Approved minutes



Minutes of the meeting of the Excellence and Experience Committee

held on 24 February 2016 in the Boardroom, Cornwall College St Austell at 4.00 pm

Present / Alan Tuckett / AT / Chair
Amarjit Basi / AB
Julia Green / JG
Leon Holland / LH
From minute 4.1.1 / David Parker / DP
Peter Walker / PW
Apologies **** / Nicky Taylor / NT
** / Philip Rees / PR
* / Ian Tunbridge / IT
In Attendance / Alison Phillips / AMP / Corporation Secretary
Jayne Ninnes / JN / HR Manager
Chris Sampson / CS / Director of Quality Improvement
Andrew Smart / AS / Director of HE
*number of consecutive meetings at which apologies for absence have been given.
The Chair welcomed colleagues to the meeting. He congratulated the team on the very positive Ofsted report and asked them to pass on congratulations to the staff. Responding the Principal thanked the committee for their contribution to the Ofsted report and confirmed that the staff had been awarded an additional day’s leave, as chosen by the staff, in recognition of their achievement.
The Chair also thanked Julia Green for her contribution to the work of the committee recognising that she was attending her last committee meeting before standing down at the end of May 2016. He also acknowledged the work of Sue Jones who would be leaving the college shortly for her work on developing the learner experience. She was unable to attend this meeting as she was involved with the Ofsted Residential Inspection at Duchy College and Bicton College. The Principal confirmed that transitional arrangements to cover Sue Jones’ role were being put in place.
Apologies were received.
The minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2015, as circulated, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
All matters arising from the previous minutes had been addressed apart from:
3.1 / Learning and Teaching Strategy (Minute 5.1)
Board members had not yet been briefed on this strategy although committee papers were shared with all governors. The Strategy would be shared with the Board at an opportune time.
3.2 / Risk Management Plans
Following implementation of the revised risk management process the strategic risks had not yet been reviewed by management. The committee would be kept appropriately informed.
4.1 / Learner
4.1.1 / CCSU
The report, including the proposed framework and rationale, was received and, in the absence of the Head of Learner Journey, reviewed by the Principal. He outlined the background to the proposed changes which had been developed in consultation with the CCSU President and agreed by the Corporate Student Executive Committee. The committee discussed the proposals noting the removal of the sabbatical president role but continuing commitment to the students’ union. The Chair sought the student member’s views and he confirmed his support acknowledging that the students’ union needed to represent students and be student led. The proposed changes put the onus on the students who would be supported by Student Liaison Officers on each campus, local management and the Student Liaison Manager. The committee concluded that the proposed changes represented an opportunity for the students union to take greater responsibility for representing students and working with and challenging management, and endorsed the proposals.
During this discussion David Parker joined the meeting.
4.1.2 / Learner Induction Survey
The report was received and reviewed by the Principal. He confirmed that the induction and support programme had been revised in response to feedback the previous year and had improved but acknowledged that there was still more to do. Following discussion the committee commended the distance travelled and management’s response to student feedback noting that there was more to do.
During this discussion Andrew Smart joined the meeting.
4.1.3 / Learner Progression and Destinations
The report was received together with coloured copies tabled at the meeting and was reviewed by the Principal. It was hoped that the implementation of Pro Solution would make data more accessible going forward and produce comprehensive data to demonstrate leaner achievement and progression.
The committee discussed the data presented comprehensively. They considered the low aspirations of many Cornish students, opportunities both locally, nationally and internationally, implications of the removal of the HE student numbers cap. Progression by gender at level 3 which indicated that boys generally progressed less well than girls was also discussed; this would be further reviewed by the Equality and Diversity Committee.
The committee noted that the implementation of Pro Solutions would improve the collection and interrogation of data going forward.
4.1.4 / Safeguarding Update
The report was received which coincided with the Ofsted inspection. The committee noted that there were no major events during the period and were pleased to learn that the recently appointed Student Services Manager at Bicton College was making a difference.
4.2 /
Consideration of this report was deferred to later in the meeting in anticipated that the Head of HR would be able to join the meeting.
