Regulation PM-2.0: Definitions

2.1  Agent: Shall mean any person/company mandated to supply information and act on behalf of the owner or operator of the ship and holding a valid license from Port management.

2.2  Applicable International Requirements: Shall mean the conventions, protocols, guidelines, resolutions or codes of International Maritime Organization, International chamber of shipping or OCIMF or by other maritime industry organizations.

2.3  Authority: Shall mean Ports, Customs & Free Zone Corporation (PCFC).

2.4  Authorized person: Means a person authorized by the authority, the master of the ship or a responsible person to undertake a specific task or tasks and possessing the necessary technical knowledge and experience.

2.5  Berth: Includes any berth, dock, piers, jetty, quay, wharf, mooring, anchorage, or offshore terminal, or any other place regularly used for berthing or mooring vessel.

2.6  Block is a rectangular marked and identified storage area within a stacking area for stacking designated groups of containers. A block is divided into rows by aisles. Container-handling area is the entire area in which containerized cargo is handled or stacked.

2.7  Bunkering: Shall mean the transfer of liquid hydrocarbons, intended for the main propulsion and/or operation of the auxiliary machinery of a vessel or a liquid intended for lubricating the vessel’s engine or her other machinery including slops and bilge waters.

2.8  Bunkering Vessel: means a ship that delivers bunkers to a receiving ship.

2.9  Bunkering Vehicle: means a tank-truck or other vehicle that delivers bunkers to a receiving ship.

2.10  Civil Defense: Civil Defense of any of the Emirates of UAE.

2.11  Competent Department: shall mean Trakhees-Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) Division of the PCFC. (Also referred as Authority Having Jurisdiction -AHJ)

2.12  Competent person. A person possessing the knowledge and experience required for the performance of a specific duty or duties and acceptable as such to the competent authority.

2.13  Container means a container as defined by the IMO in the International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC). Containers are rigid, rectangular, reusable cargo units intended for the inter-modal road, rail or sea transport of packaged or bulk cargo by one or more means of transport without intermediate reloading. Containers may be general cargo containers, such as general purpose containers, open top, platform or platform-based containers, specific purpose containers such as tank containers, thermal containers or dry bulk containers, or named cargo-type containers. Most containers now in use are ISO series 1 freight containers. Requirements for their specification and testing are contained in the ISO 1496 Series 1 freight containers –Specification and testing family of standards. The term does not include a swap body, containers specifically designed for transport by air, any vehicle, cargo in a container, or the packaging of cargo; however, it does include containers when carried on trailer or chassis.

2.14  Control centre is the administrative office from which port operational activities are controlled, usually by direct radio or computer communications.

2.15  EHS means the Environmental, Health and Safety Division of Trakhees;

2.16  EHS Regulations: means Health, Safety ,Environmental and Fire Protection regulations issued by EHS division of Trakhees , as amended from time to time;

2.17  EHS Ports & Maritime Department is the responsible department of EHS Division for enforcing EHS Regulations and all other applicable regulations and requirements stipulated by the local, federal and international bodies.

2.18  Explosion-protected refers to electrical equipment that is constructed and installed in such a way that it is not liable to ignite a flammable or explosive atmosphere shall it occur. Such equipment shall be certificated as complying with an appropriate standard acceptable to the competent authority.

2.19  Factor of safety is the numerical value obtained by dividing the minimum breaking load or tension of an item of equipment by its certificated safe working load.

2.20  Gas-free certificate: Means a certificate, on a special form for the purpose, issued by an authorized, duly qualified person confirming that the tank, compartment or container was gas free at the time of testing.

2.21  GCC Requirements: The Cooperation Council for The Arab States of The Gulf Rules and Regulations for Seaports

2.22  Grid is part of a container terminal to which access by road vehicles is permitted in order to deliver containers to, and collect containers from, container-stacking areas. Also referred to as an interchange area.

2.23  Harbor Craft : Tugs, pilot boats, barges, lighters for discharging and loading, power driven vessels, and other craft and any other thing constructed or adapted for floating on or being submersed in water (whether permanently or temporarily) whose navigation or Working is normally confined to within the Port limits.

