Unlikely Leaders - Chapters 1-20

Author: Ellen G. White

©2010 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 4.9 / Points 10

214 Pages / Word Count: 92,464 for whole book

Quiz 1 of 3

Best taken as an open book quiz

1. / The Israelites shut themselves away from the world to _____
a. / Avoid persecution
b. / Avoid temptation
c. / Showcase the plan of salvation to the world
d. / Preserve their national identity
2. / The disciples’ work was second in importance to that of _____
a. / Moses in leading Israel out of Egypt
b. / Elijah in calling Israel to repentance
c. / Daniel in revealing the future of the world
d. / None of these
3. / The primary work of the disciples was to _____
a. / Develop the fruit of the Spirit
b. / Keep God’s law
c. / Give the good news of salvation
d. / Prepare themselves for the second coming
4. / When thousands joined them at Pentecost, the disciples realized _____
a. / Their efforts would reap big results
b. / They were building on the work of others
c. / It would not always be this easy
d. / All of these
5. / The latter rain is for those who _____
a. / Are already working for God
b. / Have been in the church but are not yet active
c. / Both of these
d. / Neither of these
6. / The Sanhedrin had taught that _____
a. / Jesus’ body had been stolen
b. / There was no life after death
c. / Both of these
d. / Neither of these
7. / Peter said that Ananias and Sapphira had the Holy Spirit.
a. / Blasphemed
b. / Lied to
c. / Stolen from
d. / Grieved
8. / Peter and John were accused of _____
a. / All of these
b. / Killing Ananias and Sapphira
c. / Fighting the government
d. / Trying to deprive the priests of their authority
9. / Deacons were to be _____
a. / Able to speak in tongues
b. / Have the gift of healings
c. / Administrators
d. / apostles
10. / Stephen stopped trying to persuade the Jews concerning Jesus when _____
a. / The scribes tore the Isaiah scroll
b. / The high priest tore his robe
c. / The crowd began to stone him
d. / Heaven opened and he could see Jesus
11. / Philip had gone to Samaria because _____
a. / He heard of the believers Jesus left behind
b. / He had business interests there
c. / He went as a deacon to help the believers there
d. / Saul was persecuting people in Jerusalem
12. / Saul was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah because _____
a. / God appeared to him in a bright light
b. / Prophecies opened to his understanding
c. / Disciples were willing to die for Jesus
d. / All of these
13. / The first to accept Paul in Jerusalem was _____
a. / Ananias
b. / Barnabas
c. / Cornelius
d. / Peter
14. / Peter’s vision of the unclean animals was to teach him that _____
a. / It was now ok to eat any meat
b. / He was now to work for people he had considered unclean
c. / He should take care of all the animals God had created
d. / He should become a vegetarian
15. / Herod Agrippa was struck with pain and horror while he _____
a. / Accepted worship of the people
b. / Raged over the disappearance of Peter
c. / Discussed with the priests how to destroy Paul
d. / Saw a vision of Jesus second coming
16. / When Paul and Barnabas were ordained by they were authorized to baptize and start churches.
a. / The church members of Antioch
b. / The apostles from Jerusalem
c. / Philip the deacon
d. / God Himself
17. / In Pisidia the Jews opposed Paul because_____
a. / They were afraid the people would no longer come to the synagogue.
b. / They were jealous of his popularity
c. / They didn’t like him accusing the leaders in Jerusalem of killing the Messiah
d. / They lost their herd of pigs
18. / In Iconium, the Jews’ efforts to hinder the work of Paul and Barnabas resulted in _____
a. / Adding greater numbers to the faith
b. / Everyone being too afraid to come to the meetings
c. / The authorities accepting the faith
d. / Paul and Barnabas refusing to leave until the Jews admitted they were wrong
19. / Most Jewish Christians felt that Gentiles needed to follow Jewish rules to_____
a. / Be more healthy
b. / Convert more Jews
c. / Separate from their pagan friends and family
d. / Show their sincerity
20. / Paul and Barnabas split up because Barnabas _____
a. / Didn’t want to be circumcised
b. / Thought they should have two evangelistic teams
c. / Got sick
d. / Wanted to give John Mark another chance

