Robert F. Kennedy Intermediate School 250

158-40 76th Road

Flushing, NY 11366

Phone: (718)591-9000 Fax: (718)591-2340

Dear Parent or Guardian,

At the beginning of the year you were informed each student must participate in the EXIT Project. This project extends throughout the five boroughs. Chosen projects will be displayed in April at the RFK Science Fair and for each grade there will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner. This project requires participation from both parent and child.

There are multiple parts to this project that your child will be expected to complete in the upcoming weeks.

·  Proposial AND Research Paper on topic: to develop prior knowledge

·  Lab (Experiment) Report

·  Oral Presentation

·  Tri-Fold Display

The 4 major components listed above will be broken down into smaller parts, so the students are not overwhelmed. Each student is expected to complete the EXIT project to move onto the next grade level. It is a major portion of their 3rd quarter grade (20% of grade). The students will also receive a packet with expectations and due dates. Please speak to your child about what their plan is and what is due.

There is more information available at (with example EXIT projects):

One of our own science teachers has also created a website with information:

Others include:,,

Please return the bottom half signed, by both you and child, acknowledging you are aware of the EXIT PROJECT and anticipated expectations. You can find this packet and more information on the RFK website as well under school staff “O’Sullivan”, in the file manager.



RFK Intermediate School

I am aware of the anticipated expectations of the EXIT project required, and have read the above letter. I have discussed the project idea and the checklist with my parents(s) and I am willing to commit to following through on this project.

X______(STUDENT PRINT NAME) Date:______


Science Exit Project Proposal Form


1.  The problem/Purpose/Testable Question: I plan to investigate in my experiment (How does….. affect…..?):

a.  Independent Variable (you control): *REMEMBER you can only change one thing in an experiment!

b.  Dependent Variable (depends on the independent*depedent variable is measurable*):

2.  Hypothesis (make your hypothesis using an “If ….then… because….” Statement


1. What branch of Science does my topic investigate?
Circle one
EARTH LIFE PHYSICAL / In Column below write YES or NO
2. My topic is interesting enough to read about and work on for the next couple of weeks?
3. I have found at least 3 sources of written information on the subject so far:
4. I can design an experiment to answer my problem.
5. I can change only one variable at a time, control other factors that might influence my experiment. (my controls I will list in the procedure)
6. Is my experiment safe to perform?
7. Do I have all the materials and equipment I need for my exit project, or will I be able to obtain them quickly?
8. Do I have time to do my experiment more than once before the due date? (multiple trials)
9. I have met all of my teacher’s requirements?
10. I have begun phase one (PROPOSAL 25pts) of my project as listed in the packet?


*Student must include a small paragraph describing what you are doing* Teacher approval?______


Consider your audience and importance of this project,


The Science Exit Project consists of three phases: PHASE ONE-Research: includes the proposal, approval/permission, and the research paper; PHASE TWO-Experiment/Investigation: this includes the report and display; and PHASE THREE-COMMUNICATION OF RESULTS: this includes the science Fair participation and the class PowerPoint presentation.

PHASE ONE: PROPOSAL and Research Paper

I.  Part one: A)Proposal and B) Research paper (allows you to make educated guess*hypothesis)

A.  Proposal:

a.  Proposal Form completely filled out with summary of what you plan to do

b.  Must be approved by Parent and Teacher

B.  Research Paper on the topic (This includes intro, body(s), conclusion, and works cited page).

a.  This is discussed in detail later in packet!


II.  Report Check Points (are you actually doing your exit project?????)

1.  Title (Cover page) 6. Materials

2.  Introduction 7. Data

3.  Hypothesis (your Prediction) 8. Results and Implications

4.  Background/research summary 9. Acknowledgements

5.  Procedure 10. Works cited/bibliography

III.  MUST HAND IN the complete report with a focus on the following items: intro, background/research, conclusion, implications (what it means).