2.24  Hot or cold work permits: Document issued by an authorized person permitting hot or cold work to be carried out during a specific time period in a clearly determined area within the port limits.

2.25  HS&E : Health, Safety & Environment

2.26  International Maritime Organization (IMO) Requirements: IMO Conventions, Protocols, Resolutions, Codes, Circulars including but not limited to SOLAS 1974, MARPOL 73/78, STCW-95, IMDG code, ISPS, MEPC

2.27  Inspection refers to a visual examination by a responsible person carried out in order to determine whether, in so far as can be ascertained in such manner, the equipment is safe for continued use.

2.28  In-service describes a lifting appliance when handling loads up to its safe working loads in permissible wind speeds and other conditions specified by the manufacturer.

2.29  Lessee : Occupier/tenant/owner/Client that occupies and/or operates within premises within PCFC jurisdiction

2.30  Licensee: Occupier/tenant/owner/Client having a license to operate in any areas falling within PCFC jurisdiction.

2.31  Lifting appliance: All stationary or mobile cargo-handling appliances, including shore based power-operated ramps, used on shore or on board ship for suspending, raising or lowering loads or moving them from one position to another while suspended or supported.

2.32  Loose gear : Any gear by means of which a load can be attached to a lifting appliance but which does not form an integral part of the appliance or load

2.33  Limiting device is a device that automatically stops a lifting appliance motion or function when it reaches a prescribed limit (including limit or micro switches).

2.34  Legal requirements are the requirements of any relevant international, national, local or port instruments, laws, by-laws, regulations or rules.

2.35  Maritime Operations: Activities connected with the sea, pertaining to marine, navigation and naval affairs, or to shipping and commerce by sea. It is included in Port operations in these regulations.

2.36  Main Contractor: The employer who is responsible for the compliance of the EHS &DM Regulations for all parties on a project under their contract.

2.37  Master: Any person, (not the pilot) who is authorized to command the vessel and has personal responsibility for her.

2.38  Owner : When used in relation to a vessel, includes any part owner, broker, charterer, agent, or mortgagee in possession of vessel, or other person or persons entitled for the time being to the possession of the vessel, whether the holder of the legal title to the vessel in accordance with the registration certificate or otherwise and when used in relation in good, includes any consignor, receipt, custody, loading or unloading and clearance of those good sand includes any other person in charge of the goods and his agent in relation thereto.

2.39  Out-of service means that the lifting appliance is without load on the load lifting attachment and is either not required for use or is out of use under conditions specified by the manufacturer.

2.40  PCFC: Ports, Customs & Free Zone Corporation.

2.41  Pilot: Any person assigned or permitted by the port authority to practices vessel’s Pilotage within the port zone or the pilotage zones. Legally, the pilot assignment is only as advisor to the vessel’s master.

2.42  Port: All areas under the control of port management and includes land and sea areas in addition to infrastructure, channels and anchorages of Port Jebel Ali, Port Rashid and Port Hamriya.(includes Dubai Maritime City)

2.43  Port area means any port and its surrounding area that is used for purposes incidental to the loading and unloading of passengers or cargo onto or from ships. In many cases port areas may be defined by public or private legislation. Such areas may include factories or other undertakings unrelated to cargo-handling operations.

2.44  Port Authority : PCFC / Dubai Port Authority which includes support units as they are authorized to act on its behalf., to be in charge of and responsible for the enforcement, regulatory and administration of a port.

2.45  Port Operator: Operator who has concession agreement with the PCFC/Port Authority and in charge of port operations and responsible for complying with regulations and requirements of the PCFC/Port authority and which includes their support units as they are authorized to act on its behalf.

2.46  Port operations/work: covers all and any part of the work of loading or unloading of any ship as well as any work incidental thereto. Port operations includes maritime operation/activities within the port limits.

2.47  Port Premises: All quays, jetties, piers, landing places, dry docks, slipways, workshops, transit sheds, warehouses, open stacking areas, road and buildings under the administrative and operational control of the management of the port.

