Poznań, 27 October 2015

27-30 October 2015

Poznań as the autumn capital of the environmental protection sector

Machines and technologies combining low costs with high efficiency can be seen at the exhibition of POL-ECO-SYSTEM fair in Poznań. Exhibitors from Poland and abroad take part in the fair. You also should not disregard almost 50 events held at the fair, the most important of which is the fair opening debate "Ecology in unity with economy – the global dimension". Both the exhibition and the fair discussions constitute a collection of information on the latest trends. It is the current knowledge on changes in the area of ecology we can expect in the forthcoming years.

Facing the challenges posed by the European Union, the ongoing economic and social changes, require continuous development and improvement. Companies, local governments as well as inhabitants themselves search for solutions allowing them to save time, money and natural resources. This year's International Trade Fair of Technologies and Products for Sustainable Development and Municipal Services POL-ECO-SYSTEM, i.e. the former Poleko, Komtechnika and Gmina fairs, provides the review of technologies in the eco and smart spirit as well as the current voice of the sector on directions of changes.

Pope Francis on ecology

Environmental protection refers to every inhabitant of the Earth. In the spirit of this idea, Pope's Encyclical entitled "Laudato Si" was created, devoted to the care for the Earth as a Common Home. Exactly this document will be the main topic of the panel discussion opening the POL-ECO-SYSTEM Fair - "Ecology in unity with economy – the global dimension" to be attended by distinguished guests: His Eminence Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace (Justitia et Pax), Minister of Environment, H. Grabowski and a representative of the President of the Republic of Poland.

The moderator of the discussion is professor Andrzej Mizgajski, Chairman of the State Council for Environmental Protection.

The discussion entitled "Ecology in unity with economy – the global dimension" will be held on the first day of the POL-ECO-SYSTEM fair in Poznań and it will make an integral part of the opening ceremony of the fair to start at 12.00 noon.

For three years the debate on "Ecology in unity with economy – the global dimension" has been a significant item on the agenda of events accompanying the POL-ECO-SYSTEM fair in Poznań. This year's discussion meeting will focus on the global dimension. Although the awareness of economic dimension of environmental protection is increasing, we too rarely realise how strong the global context of these relationships is. Climatic changes, lack of common access to good quality water, exploitation of natural resources at a pace exceeding their renewal - these are the examples of global ecological problems of growing importance for the worldwide economic system. Globalisation is not only limited to the economy and markets as the worldwide range of ecological issues becomes more and more visible. Worldwide organisations formulate directions of strategic actions and endeavour to set obligatory targets to mitigate the human pressure on the Earth ecosystem.

In his Encyclical, Pope Francis writes that numerous scientific studies have explicitly shown that the global warming the effect of greenhouse gas emission resulting "mainly from human activity". - If present trends continue, this century may well witness extraordinary climate change and an unprecedented destruction of ecosystems, with serious consequences for all of us - alarmingly warns the Pope in his "Laudato Si" Encyclical.

Undoubtedly, the discussion on the Pope's Encyclical at the POL-ECO-SYSTEM fair is a unique event in Poland.

Date and venue:
Panel discussion "Ecology in unity with economy – the global dimension" 27 October 2015, 01.35 p.m., Earth Room, Hall 15, Poznań International Fair

International atmosphere in the halls

At this year's POL-ECO-SYSTEM fair companies from Austria, Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, the USA, Great Britain and Italy will present their offer.

Stands of the most important trade chambers and institutions are also present: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Economy, NFOŚiGW, WFOŚiGW, GIOŚ, KIGO, IGEiOŚ, KAPE, KFDZOM. It is worth mentioning that in Hall 8A at stand 2, the consultation point of the Environmental Protection Inspection is located.

The scope of this year's fair exhibition comprises, inter alia, energy and renewable energy, including biomass, pellets and biogas, waste management and recycling, protection of air and climate, vibration and noise, rehabilitation and revitalisation, water and sewage management, flood protection, maintaining cleanliness and order, and conservation of greenery areas (municipal economy), sustainable transport, products and services for local governments.

In addition, on the external premises (27-29 October 2015) the City Truck Show, i.e. live shows of municipal vehicles, will take place. In the special space located on the yard between halls 8 and 5A, operation of machines and vehicles will be demonstrated which improve the quality of our daily life and contribute to making cities and villages clean and friendly for their inhabitants. Here we can see equipment of such companies as Apriva, Bergmann and Toolmex Truck "at work".

