Application for residency

Thank you for your interest in the Listhús Artist Residency Program.
Please study our websitecarefully before completing this form

Date of Birth: / Nationality:
E-mail: / Webpage:
Tel: / Skype a/c:
Main Discipline:
Name of extra guest/group member (name/age)
Which program you attend? How long would you like to stay?
 long stay (min. 1 month) / 1st choice (mm/yy)
/ 2nd choice (mm/yy)
/ 3rd choice (mm/yy)
 short stay
(less than 1 month) / Fr. dd/mm/yy-dd/mm/yy
/ Fr. dd/mm/yy-dd/mm/yy
/ Fr. dd/mm/yy-dd/mm/yy
Expectation of accommodation & working space
Listhus 10
Listhus 12 / Private Studio:  6-8sqm  15 sqm  20 sqm
 Shared Studio: 15-20 sqm
 Studio for dance practice
 Music/sound proof studio
 Without studio, but a desk in the bedroom for computer
 Others ______/ Quietness:
 super quiet
 quiet
 normal
Your main intention during your stay:
 proceed my project  process community project  research/inspiration  hiking/outdoor activities
 travelling  work hard/play hard to be alone
Your expectation of publicity:  Open house/exhibition Screening  others______
Interaction & collaboration: w/locals  w/fellow artists  depends  leave me alone

I read the FAQs on and understand the condition and terms.

•Send the application with CV, your proposal/project and works images (max. 5) by e-mailto .

•A deposit of one month residency fee is due within one month after your acceptance of the residency. All remaining fees must be paid before your residency. Money wiring fees are to be paid by the sender.

•Cancellation policy: 50 euro is charged for handling all cancellations.
If you cancel 3 months before your stay, you receive a complete refund.
Cancellations between 3 and 2 months before your stay incur a 50% refund.Cancellations less than 2 months before your residency incur no refund.

Signature: ______Date:______

Ægisgötu 10, 625 Ólafsfirði, Iceland