
My goal is to find a position in which my creative abilities and computer expertise can be challenged on a daily basis while contributing to a team effort. I am primarily interested in leveraging my skills and experience to create a stable, secure and useful platform for internal or external users. I am interested in positions between south Denver and Colorado Springs.


·  Back-End Web Application Engineering: Perl since 1996; PHP since 1998; XML; JSON.
·  Front-End Web Application Engineering: HTML since 1995; CSS and JavaScript since 1999; Ajax, ExtJS and JQuery since 2007.
·  Perl: Able to develop automation scripts, monitoring software, object-oriented programs, and data conversion software in Perl.
·  PHP: Very experienced in developing PHP-driven web applications and command-line system applications using PHP. I have also obtained a high level of proficiency in the use of object-oriented programming using PHP.
·  MVC Frameworks: Zend/CodeIgniter since 2013. Symfony since 2014.
·  eCommerce Platforms: Familiar with Magento since 2015.
·  Security: Well versed in common Unix/Linux and network security practices and skilled in implementing these practices with vigilance. Also highly skilled in developing secure web applications.
·  Security Tools: Nexpose vulnerability scanner; Kali Linux penetration test suite.
·  Shell Scripting: Experienced in developing scripts for Unix/Linux using sh, bash, ksh, awk, sed, grep and a variety of other text processing utilities.
·  Back-End Servers: Skilled in working with Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Postfix, MailMan, IMAP, POP3, BIND, djbdns, and many other pieces of software that provide services to users.
·  Software Development Tools: Proficient in using CVS, Arch, Mercurial, Subversion, git, WebSVN, Code Collaborator, BitBucket, and GitHub for tracking software changes.
·  Agile Methodologies: Fully trained and experienced in developing in an Agile (SCRUM) environment.


Senior Software Engineer (Contractor at USA Cycling) April 2017 to Present

During my brief contract with USA Cycling, I fixed many bugs on their legacy web site. Unfortunately, the platform is being replaced by a system being built by a contracting firm, and I am doubtful my contract will result in a permanent hire opportunity. The legacy web site was built using the LAMP stack using Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers and systems.

Principal Information Security Engineer (TeleTech) May 2015 to March 2017

While working at TeleTech, I developed policies, procedures, and guidelines to improve the maturity of the security program. I also worked with all other information technology teams and managers to ensure business operated in the most secure manner possible. While at TeleTech, I rolled out laptop encryption. I also implemented LastPass as a password manager, and worked through the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to identify areas for improvement with regards to security maturity. My daily duties were using Nexpose to scan servers for potential issues and work with the owners during remediation. I also leveraged the Kali Linux suite of tools to perform white-box and black-box penetration tests. I worked on capturing and investigating forensic images of laptops using EnCase.

Senior Software Engineer (Arrow Electronics) July 2014 to May 2015

My responsibilities at Arrow Electronics included maintaining web pages and command-line scripts written in PHP. jQuery was used for the front-end JavaScript library, and Symfony was the framework put to use. My tasks included maintenance of code, repairing bugs and security issues found in the codebase, and adding new features. One of my larger projects was securing several different web sites. During these efforts, I closed hundreds of XSS issues, thousands of SQL injection issues, and added to the security of the login/logout/password processes involved on the web sites.

Senior Software Engineer (MCN Healthcare) November 2013 to July 2014

At MCN Healthcare, I worked in a strong team environment to build policy and document management systems for healthcare providers. The technology used was Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, JQuery, Bootstrap, and CodeIgniter. We built our document repository systems using the MVC framework, and applied PHPUnit and Selenium for testing purposes. My main accomplishment at MCN Healthcare was refactoring core code and many controllers/models to reduce the memory footprint of large data-driven processes an average of 60%. In some cases, I reduced memory usage by as much as 96%. This allowed us to focus on extending our software offerings without “throwing hardware at the problem” and saved the company tens of thousands of dollars in hardware investments.

Software Engineer (Shipwire) June 2013 to November 2013

My responsibilities at Shipwire involved developing internal tools and external web sites using the full LAMP stack. I was primarily responsible for software development in PHP, ExtJS, and MySQL. All development was done using the MVC framework and Zend platforms. During my time with Shipwire, I integrated Google authentication for internal tools, fixed a variety of “unfixable” annoyances with the internal tools, and migrated a handful of tools from an older platform that used embedded SQL/PHP with ExtJS 2 into the newer, MVC-based platform using ExtJS 3.

Software Engineer (Return Path) February 2012 to June 2013

At Return Path, I was part of a mid-sized team that developed internal web-based applications for fellow employees, external web sites for customers, and back-end scripts to manage very large data sets. I primarily worked with PHP, Perl, JavaScript, JQuery, Oracle, Hadoop/HBase/Thrift, SOAP services, and Pig to manage and present the massive amounts of data we had in a clear and logical manner. Performance of our web sites was key, and during my time with Return Path, I managed to reduce the load times of several very slow sites through rigorous research and applied software engineering principles. Because we dealt with millions of email addresses on a daily basis, security and data privacy was paramount during all stages.

Lead Software Engineer (MX Logic / McAfee) March 2006 to February 2012

While with MX Logic (now McAfee through an acquisition), I led a team of three developers and a system administrator in creating, maintaining and enhancing a large set of internal tools. When I came on board with the Messaging Security team, the code base for the tools held a large amount of duplicate code and no object-oriented programming practices. A vast majority of the code base is now object-oriented with very little code duplication. These changes increased features we added to the tool sets, decreased the amount of development time it took to create the new features and reduced the number of bugs that occurred in the release of the final code. As team lead, my position required me to train new hires in an environment with a steep learning curve in all technical areas of the job. This included programming, system administration, database administration, automated code deployment, peer reviews, monitoring and emergency response techniques. The main technologies I worked with at McAfee were PHP, Perl, shell scripting, PostgreSQL, Linux, ExtJS, and Ajax. During my time at McAfee I saw the code base grow from approximately 30,000 lines of code to well over 1,000,000 lines of code. The enhancements added to the internal tools saved over 8,000 man-hours of time each year.


Regis University (BS in Computer Information Systems) January 2005 to April 2008

·  Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a specialty in E-Security
·  Earned academic certificate in Information Systems Security in 2008.
·  Member of the Dean's List for the Summer 2007 semester.
·  Earned academic certificate in E-Security in 2007.

Regis University (MS in Information Assurance) August 2008 to August 2011

Certified Ethical Hacker (Expired, November 2013) February 2009

CISSP February 2017

Web Sites

J.T. Evans Author Web Site: https://jtevans.net/
Pikes Peak Writers Web Site: https://www.pikespeakwriters.com/


·  MX Logic Threat Management Department Employee of the Month – June, 2007
·  MX Logic Company Employee of the Month (Bravo Award) – April, 2008
·  McAfee Labs Hero of the Quarter – Third Quarter, 2010
·  McAfee Denver Office Employee of the Month (Bravo Award) – November, 2011
·  Pikes Peak Writers Volunteer of the Year Award – 2014