2.48  Port Users: Any person or party who uses the port for commercial or non-commercial purpose.

2.49  Port worker. Any person engaged in port work.

2.50  Personnel carrier means a device that is attached to a lifting appliance for the purpose of lifting people.

2.51  Project: means the construction of a permanent building, any other civil work on leased property including any modifications or installations in pre-built facilities within PCFC jurisdiction.

2.52  Regulation: these and other regulations issued by the “Authority”

2.53  Responsible person: A person appointed by the employer, the master of the ship or the owner of the gear, as the case may be, to be responsible for the performance of specific duty or duties and who has sufficient knowledge and experience and the requisite authority for the proper performance of the duty or duties.

2.54  Radius indicator is a device that automatically shows the current operating radius of a lifting appliance and indicates the safe working load corresponding to that radius.

2.55  Ship: covers any kind of ship, vessel, barge, lighter or hovercraft, excluding ships of war.

2.56  Ship’s Agent: Means any company, firm, or person duly licensed by the Port authority to provide the ship’s agency services and authorized by the ship owner, chatterer, manager or operator.

2.57  Site: A location with construction or modification works of any kind within PCFC - EHS designated areas.

2.58  Special tools: Tools that require training in their use from the manufacturer.

2.59  Ship’s derrick crane refers to a ship’s derrick having a boom which may be raised, lowered and slewed transversely while supporting a load, by means of winches which either form an integral part of the arrangement or are used primarily with it.

2.60  Skeletal trailer is a chassis used for moving containers, the longitudinal members of the chassis consisting typically of one or two longitudinal beams that are fitted at or near their end with transverse members to which the wheels and corner fittings are attached.

2.61  Safe working load is the maximum gross load that may be safely lifted by a lifting appliance or item of loose gear in a given condition (sometimes referred to as .rated load. or working load limit.).

2.62  Safe working load limiter is a device that automatically prevents a lifting appliance from handling loads that exceed its safe working load by more than a specified amount.

2.63  Safe working load indicator is a device that automatically provides acoustic and/or visual warnings when the load on a lifting appliance approaches or exceeds the safe working load by a specified amount.

2.64  Stacking area is a storage area of a port behind a quay, in which containers are stacked to await onward movement. Also referred to as a container yard.

2.65  Straddle carrier is a tall, wheeled frame, wide enough to move astride a container and lift it by means of a suspended spreader; used for stacking and transferring containers.

2.66  Slot is a clearly marked-out sub-area of a grid in a container-handling area, just sufficient in size to accommodate one road vehicle of maximum size; an individual storage location on a container ship, e.g. a cell in a cell guide storage system, uniquely numbered for identification. The term is also used to identify a specific bay and row on a container ship.

2.67  Subcontractor: Means an employer of workmen who is working under the main contractor and abides by the main contractors requirements and complies with site EHS requirements.

2.68  Substandard ship: A ship whose hull, machinery, equipment, or operational safety is substantially below the standards required by the relevant convention of IMO, or whose crew’s standard, certification and training is not in accordance with the STCW convention and which is not manned as per Safe manning document.

2.69  Temporary Building: A building used as a site office or to house construction equipment during the construction period.

2.70  Trakhees : means the regulatory division of PCFC

2.71  Thorough examination means a detailed visual examination by a competent person, supplemented if necessary by other suitable means or measures, in order to arrive at a reliable conclusion as to the safety of the item of equipment examined.

2.72  Transporter is a rail-mounted or rubber-tired gantry crane equipped with a horizontal bridge between its legs from which is operated a trolley or trolleys used with such items of equipment as grabs, magnets and container spreaders. Transporters are capable of straddling several rows of containers.

2.73  Uninhabited: means the facilities, buildings or structures not involving routine occupation by human beings.

2.74  Vessel : The word vessel shall include every description of ship, boat, raft or water craft of any description, including non-displacement craft and seaplanes, use or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, irrespective of its means of power.