BUSOnline RegistrationGuide

Registration free phone number: 0800 953 0274 – please use this number if you experience any difficulties with the online system and a member of staff will be able to register the patient for you.


This document is intended to explain how to use the BUS online registration database. It does not go into the detail of either the protocol or the registration procedure itself but provides essential information that will help you to use the online system.


When using the BUSonline registration system all data that is sent over the Internet is encrypted. There should be no danger of anyone being able to intercept the information and use it. You will be provided with a username and and you need to set your password yourself (using 8 characters, of which one must be a capital letter and another must be a number). Please do not reveal your password to anyone. Your username consists of five digits – the first initials of your first name and surname, followed by three random numbers. Please contact BCTU if you have not been issued with a Username.Select the link below to setup your account: can set, reset or change your password from this site.

Logging off:

To log off the system simply press the “logout” button on the top right corner of the page

Using the System:

Accessing the system:

This is relatively simple. Direct your web browser to

Connecting to the Web site:

If you use Internet Explorer there is a possibility that you will be faced with the following message:

As the text describes this merely indicates that the web site is secure. However, the security certificate was issued by a company (the BCTU) that is not in your list of trusted web sites. If you choose to, you can ignore this message and simply click on Yes, otherwise contact
and a file can be provided that will add the BCTU to your list of trusted web site
Logging on to the web site:

The images below should be similar to the logon screen that you should see:

  • Username: Provided by the BCTU (five digits)
  • Password: Unique password as set by user
  • Connection Status: This should display “Secure”. If for any reason it doesn’t contact the BCTU.
  • Data Type(as shown in figure 2): Here you can select between “Live” and “Training”. The Live system is connected to the study data whilst the “Training” system is a copy that you can use to practice on until you are comfortable with the system.(we recommend that all users use the Training system first)

Figure 1

Figure 2

Using the system:

Once you have logged on using the system it should be relatively straightforward. If there is a problem during registration or a patient is ineligible, a message will appear in red at the bottom of the screen. A small red asterisk* will show next to the question that is invalid (as shown in figure 4)

Figure 3

  • The system will ask if this is a paper registration, please just select “NO” as this is only relevant when the database is not working, then select next to continue.
  • You will then be given a screen where you need to select your centre either use the scroll button on the left, or use the search facility to select your centre and press the “next” button.
  • All those people on the delegation log able to consent patients will be listed in the “choose clinician” menu which appears, just select your name and press the “next” button to continue.

All of the questions on the current registrationform will be asked. At least one patient contact telephone number must be entered. Two lines of the patient’s address must be entered together with the postcode. (Please remember that we need to follow these patients up at 6months, so as much contact information gathered at this point will help us later).

The system using a check digit system, so only valid NHS numbers must be entered.

Entering Patient Information:

Enter Patient Eligibility:

If the patient is happy to continue with the BUS study you then need to enter the patients eligibility. Answer all the questions making sure that consent has been obtained.

Figure 4

Leaving questions blank

If you leave any of the questions blank it will not let you onto the next screen and an error message will highlight at the bottom of the screen.

If you entered the information incorrectly and the patient is ineligible you can change your answer, and then continue with the registration.

Final screens

Throughout the registration process you can use the previous and next buttons on the web page to go back and change any information that may have been entered incorrectly (it is better to use the previous and next button that are part of the randomisation programme than the back button on the web browser).

The final screen before registration takes place is shown below, if you get to this page and realise something is wrong just click the previous button to get to the previous pages and change the information.

Figure 5

Treatment allocation

Once all the information is correct just click ‘register’ and the final page will give you the patient’s study number (please note you cannot go back once the patient has been registered).

An email will automatically be sent to the registering clinician/nurse stating the patient’s study number, please ensure you enter this on all documents and the registration form before faxing it to BCTU on 0121 415 9136.

If you have any problems please contact the BUSTeam on 0121 415 9108 or email

BUS Online Registration SOP 30/06/2012Page 1 of 8