IV.  Display Checks (are you actually doing your Display Board???)

1.  Title 7. Material

2.  Purpose 9. Implications (what do your results tell you?)

3.  Hypothesis 10. Acknowledgements (who helped you?)

4.  Predictions 11. Works Cited (where did you get your info?)

5.  Research 12. Procedure



Students must be prepared to present their display board to the class, they must verbally describe: The PURPOSE, hypothesis, procedure, results, and implications. After they present the students are open to ask questions to the presenter. To help them it is suggested to make flashcards with notes.

Students will be encouraged to create a PowerPoint presentation. Presenting the project to the class will give students the chance to further contemplate and understand the significance of their results.

Students will also be given the opportunity to participate in the school’s science fair and family night. Student display boards, which include the parts outlined, will be displayed at the school and individuals from various institutions, such as local universities will be judging the projects.

Science Exit Project- Research Paper Information:

Your research paper due date is extremely important; you will have a peer review of your paper, and be expected to make corrections. Students will conduct a literature review of the topic that is the focus of the science exit project. A literature review means to read text (articles, newspapers, magazines, text, videos). A research paper displays the information learned during the literature review. The purpose of a scientific literature review is to obtain a better understanding of the information that pertains to the topic of the project. This information should be organized and presented in a manner which can be easily shared and understood by other readers who may have an interest in the topic being studied. This will help you make an educated guess aka your HYPOTHESIS!

The research paper should be similar in format to a laboratory report in that there are 3 main parts:

I.  Introduction- clearly introduces a topic, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts and information into broader categories.

II.  Body Paragraphs- Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, details, and quotations. Use appropriate transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas. Use precise language and vocabulary to inform or explain about the topic. Establish a formal style and objective tone.

III.  Conclusion- Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information presented.

In your research paper you must:

Include at least 4 RELIABLE sources, educational, look for things with authors and dates. Good resources usually cite their resources. WIKIPEDIA DOES NOT COUNT, you may find resources from their list at the bottom of page and INVESTIGATE! Good resources include books, and news articles as well.

There should be an introduction, a number of bodies (describing the information you learned from the different sources*citing them) and conclusion, the research paper should also have a title page and a “works cited” page at the end of the paper. The research paper should be about two pages long using size 12 Times New Roman theme font. An appropriate descriptive title should be included on the cover page. As the paper is a review of the literature (sources), plenty of quoted information using proper citation techniques should be used in the research paper.

Finally, students should bear in mind throughout the process of conducting a literature review and writing the research paper that the goal of scientific research is based upon the desire to further understand the natural phenomena of the universe and apply this information in order to improve upon the human condition. In other words, the highest level of science is using knowledge to make the world a better place. Therefore, while researching the literature and writing the paper students should constantly be looking for connections between the topics being studied and how it could impact humans.

THE REPORT (look here to note differences between report and display):

A significant amount of the information constituting the report will be used to create the 15 parts of the display, although many of the key elements of the report will need to be rewritten and or reformatted in order to fit into the organized structure of the tri-fold display board. Basically the information stays the same, but the manner in which the information is delivered changes slightly.

1.  Cover page/Title: The report’s cover page should include the title, students name, class, school, date. The title should be descriptive in nature. The display board’s title should be centered and easily seen from a distance; it can be a shortened version of the reports title.

2.  Purpose (Problem/Question): The reports first major component is the introduction which describes the basic background information about the topic of study to the reader. It lays down the foundation of knowledge on which the report will build upon. The display will NOT contain an introduction. The components of the first panel serve as an introduction.

3.  Hypothesis: What do you think is going to happen? I think…….. because……..

4.  Research: The important details of the literature review aka your research paper (which was conducted early on during the process of the exit project) are provided at the research section of the report and display board. This is a summary of the important things you learned about your topic from your research paper, this should have given you background knowledge on your topic.

5.  The step-by-step procedure is included in both. The rationale for including the procedure and materials is so that other investigators can carry out the experiment in order to verify the results. Science depends upon the results holding up to the scrutiny of repeated experiments.