Unlikely Leaders - Chapters 21-40

Author: Ellen G. White

©2010 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 4.9 / Points 10

214 Pages / Word Count: 92,464 for whole book

Quiz 2 of 3

Best taken as an open book quiz

21. / The reason Paul told the woman to stop saying they were servants of the Most High God was_____
a. / Her words were drowning out their talks
b. / People would think they were linked to the spirits.
c. / She was not telling the truth
d. / Women were not supposed to speak in public
22. / In Thessalonica Paul listed many _____
a. / Financial benefits to being a Christian
b. / Prophecies of the OT
c. / Reasons to leave home before declaring for Christ
d. / None of these
23. / In Athens people were attracted to heathenism by the _____
a. / Beautiful architecture
b. / Appeal to nationalism
c. / Splendid art
d. / All of these
24. / In Corinth the baptism of Crispus especially upset the Jews because _____
a. / He had been in charge of the Synagogue
b. / He was the governor
c. / He was a wealthy merchant
d. / None of these
25. / In Thessalonia some of the believers _____
a. / Thought that only those living would go to heaven when Jesus returned
b. / Were gossiping and not working
c. / Were meeting in small groups to pray
d. / All of these
26. / The people in Corinth were having problems because _____
a. / Apollos was jealous of Paul
b. / Paul didn’t like what Apollos was teaching
c. / The people didn’t want to be taught by Priscilla because she was a woman
d. / None of these
27. / People paid attention to Paul in Ephesus because he _____
a. / Spoke in many languages
b. / Spoke with powerful words
c. / Performed many healings
d. / None of these
28. / In Ephesus they rioted because ____
a. / Many refused to attend the festival in honor of the goddess Diana
b. / The merchants were losing business
c. / The temple of the goddess Diana was not being honored
d. / All of these
29. / Law suits were to be handled by _____
a. / No one
b. / Church members
c. / The regular courts
d. / The inquisition
30. / Paul carefully considered his and how they affected his witness.
a. / Desires
b. / impulses
c. / Passions
d. / All of these
31. / The strongest proof a person can have that God has called him to ministry is _____
a. / New and godly lives of sinners
b. / Being able to heal the sick
c. / Large numbers continuing to hear his/her message.
d. / All of these
32. / need not give money to support the church.
a. / The very poor
b. / Children
c. / Widows
d. / None of these
33. / Paul needed to earn money tent making because _____
a. / He had always been poor
b. / He had used his wealth up promoting the gospel
c. / He was only a deacon and didn’t have a right to tithe money
d. / His converts never helped him
34. / There is nothing more precious to God than _____
a. / Someone who works where it looks like there will be little results.
b. / Someone who risks their life for Him
c. / Someone who gives all their money to His cause
d. / None of these
35. / In the last days, many will proclaim the message with power.
a. / Jews
b. / Arabs
c. / Children
d. / Spiritualists
36. / Many today who say they are Christians say that we can break God’s moral law _____
a. / If we buy indulgences
b. / If our pastor gives us special dispensation
c. / With no consequences
d. / As long as we are kind to others
37. / At Paul’s all night sermon _____
a. / Eutychus fell from a window
b. / The members celebrated communion
c. / Paul raised a man to life
d. / All of these
38. / Those who gave Paul bad advice about going to the temple had _____
a. / Assured Paul that the former council’s decision about Gentile converts and the ceremonial law was still good
b. / Not received a share of the money he raised
c. / Plotted with the priests for his capture
d. / None of these
39. / Felix did not release Paul because he _____
a. / Was not sure he was innocent
b. / Was a Roman citizen
c. / Was trying to protect him from the Jewish plots
d. / Was afraid to offend the Jews
40. / Paul appealed to Caesar because_____
a. / He was a Roman citizen
b. / The Jews were secretly plotting to kill him
c. / Both of the above
d. / None of the above

Unlikely Leaders - Chapters 41-58

Author: Ellen G. White

©2010 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 4.9 / Points 10

214 Pages / Word Count: 92,464 for whole book

Quiz 3 of 3

Best taken as an open book quiz.

