Dr. Solomon’s Classroom

Proverbs 24: 1-6

Introduction: Grab a desk and answer the roll call. Take a piece of pencil and paper (an old saying I heard once). Welcome to the class- “wisdom 101.” Dr. Solomon is the teacher. He is a foremost scholar on the subject of wisdom. Listen up and learn it well. “The only things worth learning are the things you learn after you know it all.” (Harry Truman) What does Solomon teach that we should learn?

I. Guard your Heart (vs. 1-2)

A. Look at His Request (vs.1):

“Envy”= Jealous, dissatisfied, desirous. This is what causes divorce, debt and destruction.

“Wicked”= Those who are evermore evil, wretchedly wicked, boldly bad andmischievously mean.

“Desire”= Wish or long for. Join in or hang out with.

B. Listen to His Reasoning (vs.2)

“Hearts”= seat of the intellect, will and emotions.

“Plots”= study, ponder, imagine, meditate.

“Violence”= destruction, oppression, disturbance. They ravage because they are savage.

“Make trouble”= mischief, beware of their company, concerns and comments (John Phillips). They are a bad influence and role model.

You say, “I don’t hang around these people.” But we all do! We invite them into our homes and hearts by way of T.V., radio, computers, books, etc… These are the very ones who mock the church, marriage, and morality. Envy can cloud our thinking and fog our minds.

II. Guide your Home (vs. 3-4)

Note how the Home is:

  1. Founded (vs.3):

Solomon shows us how the home is founded, framed, and formed.

“Wisdom”= Good sense, skill.

“House”= home, family, descendants, heritage.

“Built”= set up, make

“Understanding”= intelligence, discretion, reasoning

“Established”= fitted, fixed, framed

  1. Filled (vs. 4)

“Knowledge”= know how

“Rooms”= apartments

“Rare”= valuable, costly.

“Beautiful”= delightful, sweet

“Treasures”= substance, enough

Where do I get the know how? From the Bible!

“House”= individual, marriage, home, church, parenting.

Jesus can found, frame, form, fix and fill your home. He has the patent on home décor. He can show you how to build a home here while he’s building you a “nest-egg” in Heaven. (John 14:1) All this calls for dedication, communication, and determination.

III. Govern your Hardships (vs. 5-6)

Just as Nation’s confront wars and conflicts so do individuals, marriages, and churches. For that we need wisdom. Wisdom will provide:

  1. Strength(v.5)

“Power”= force, security, and boldness

“Strength”= vigor, firmness

  1. Security (v.6)

“War”= fighting, conflict, battle.

“Guidance”= counsel, steering, good advice, planning

“Victory”= rescue, deliverance, help

“Advisers”= to deliberate or resolve.

Conclusion: Clothe yourself in the wardrobe of wisdom and you can overcome envy in the heart, emptiness in the home, and the enemy in your hardships.

Wisdom 101. How are your grades? Dr. Solomon wants you to pass his class! In reality, it’s a class from which we never graduate.