Orientation Quiz
- This course includes a weekly blog. This statement is true about the blog:
- The blog is optional.
- You can make comments on the blog if you are interested.
- The blog is required and worth 20 points each week.
- You can complete the blog at any time during the semester.
- You can find detailed information about the assignments in this course by:
- Clicking on the Assignment button to the left of the page on Blackboard
- Sending an email to the professor
- Clicking on the Course Schedule button
- There are no assignments in this course since it is online.
- The interactive online textbook for this course is called CollegeScope. This statement is true about the textbook:
- It is not required.
- Students must complete one chapter per week in this textbook.
- Since the course is online, you can read the chapters any week at your convenience.
- You don’t have to get started on CollegeScope at the beginning of the course. You can wait a few weeks to get started.
- The mindsets and journal entries in CollegeScope:
- Can be answered in 2 or 3 words.
- Can be answered in one sentence.
- Can be skipped if want.
- Generally require a well-developed paragraph with a minimum of 5 sentences for each answer.
- Students from the previous semester said that the most important thing you can do to be successful in this online course is to:
- Relax and enjoy the freedom of an online course.
- On Mondays, check to see what is required for the week and then divide the work into small parts and work steadily to complete the work by Sunday. Don’t procrastinate.
- Since all the work is due on Sunday, just wait until then to begin working. It will motivate you to finish.
- Don’t worry. This course is easy and you can do the work quickly. Since the course is online, there are no deadlines.
- The approximate minimum time needed each week to be successful in this course is:
- 3 hours
- 1 hour
- 15 hours
- 15 minutes
- All weekly reading in CollegeScope, blogs and assignments are due:
- Before the end of the course
- Within 2 weeks of the due date
- Monday at midnight
- Sunday night before 11:59 pm
- Find out what is due each week by:
- Sending an email to the professor.
- Asking another student.
- Clicking on the Course Schedule button on Blackboard.
- Phoning the professor.
- You can check your grades anytime by:
- Sending an email to the professor.
- Clicking on My Grades in Blackboard.
- Phoning the professor.
- Keeping track of the points earned in all your work.
- The following statement is true about the quizzes for this course.
- All of the quizzes are on Blackboard.
- All of the quizzes are on CollegeScope except for the orientation quiz.
- There are no quizzes for this course except for the orientation quiz.
- The quizzes are on CollegeScope, but they don’t count on my grade.