41. / Herod Agrippa would have set Paul free but _____
a. / He was afraid of the Jews
b. / Paul had appealed to Caesar for help
c. / He was not ready to admit Paul was right
d. / None of these
42. / Paul was concerned because _____
a. / He would die before getting to Rome.
b. / The people refused to eat
c. / The boat would sink
d. / All of these
43. / Onesimus was the of Philemon.
a. / Brother
b. / Friend
c. / Slave
d. / teacher
44. / Even better witness than a long life of faithful work for Christ is _____
a. / Calmness of unshaken faith in the face of death
b. / Feeding the poor
c. / Teaching kindness to the young
d. / Healing the sick
45. / The biggest problem facing the early church was _____
a. / Losing their love of truth
b. / False teachers who would draw them away from Christ
c. / Losing their friends and family
d. / Eating meat with blood in it
46. / Which of the following statements are true about Nero, the ruler of the civilized world?
a. / He had low morals and was capable of terrible cruelty.
b. / He murdered his stepbrother, his mother, and his wife.
c. / Even those who did his bidding were in constant fear of him.
d. / All of these
47. / In Paul’s loneliness and desertion in the Roman dungeon who refreshed him and brought him gladness and cheer?
a. / Luke.
b. / Barnabas.
c. / Onesiphorus.
d. / Timothy.
48. / When did the door of repentance close forever against Nero, the emperor of Rome? (182)
a. / When Paul was called before Nero for trial the second time.
b. / When he committed suicide.
c. / When the dungeon door of Paul’s cell was closed.
d. / None of the above
49. / Who was Paul’s last letter written to?
a. / Timothy, who was like a son to him.
b. / The church at Galatians.
c. / The believers in Ephesus.
d. / Luke, his good friend and fellow missionary, who stood by him through hardships and trials.
50. / Paul was beheaded because _____
a. / Nero was afraid if Paul was tortured to death, more converts would be won to Christianity.
b. / Because the believers in Rome petitioned the emperor and he honored their request.
c. / Paul’s executioners were afraid to incite a riot among the Christians.
d. / It was against the law to torture a Roman citizen
51. / How many times did Jesus ask Peter, “Do you love me?”
a. / Twice.
b. / Three times.
c. / Once.
d. / None of the above.
52. / Why was Peter so sure of the Gospel truth?
a. / Because He had seen Jesus’ glory with his own eyes.
b. / Because Bible prophecy testified to His divinity.
c. / Both a and b.
d. / Neither a nor b.
53. / Which disciple got to Jesus’ empty tomb first? (197)
a. / Peter.
b. / Thomas.
c. / John.
d. / James
54. / The greatest danger to the church is _____
a. / Satan and his evil angels.
b. / The evil cherished in the hearts of believers.
c. / The lack of love in the world around us
d. / Opposition of the world
55. / Sanctification is the work of _____
a. / A lifetime.
b. / A moment.
c. / An hour.
d. / A day.
56. / John was thrown into a _____
a. / Fiery furnace.
b. / Pit of rattlesnakes.
c. / Dungeon.
d. / Pot of boiling oil.
57. / When John saw Jesus in vision, His eyes were like _____
a. / Emeralds.
b. / A crystal sea.
c. / A flame of fire.
d. / Blue sapphires.
58. / In building upon the Rock of Ages, the apostles struggled against _____
a. / Bigotry and prejudice.
b. / Kings, priests, and rulers.
c. / Superstition and violence.
d. / All of the above.