Primary Guided Reading Lesson Plan

Title: Working With Dad by Jack Hastings Sundance 0-7608-6597-3 / Genre:
Realistic Fiction / Text Structure:
Narrative Informational / Level: E
Literacy Core Objective: Standard 4 Objective 2 Identify and read grade level compound words / Enduring Understanding: Purpose for reading
We can help our family members
Content Core Objective: Standard 2 Objective 1 Family members support each other. / “I Can Statements” - Essential Questions:
I can help my dad by working with him.
ELL Strategies: Show pictures of family members helping each other. Discuss ways children in pictures are helping their mom or dad.
Before Reading
Vocabulary: High Frequency-- help (ed) hold,
Activate/Build Background Knowledge: Do ELL strategy. In this book a girl works and helps her dad. What are some of the things you do to help your mom or dad? Lets look at the book and see some of the things the girl does to help her dad. Do picture walk implanting the words motor and beach on the appropriate pages. / Phonics/Mechanics: compound words—flashlight, supermarket, screwdriver, keyboard
Comprehension Strategy: Retell using important ideas/events and supporting details in sequence
During Reading
Using appropriate Guided reading strategies, students will be reading at their own pace and teachers will be listening to students read, monitoring, giving feedback, taking anecdotal notes and running records.
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
After Reading
Within the Text—What was the first thing the girl did to help her dad?
Then what did she do? Then what? Then what?
Beyond the Text—Did this book remind you of any thing in your life?
How do you think the girl feels? What makes you say that?
How do you think the dad feels? What makes you say that?
Compound Words—Explain that compound words are words where two words are put together to make one word, Show yes examples flashlight, bedroom, cupcake, football. Show non-examples singing, helped, makes etc. Bring out that the two words have to be able to stand alone in order to be compound words. Do hand motions left fist extended—“foot”--- right fist extended “ball”—Put fists together three times saying compound words.
High Frequency—See Attached Sheet
Comprehension—Good Readers retell the story in order so they understand the story better. If they forget a part, they go back into the book and see what they forgot. We have just retold the story—Working With Dad--- when we were answering our questions. Let’s see if we can retell if all again. Practice retelling story. What happened first? Then what? Then what? How did the story end?
Attend to Comprehension Within, Beyond, & About the text:
Content Core Integration:(Science, Soc. St., Math, etc.) Social Studies
Assessment: Tell some ways you help your dad or mom.
Phonics—Give students examples and non examples of compound words. Do they distinguish between words with prefixes and suffixes and compound words?
High Frequency—Do students recognize words in connected text? Do they recognize them in isolation? Note on running record. Practice daily on word wall.
Comprehension—Note and record on running record responses to Within the Text questions. / Activities: Fill in blank book with sentence stem—I help my dad or mom by…….
5 page booklet with sentence stem on the bottom Students draw picture that corresponds with completed sentence.

*Not all activities will be done in each lesson. Some lessons may take multiple days to complete. However, all students should be reading each time you meet.