Business, Marketing & Finance Class Project
Here is main project for the Marketing class for this Fall. Listed below are a total of 80 Business & Marketing terms you will be exposed to. All of them can be found in the back of the Blue text book or handouts.
Your objective is to show that you understand the words/terms that you have learned and can recognize their application in a real world setting. Your objective is to do a “scavenger hunt” where you collect actual items and photos that show one of the words/terms in action. Once you have found your “example” of the word or term in actual use you will assemble a collection of 50 of the words in actual use in the form of a portfolio. The portfolio should be in the form of a “scrapbook” (either physical or electronic) that can be turned in to be graded before the Christmas Break. On October 6th 20 Vocabulary definitions are to be turned in for a grade & the due date to turn in your portfolio is December 12th
1. Each example of a marketing term in use must be on its own page.
2. The word being used and the definition of the word will be on the same page as the example/artifact you are using.
3. You shall explain/describe how you feel the photo, coupon, ticket or artifact you are attaching to the page fits the definition of the word you are associating it with.
4. No more that 80% of your examples are allowed to be obtained by the same method (this means not all of your examples can be just photographs taken or they cannot be just examples printed out off the internet.)
5. At least two of the examples used must be photographs with you in the photograph (ex: A picture of you purchasing a piece of fruit from a road side vendor to demonstrate the word/term Traditional Selling or Barter. If you chose the word barter the picture should be of you negotiating with the vendor rather than just making a cash payment.)
How your project will be graded-
1 Point awarded for each correct definition as defined in the Text (Marketing Dynamics). = 50 Possible Points
1 Point awarded for each accurate description that explains why your example matches the definition of the word utilized. = 50 Possible Points
Name, Date and class period on Portfolio. = 9 Possible Points
Neatness, Spelling, Punctuation, Adhering to parameters given & Use of complete sentences. = 20 Possible Points
Creativity and Visual Quality of Portfolio (ex: Portfolio of 50 plain white pieces of paper stapled together would equal 1-5 points while a portfolio with pictures sewed on to cloth pages or a complete portfolio in the form of a Power Point presentation would score higher 16-21 points depending on the quality of the product. YOU ARE ONLY LIMITED BY YOUR IMAGINATION AND EFFORT!) = 21 Possible Points
Vocabulary Words to chose from – (Must use 50 of the possible 84 words/term & a project turned in with 35 or fewer examples will be returned with an “I” grade.)
Advertising Absolute Advantage Advertising Proof
Baby Boom Generation Banner Ad Benefits
Brand Extensions Business Brand Mark
Brick & Mortar Retailer Buying Signal Broadcast Media
Capital Cash Sale Capitalism
Channels Co-Branding Strategy CD-ROM
Closing the Sale Communication Community Relations
Common Carrier Corporation Credit
Customization Demographics Direct Distribution
Discretionary Income Discount Pricing Distribution Center
E-Commerce Economic Risk E-tailing
Emotional Blocks Entrepreneur Ethics
Exchange Extended Coverage Feature Benefit Selling
Feedback Finance Flexible Price Policy
Franchise Form Utility Generation X
Globalization Greeting Approach Method Green Marketing
Goods Home Page Human Risks
Incentives Imports Inflation
Infrastructure Institutional Advertising Industry
International Trade Internship Inventory
Job Description Joint Ventures Market
Market Research Marketing Mix Marquee
Packaging Personal Selling Online Advertising
PDA’s Odd-even Pricing Publicity
Product Features Promotion Sales Tax
Shortages Sole Proprietorship Target Marketing
Trademark Till Universal Product Code