Awarded Golden Medals of the POL-ECO-SYSTEM 2015 fair

In the halls, nine winners of this year's MPT Gold Medal competition can be found. They include:

·  BIO VAPOR CHP power generator powered with biomass processing gases ("Mielec-Diesel" GAZ Spółka z o.o. from Mielec). Hall 7A, stand 58

·  Pellas X REVO mini biomass burner (Pellas X Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. from Piła). Hall 7A, stand 27

·  Complete 2-module container power station powered by waste gas (P.P.U.H. "Horus-Energia" Sp. z o.o. from Sulejówek). Hall 7A, stand 11

·  AXTOR 6010 green efficiency series universal shredder (Agrex-Eco Sp. z o.o.
from Warsaw). Hall 5A, stand 8

·  TEC ME LIMPMATIC device for cleaning waste containers (APRIVA Sp. z o.o.
from Poznań). Hall 5 stand 84

·  FleetKleen™surface cleaning and degreasing system - a bioremediating product of the SpillAway™ product line (ENAN S.A. from Dzierżoniów). Hall 8A, stand 41

·  Kärcher MIC 50 multi-purpose municipal vehicle (Kärcher Sp. z o.o. from Kraków). Hall 5 stand 50

·  OLYMPUS Mini dustcart (TERBERG MATEC POLSKA Sp. z o.o., from Płochocin). Hall 5 stand 4

Novelties, innovations and inspirations

Many exhibitors present this year's novelties at the Poznań fair. In the halls it will be possible to see models of shredders, screening units, separators, briquetting press, bailing presses, chippers and crushers, or belt dryers. The state-of-the-art municipal equipment for summer and winter maintenance of roads and greenery areas will be also present as well as advanced equipment for analyses and measurements of pollutants. The fair is the opportunity to get acquainted with new solutions in the scope of waste management - from the modern systems of bins and precise waste weighing, through waste stabilisation technologies, up to mobile tools.

As this year's innovation exhibitors also present technologies improving the comfort and quality of life, such as, for example, the automatic identification of containers, upgrade of waste collection route navigation, or biological chemical agents for surface cleaning or degreasing.

At the POL-ECO-SYSTEM fair novelties and innovations can be seen at stands of the following companies: Agrex-Eco (Hall 5A, stand 8), Arcon Polska (Hall 5A, stand 4), Asket (Hall 7A, stand 30), Atmoservice (Hall 8A, stand 36), Atut (Hall 8A, stand 44), C-Trace (Hall 5, stand 61), Enan (Hall 8A, stand 41), Equipo (Hall 5, stand 96), HSM (Hall 5A, stand 11), In-Tend (Hall 5, stand 3), Meva-Pol (Hall 5, stand 85), Orwak Polska (Hall 5, stand 85), Pronar (Hall 5, stand 20), Trymet (Hall 5A, stand 25), Untha (Hall 5A, stand 16), Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Poznaniu (Regional Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management in Poznań) (Hall 8A, stand 18) or X-Track (Hall 5, stand 28).

Smart city live

During a visit at the POL-ECO-SYSTEM fair, it is worth popping into the Ecological Town. This year, Hall 8 arranged in unique way, will display the interactive space where we can see, inter alia, a household wastewater treatment plant, illumination poles with an integrated waste bin, composters, shower heavens, irrigation systems, well filters, underground and semi-underground waste containers as well as a number of equipment in the scope of municipal management, such as mowers, washers, scrubber driers, sweepers. Biotechnologies for cleaning of water reservoirs are also presented as well as modern research and diagnostic equipment for verification of internal and external parameters of buildings, passive solutions in construction and efficiency of RES installations.

In the Town, electrical urban scooters, hybrid electrically assisted bicycles and personal cars (such brands as Ford, Skoda or Fiat) and other vehicles powered by alternative CNG and LNG fuel, are parked. Some of them form the so-called Methane Zone. The exhibition is supplemented by oil-free compressors designed for fuelling vehicles with natural gas (CNG) near the company or near home, and self-service bicycle repair stations.

Moreover, exhibitors present solutions dedicated for urban space, such as signs for blind and visually impaired persons and the so-called landscape architecture, such as benches, bicycle racks, waste bins and bags for dog´s excrements. Within the Town, we can also see the Energy Bus, which represents one of the currently implemented education and information projects of the Polish National Energy Conservation Agency.