6.  Materials: a precise list of what is needed to successfully repeat the experiment.

7.  Data: This is the section which includes the graphs, tables, charts, and other displays of the results. The data section does not include a discussion of what the results mean, as the discussion section later is on the proper place for a detailed analysis of the data.

8.  Results: This section is an objective description of what is taking place with the data. The reader/observer should be able to read this section and understanding precisely what is occurring with the graphical display of the data (i.e. graphs, charts, table, etc). This section does not provide a discussion of the reason for things happening; rather it simply provides assistance in understanding the data.

9.  Discussion of results: This is where the scientist can explain what everything means. One can provide insight gained form the entire scientific experience of conducting the investigation. Moreover, alternative explanations can be introduced in this section. The discussion is a meaningful way of guiding the reader to understand the inner workings of the experiment and why things turned out the way they did.

10.  Conclusion: The conclusion is the scientists attempt at presenting the answer to the original question or problem that prompted the experimental investigation. The final answer or theory is the opposite of the hypothesis, which is temporary answer to the question/problem. The experiments journey has now come full circle.

11.  Implications: How do the results of the experimental investigation impact the world of science? Are follow up investigations needed?

12.  Acknowledgements: This is the area where the scientists can offer thanks and recognition to those who provided assistance along the way.

13.  Works Cited: This is the bibliography section where the information and hard work of other individuals can be properly cited. Giving credit where credit is due is a time honored and important part of science.

Science Exit Project: REPORT AND DISPLAY

The two major components are the report and display. Both the report and the display should reflect a strong basis of research that the student conducts during the Literature Review (research paper). Neither the research paper nor the report will be displayed during the Science fair; however, both the research paper and the report should prove extremely useful in assisting the student to prepare and construct the tri-fold display board. The display board should generally be organized as follows:

1.  Title / 2.  Purpose: Problem/question
3.  Hypothesis / 4.  Hypothesis/Predictions / 5.  Research Summary
6.  Procedure / 7.  Materials / 8.  Data
9.  Results described / 10.  Discussion of Results
11.  Implications / 12.  Acknowledgements / 13.  Works Cited

The structural formats of the report and display are almost identical. There are a few minor modifications between specific properties of the report and the display; but for the most part the report is an opportunity for the student to communicate in a written format the findings of an experimental investigation to an audience of his or her peers, and the display is merely an extrapolation of this information in a manner that can be more easily viewed by a large group. The report and the display should work together to provide a complete illustration for the students science exit project.

Science Exit Project: CHECKPOINTS (due dates 2014-2015)

ASSIGNMENT / DUE DATE / Completed? ✓
1 / Proposal (With a written description what are you doing?) / December 1st
2 / Parent Permission and Student Contract
3 / Research paper (2 pages) (Peer Review in Class!!!!!) / DECEMBER 15th
4 / Experiment (Lab) Report: Cover Page and Purpose
5 / Experiment (Lab) Report: Question and Hypothesis
6 / Experiment (Lab) Report: summary of your research (main points/what’d you learn)
7 / Experiment (Lab) Report: Procedure and Materials
8 / Experiment (Lab) Report: Results and Data
9 / Experiment (Lab) Report: Implications (how affects real world)
10 / Experiment (Lab) Report: Acknowledgements and Works Cited
12 / Display: Title & Purpose
13 / Display: Hypothesis
12 / Display: Research Summary
14 / Display: Procedure and Materials
15 / Report: Results and Data
16 / Display: Implications
17 / Display: Acknowledgements and Works Cited
19 / School Science Fair and Family Night / TBA
20 / CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS (to be scheduled) / TBA

Plagiarism is when you take someone else’s work and present it as your own. THIS IS WRONG and ILLEGAL. You MUST cite (Say) where you got your information from either in text or on the works cited page (bibliography). If you are CAUGHT plagiarizing YOU WILL be held accountable for your actions.