5.1 / HE Offsite Provision Approval Process
The report was received and Andrew Smart, Director of HE, outlined the background to the proposal which had been considered and approved by the HE Academic Board. The committee discussed the process for quality assuring and controlling off site provision. Responding to questions AS confirmed that new courses would be subject to peer review and courses would usually be given more attention early on. The HE operations team was well placed to quality review the provision on TCCG sites but overseas and off campus sites would be subject to extra scrutiny.
The committee commended the new process.
5.2 /
Ofsted Post Inspection Action Plan
The report was received and reviewed by Chris Sampson, Director for Quality Improvement. The Ofsted report had identified three areas for improvement and the action plan had been structured into those three areas plus additional aspects identified during the inspection week, and cross reference to the Quality Improvement Plan and Equality and Diversity Single Equality Scheme and Implementation Plan. The committee commended the impressive range of actions identified and discussed its role in developing E&D and the challenges of embedding E&D. The Principal assured the committee that there was forensic focus on E&D at the E&D committee.
The committee approved the Post Inspection Action Plan which would be shared with the Board for information.
5.3 /
Impact Reviews Summary of Outcomes
The report on outcomes from the second round of reviews detailing achievement and predicted outcomes, was received and reviewed by CS. He explained that significant themes had been identified and discussed at the Executive Leadership Team meetings and the Excellence and Experience Management Team meetings. Responding to questions CS confirmed that site variations were a focus of attention and recognised that English and maths continued to be a challenge. Business and Professional also continued to be an area for development and focus.
The committee discussed the report openly and fully. Members acknowledged the specific challenges of teaching English and maths to learners who had previously not succeeded and discussed various strategies and developments.
5.4 /
The report was received, together with coloured copies tabled at the meeting, and reviewed by CS. He highlighted the key challenges which included HE attendance and achievement, and some apprenticeships. The committee discussed the report openly noting some reservations around data sets, and was reassured that the areas of concern were being investigated.
5.5 / Performance Tables
The report was received and reviewed by CS. He outlined the key messages; A level performance had slipped slightly and value added was an area for attention. Vocational performance had also fallen and was an area of significant activity. CS explained that the induction process issues in the previous year had impacted negatively along with the difficulty for learners to achieve standards and the peculiarities of the data. The committee acknowledged the specific challenges for the cohort of students but felt that Value Added should be positive and was disappointed with the comparison with other colleges in the region. Following further discussion the committee acknowledged the limitations of the report which only considered level 3 finishing learners but also recognised that this report would be seen by the local authority and the 16-18 community.
5.6 /
Pro Solutions Update
The Principal updated the committee on the implementation of Pro Solutions software and outlined the project plan. He explained that TCCG currently used several software packages for management data which would ultimately be integrated. Implementation was being phased with the first phase scheduled for April 2016 and full implementation over the next twelve to fifteen months. Staff had been fully involved in the process and mapping of tasks had been entirely user led.
6. / HR Update (deferred agenda item 4.2.1)
The report was received and reviewed by Jayne Ninnes, Head of HR. She outlined the proposed pay policy which focused on fair pay and confirmed that work to remove the bottom three pay bands was progressing. The committee endorsed this ambition and the importance of having the ‘right people, in the right jobs for the right pay. Given the competition and trend for professionals to return to their profession this was particularly difficult. The committee discussed this issue briefly and noted the suggestion that the Group should look to recruit its own students.
The committee noted the report.
7.1 /
HE Academic Board Action Minutes
The minutes were received and noted.
7.2 /
E&D Committee Minutes
The minutes were received and noted.
7.3 /
Matrix Accreditation and British Dyslexia Association Reverification
The Principal reported that the college would be assessed for reaccreditation of the Matrix standard, the quality framework for information, advice and guidance, and for reverification with the British Dyslexia Association shortly. Governors would be kept informed.
/ AB
8. /
Wednesday 29 June 2016 at 9.00am