Autumn term, Miss Jill Lucas


Year group: 1
Term: Autumn 1st 2007
Week: 3/4 Narrative Unit 1
Stories & Poems with Familiar Settings
Outcome: 3 simple sentences to tell a story.
Text: Dogger / New Framework Overview:
This is the first of a block of four narrative units in Year 1. It builds on children’s experience and knowledge from the Early Years Foundation Stage and introduces new areas of learning that will be developed during the year. The unit can be linked to many other curriculum areas such as history or personal, social and health education. It can be taught in two sequences each lasting two weeks, as illustrated below, or as a single 4-week unit. The teaching sequence is repeated but the texts read and the writing outcomes are different.
New Framework Objectives
Most children learn to:
(The following list comprises only the strands, numbered 1 through 12, that are relevant to this particular unit.)
1. Speaking
  • Tell stories and describe incidents from their own experience in an audible voice
  • Retell stories, ordering events using story language
2. Listening and responding
  • Listen with sustained concentration, building new stores of words in different contexts
4. Drama
  • Explore familiar themes and characters through improvisation and role-play
5. Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling)
  • Recognise and use alternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes already taught
  • Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught
  • Identify the constituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllable words to support the application of phonic knowledge and skills
  • Recognise automatically an increasing number of familiar high frequency words
  • Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable
  • Read more challenging texts which can be decoded using their acquired phonic knowledge and skills, along with automatic recognition of high frequency words
  • Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words
6. Word structure and spelling
  • Spell new words using phonics as the prime approach
  • Segment sounds into their constituent phonemes in order to spell them correctly
  • Recognise and use alternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught
  • Use knowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals, -ly, -er
  • Read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words
7. Understanding and interpreting texts
  • Identify the main events and characters in stories, and find specific information in simple texts
  • Use syntax and context when reading for meaning
8. Engaging with and responding to texts
  • Select books for personal reading and give reasons for choices
  • Visualise and comment on events, characters and ideas, making imaginative links to own experiences
9. Creating and shaping texts
  • Independently choose what to write about, plan and follow it through
  • Use key features of narrative in their own writing
  • Create short simple texts on paper and on screen that combine words with images (and sounds)
10. Text structure and organisation
  • Write chronological and non-chronological texts using simple structures
11. Sentence structure and punctuation
  • Compose and write simple sentences independently to communicate meaning

Whole class learning / Whole class word/sentence / Guided learning / Independent learning / differentiation / Plenary & AFL
Mon / Picture walkthrough. Read story. Link discussion to homework writin g about favourite toys. / Police Officers
Write a sentence about a given page in the story. Provide photocopied pictures to prompt. After sequence them to order story. / Pair up Paramedics and Fire Fighters.
Use CVC phonics sliders to generate ‘real’ words. Record words then write a sentence. Which pair can make the most? Work with
Miss H – guided reading with group five the phonics if time allows. / Use sentences witten by guided group.
Target different children to help to order these. Discuss in terms of beginning, middle and end. Make sure children are beginning to use correct terminology today.
1/4 / Look at various pages in the book. Talk about how Dave feels, use smiley faces to show the emotion on each page. Add thought bubbles to some of the pages encourage the children to empathise with Dave by thinking about the time when they lost a special toy.
Demonstrate letter formation – one armed robots. / Paramedics
Create freeze frames to show different scenes from the story. Refer to the thought bubbles and smileys to encourage children. / Lollipop Patrol

Police Officers
Letter formation
Miss H – guided reading and soundswrite with group four. / Air writing linked to group work.
Look at the freeze frames – ask ch to describe what is happening each time using story language and full sentences.
1/4 / Talk for writing – HOT SEATING
Take in own special toy. Ask the children to work with their talking partners to devise questions to ask about the special toy – general at first about the way he looks, where is he from, why I like him. Prepare some questions initially let the ch read and choose what to ask.
Follow on with questions about the time the special toy got lost. / Fire Fighters
Take turns to be ‘hot seated’ while the group ask questions about the lost / special toys. Prepare questions in advance for the group. / Dentists
Special books – fine motor skills
Answer questions about lost toy similar to whole class work. / Match the questions to answers related to the text eg. What is the toy like? He is a brown dog.
1/4 / Word level session
Look at for story based on the ‘ae’ phoneme. Ask the children to be phoneme spotters and record all the words they hear containing the phoneme. Sort into columns according to grapheme used. This phoneme will have been introduced in phonics sessions this week.
Introduce the new sight words. Read, look at sounds the ch know in the sight words. / Lollipop – Phoneme sort. Read one of the stories with this phoneme and colour in the words accordingly. / Paramedics – Phoneme sort
Police Officers – Caterpillar phoneme sort using ‘ae’ sound / Whole class game of caterpillar phoneme sort.
1/4 / Make a lost poster for Dogger. Encourage the children to include a detailed description of Dogger by using prompt questions about his appearance, colour, texture. Include last seen on etc. Encourage children to empathise with Dave as they give their ideas for the poster. / Dentist
Make a lost poster for their own favourite toy. Refer to the features of their toy they mentioned in their homework to help. Use stem sentences and encourage phonetic spelling of the remaining words. He is a ………… He was at …………………. He is ……………. / Lollipop – Make own “Lost” poster about Dogger.
Fire Fighters – Special books
Miss Hampson reading with group five and doing soundswrite activities. / Generate a word bank of Wow words from the lost posters.
2/4 / Writing the beginning of a story called “My Lost Toy”. Explain to the children that they will write about the day they lost their toy. Can be made up or real. Encourage the ch to begin by setting the scene eg. Once there was a little girl called ….
Show the first picture of a little girl with a sad face and crying. Discuss why she might be crying and what the children could write to go with the picture. Use questions about setting, character, emotions and toy’s appearance to prompt. / Lollipop & Paramedics
Keep these groups on the carpet and explain that they will be writing their own sentences to match the picture that they can see to form the beginning of a story. Use helping hands. / Miss Hampson – reading with group four and doing soundswrite activities.
Police Officers – ‘ae’ phoneme sort. / Three stars and a wish for the story beginnings.
2/4 / Writing the middle of the story. Dicuss as a problem – what is the problem in our story like in “dogger”. Refer to the page in Dogger where Dave realises his dog is lost. Could we use this to help?
Shared writing of the middle / problem of the story. / Dentists
Write simple story using the format “I lost my ……………….. I found it in the ………………” / Lollipop & Paramedics
Work independently to write the middle of their stories.
Use helping hands. / Sentences with deliberate mistakes.
2/4 / Cut up strips from a simple story about a lost toy. Sort sentences into beginning middle and end. Check some of the sentences using helping hands for usual features.
Shared writing of the end of the story. Show a picture for the class story to help the children eg. Little girl looking under a bed or in the car. / Fire Fighters
As Dentists on Friday. / Lollipop & Paramedics to finish their stories by writing the end.
Group Five guided reading with Miss Hampson then phonics. / Share and celebrate stories.
2/4 / Whole class phonics and LCWC with key words. Plan at time depending on progress. / Police Officers
Write simple story as a group with beginning, middle and end. Teacher to scribe, children to contribute own ideas. Type on Word to stick in books. / Group Four guided reading with Miss Hampson then phonics.
Dentists – special books / Big phoneme sort using IWB. Target chdilren depending on progress this week.