Unit 1: Sorting and Patterning

Name: / Date:

Grade 2

Ongoing Observations Checklist

Cluster 1: Lesson 1 / Cluster 1: Lesson 2 / Cluster 1: Lesson 3
Name / Shows numbers 10 to 20 on 10-frames / Writes numerals and number words / Describes numbers as “10 and __ more” / Estimates sets of 10 to 50 / Forms groups to count / Skip counts / Orders numbers to 50 / Locates numbers on a number line / Recognizes a pattern when skip counting
KU/AP / AP / KU / T / KU/AP / AP / KU / AP / KU

KU - Knowledge and UnderstandingT - ThinkingCM - CommunicationAP - Application


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Unit 2: Number Relationships

Name: / Date:

Grade 2

Ongoing Observations Checklist

Cluster 2: Lesson 4 / Cluster 2: Lesson 5 / Cluster 2: Lesson 6
Name / Chooses to add or subtract / Uses addition/ subtraction strategies / Records number stories / Explores whole numbers / Records number sentences / Uses one fact to find another / Identifies doubles / Mentally adds one-digit numbers / Uses doubles to solve near doubles
KU / KU/AP / AP / KU / AP / KU/T / KU/AP / AP / KU/T

KU - Knowledge and UnderstandingT - ThinkingCM - CommunicationAP - Application


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Unit 2: Number Relationships

Name: / Date:

Grade 2

Performance Task Rubric

Knowledge/Skills / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding
•uses appropriate explanations and demonstrations to show understanding of:
–strategies for estimating (grouping)
–various ways of counting and representing numbers (including 10s and 1s)
–addition and subtraction processes / shows very limited understanding of number relationships including:
–estimating strategies
–ways of counting and representing numbers
–addition and subtraction processes / shows some understanding of number relationships including:
–estimating strategies
–ways of counting and representing numbers
–addition and subtraction processes / shows considerable understanding of number relationships including:
–estimating strategies
–ways of counting and representing numbers
–addition and subtraction processes / shows a high degree of understanding of number relationships including:
–estimating strategies
–ways of counting and representing numbers
–addition and subtraction processes
•uses appropriate strategies (estimate, model, use a number line, 100-chart,
10-frame, or calculator) to create and solve addition and subtraction problems / uses a few simple
strategies with limited success to create and solve addition and subtraction problems / uses some appropriate
strategies with some success to create and solve addition and subtraction problems / uses appropriate
strategies with considerable success to create and solve addition and subtraction problems / uses appropriate, often innovative, strategies with a high degree of success to create and solve addition and subtraction problems
Application of procedures
•accurately applies skills to:
–count accurately
–compare numbers
–write number sentences / makes major errors/ omissions in:
–counting accurately
–comparing numbers
–writing number sentences / makes several minor errors/omissions in:
–counting accurately
–comparing numbers
–writing number sentences / makes few errors/omissions in:
–counting accurately
–comparing numbers
–writing number sentences / makes very few or no errors/omissions in:
–counting accurately
–comparing numbers
–writing number sentences
•explains reasoning and mathematical thinking clearly using appropriate mathematical language (estimate, by 10s) / rarely uses appropriate mathematical language when explaining reasoning and mathematical thinking; limited effectiveness / sometimes uses appropriate mathematical language when explaining reasoning and mathematical thinking; some effectiveness / usually uses appropriate mathematical language when explaining reasoning and mathematical thinking; considerable effectiveness / confidently uses appropriate mathematical language when explaining reasoning and mathematical thinking;
a high degree of effectiveness


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Unit 2: Number Relationships

Name: / Date:

Grade 2

Number Relationships Rubric

This rubric can be used to assess and summarize children’s achievement of Unit expectations.

Knowledge/Skills / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Knowledge and Understanding
•shows understanding by explaining and demonstrating
–ways of representing numbers (including 10s and 1s)
–composing and decomposing numbers
–estimation strategies
–addition and subtraction
–place-value patterns
–numbers in the world around them / shows very limited understanding of
–ways of representing numbers
–composing and decomposing numbers
–estimation strategies
–addition and subtraction
–place-value patterns
–numbers in the world around them / shows some understanding of
–ways of representing numbers
–composing and decomposing numbers
–estimation strategies
–addition and subtraction
–place-value patterns
–numbers in the world around them / shows considerable understanding of
–ways of representing numbers
–composing and decomposing numbers
–estimation strategies
–addition and subtraction
–place-value patterns
–numbers in the world around them / shows in-depth understanding, in a variety of contexts, of
–ways of representing numbers
–composing and decomposing numbers
–estimation strategies
–addition and subtraction
–place-value patterns
–numbers in the world around them
•uses and explains appropriate strategies (e.g., estimation, modelling, number lines, calculators,
100-chart) to create and solve addition and subtraction problems / with limited effectiveness, uses limited appropriate strategies to create and solve addition and subtraction problems / with some effectiveness, uses some appropriate strategies to create and solve addition and subtraction problems / with considerable effectiveness, uses considerable strategies to create and solve addition and subtraction problems / with a high degree of effectiveness uses appropriate, often uses innovative, strategies to create and solve addition and subtraction problems
•applies number sense skills appropriately to:
–compare and order numbers
–count beyond 100 (1s, 2s, 5s, 10s); count back from 20
–locate numbers on a number line
–determine the ten that is nearest to a two-digit number
–add and subtract and determine the missing number in equations to 18 / makes major errors/omissions in:
–comparing and ordering numbers
–counting and skip counting
–using a number line
–determining the nearest ten
–adding and subtracting and determining a missing number / makes several minor errors/omissions in:
–comparing and ordering numbers
–counting and skip counting
–using a number line
–determining the nearest ten
–adding and subtracting and determining a missing number / makes few minor errors/omissions in:
–comparing and ordering numbers
–counting and skip counting
–using a number line
–determining the nearest ten
–adding and subtracting and determining a missing number / makes very few or no errors/omissions in:
–comparing and ordering numbers
–counting and skip counting
–using a number line
–determining the nearest ten
–adding and subtracting and determining a missing number
•explains reasoning and procedures clearly when describing number relationships / explains reasoning and procedures with limited clarity when describing number relationships / explains reasoning and procedures with some clarity when describing number relationships / explains reasoning and procedures with considerable clarity when describing number relationships / explains reasoning and procedures with a high degree of clarity when describing number relationships
•effectively reads and prints in words whole umbers to 20 in meaningful contexts / with limited effectiveness, reads and prints in words whole numbers to 20 in meaningful contexts / with some effectiveness, reads and prints in words whole numbers to 20 in meaningful contexts / with considerable effectiveness, reads and prints in words whole numbers to 20 in meaningful contexts / with a high degree of effectiveness, reads and prints in words whole numbers to 20 in meaningful contexts
Name: / Date:

Grade 2

Unit Summary

Note that some cells may be blank. Also, you may prefer to enter only Overall achievement in each row, rather than identifying a specific level for each category of achievement.

Most Consistent Level of Achievement*

Number Sense and Numeration / Knowledge and Understanding / Thinking / Application /
Ongoing Observations
Strategies Tool Kit
(Lesson 10)
Portfolio or work samples; conferences
Performance task
(Lesson 11)
Achievement Level for reporting on this strand

*Use Ontario Achievement Levels R, 1, 2, 3, 4.

Next steps:


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