This year's participants of the Ecological Town include: Astrini Design, Auch Studio, Bemo Motors, Information Centre of State Forests, Compillar, Cubogas BRC Fuelmaker Distribution Hub Poland, Fraikin, Greek Fuel Foundation, Husqvarna Poland, Ibombo, Infraster, Kärcher, "Sustainable Infrastructure" Cluster, Kopert Polska, Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, Lecha, LS-Plus, EM Microorganisms, MPI, PGNiG, Polish Containers, Prosperplast, S2 Project, Skoda-Volkswagen, the Society for Earth.

Conferences to be held in the room within the Town make an essential element supplementing the space: International NGV Conference "Methane for automotive industry" (27 October 2015), the conference on "Smart solutions for local governments" (28 October 2015) and the Biomass – Energy of Business 2015 conference (29 and 30 October 2015).

In the melting pot of events

To say "a lot" about the POL-ECO-SYSTEM programme of events is like saying nothing. Some people claim that it is the supplement to the offer presented at the fair, others think that the situation is just opposite. No matter how you look at it - the conference programme of the fair is diversified and sound in terms of its contents. Over four fair days, in several halls, seminars are held, dealing with the most important issues related to ecology, such as financing, amendments to legal regulations, or the latest experience of domestic and western companies.

It is impossible to list all of them but those most well-known are worth mentioning, such as Envicon, Clean Energy Forum, Recycling Forum, RIPOK Zone, Globe Full of Energy, National Conference of Environmental Protection, as well as those new, debuting this year, such as Zone of Low Emission Abatement, Career Zone, Norwegian Innovation Day or the conference on "Financing investment in environmental protection – programmes, competitions, financing rules".

Envicon – International Environmental Protection Congress. Sessions: waste management, energy from waste, water and sewage management, European transport corridors in the context of environmental challenges, innovation in environmental protection and sustainable development in business, seminar "our resources are counted".

26-27 October 2015, Hall 15, conference rooms: 1.A, 1.B, 1.F, 1.G.

Clean Energy Forum - subjects including, inter alia, financing and support systems for RES investment, micro-installations and PV installations, modern heat sector and energy mix.
27-29 October 2015, Hall 7A, stand 71, conference room.

Globe Full of Energy – inter alia, "Energy Talk Show" – prosumer, situation on the market of micro-installations, market and investments, heat pumps, thermal modernisation of buildings, or the technical forum on photovoltaic installations and ventilation.

27-29 October 2015, Hall 7A, stand 59, conference room.

Recycling Zone - discussions, inter alia, on municipal and problematic waste management.

27-29 October 2015, Hall 5, sector G, stand 132, conference room.

National Conference of Environmental Protection – "New environmental protection policy in Poland. Models of sustainable development financing." WFOŚiGW

28 October 2015, Hall 15, room 1.F

RIPOK Zone – talks and consultations devoted to the most important issues related to management and operation of waste management plants with the RIPOK status.

27-29 October 2015, Hall 5, sector F, stand 131, conference room.

NOVELTY! Zone of Low Emission Abatement – the panels planned include, inter alia, air impact on health, environment and economy, EU and national regulations in the scope of air protection (including the anti-smog act and plans of low emission economy), financial resources for emission abatement, or programmes of low emission abatement.

27-29 October 2015, Hall 8, stand 48, conference room.

NOVELTY! Career Zone – the latest job offers from the environmental protection sector, information on existing professions and specialisations, professional advice. Specialists and advisers present in the Zone will help to understand tendencies on the employment market and identify the most prospective professions of environmental protection.

27-29 October 2015, Hall 8A, stand 25.

Norwegian Innovation Day – thematic sessions: sustainable project and technological solutions for local governments and industry, and organic waste as a valuable raw material. A conference combined with a business mixer of Polish and Norwegian companies.

28 October 2015, Hall 10 (MPT Press Centre).

Conference on "Financing investment in environmental" - panels, inter alia, on: domestic funds on financing of pro-environmental investments (water and wastewater management, waste management, air protection, conservation of biodiversity), subsidies for environmental protection (programmes and competitions scheduled in 2015 and 2016), Horizon 2020 and Life programmes.

28 October 2015, Green Room, East Hall.

Exercises of rescue teams and show of the state-of-the-art equipment

Protection of humans and nature largely depends also on the tools available to entities responsible for safety, such as State Fire Service. Therefore, the improvement of firemen's skills and providing the best equipment to fire brigades is so important, to ensure the effective operation of environmental and ecological emergency system.