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"Because she read about someone else, had posted a question & was encouraged... she thought it was ok to ask for help"

New training & resources!

Young people can, and should, be proactive about their mental health.
e-mental health services make it possible to get support and self-help tools before, in-between and after face-to-face sessions. They also give us more options for working on mental health during our sessions.
New freely available e-mental health training guides you in using them in your work. It is4 modules of CPD endorsed, online learning that you can do whenever you have time.
Take a look
[TIP]This learning is self-paced, but it does represent 10 hours of learning. We recommend setting aside2 hours every week to work on each module of the package.
/ In this issue
12th August 2013
  • Free 30min professional development webinar
  • Are you free for a chat next Tuesday??
  • NEW: Calendar of upcoming forum discussions
  • 3 things practice activity
  • Find this email useful?

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Free 30min professional development webinar
Mon 19 May11:00am AEST
Benefits & challenges of using e-mental health services
in your work
  • Sera Harris (social worker)
    Key authorUsing e-mental health services
  • Assoc Prof Lena Sanci
    Deputy Director, Dept. of General Practice, UniMELB.
    Research Project Leader, Young & Well CRC
Find out more / register

Are you free for a chat next Tuesday??
/ To directly collaborate with you onmanaging the risk of referral to e-mental health services we'll be hosting our first ever Twitter chat! We'd love you to join us.
Tue 20 May, 1pm (30min)
Find out more
[Can't make it?]We've also set aside our Thursdays to share insight and tips on using e-mental health services. Follow #EMHtips, and share the insights you find valuable!

NEW: Calendar of upcoming forum discussions
Online discussions help build mental health literacy by sharing accurate and helpful info in a comfortable space.
Find out about upcoming Forum discussions that could be relevant for a young person you work with, by checking our forums calendar.
[Tip]Print the calendar and put it up on your service noticeboard, so you people can see what is coming up!

3 things practice activity
/ You can use mental health websites to help young people recognise signs of mental health difficulties, and to find the language to express what they are experiencing.
Try this practice activity '3 things' - a great idea from some of our psychologist friends in WA.
Download the practice activity

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