manager / 01244 365659

Dr Shirley Bowles
Consultant Chemical Pathologist, Director of Blood Sciences / 01244 365652

Secretary 365365
Dr Edwin Lee
Consultant Haematologist, Deputy Director of Blood Sciences / 01244 365093

Secretary 365390
Issue / Speciality / Contact Name / Contact details
Emma Lewis
Consultant Clinical Biochemist / 01244 365653

Secretary 365365
To discuss any haematological cases contact: / The ‘Haematologist of the Week’: / Contact Haematology Secretaries
Dr Salaheddin Tueger
Consultant Haematologist / 01244 365387

Secretary 365378
Dr Hilary Leggat
Consultant Haematologist / 01244 365382

Secretary 365377
Cellular Pathology
Cellular Pathology lab specific issues (including Cytology)  / Alan Shaw
Cellular Pathology Manager / 01244 365646

Diagnostic Cytology Specific Issues  / Julie Scanlan
Pathology Quality Manager / 01244 365519

Mortuary specific issues  / Rob Mealing
Mortuary Manager / 01244 365360

Dr Natalie Meara
Consultant Histopathologist
Director of Cellular Pathology / 01244 364519

Secretary 365374
Dr Sally Ann Hales
Consultant Histopathologistand Designated Individual / 01244 365644

Secretary 365376
Dr William Kenyon
Consultant Histopathologist / 01244 365642

Secretary 365389
Dr Bushra Hamid
Consultant Histopathologist / 01244 365330

Secretary 365376
Dr Jackie Elder
Consultant Histopathologist / 01244 365372

Secretary 365374

**This is a Controlled Document** Issued 31.08.2011 Approved J Scanlan DOC221 Version 2 PATHOLOGY CONTACT LIST .doc Page 1 of 2