Parents Helpline Volunteer Application form

*Please Note: Your completed application form is the only information we use to assess your suitability for the role, so it is important that you give full and correct information in every box.Please type or write in black ink, as this form will be photocopied.

YMParents Helpline Volunteer

Personal details (in block letters if hand written):

Email address:
Home telephone:
Mobile telephone:
Which is your preferred method of contact? (Please state):

Training Dates

If you are unable to commit to the training dates please do not continue with your application.

Please tick here to confirm that you have checked your availability for the training dates as described in the application pack.

Education and training

Please give details of education and any training courses and qualifications gained.

Name of institution/Training course / Qualifications and results
Paid and voluntary employment history

Please provide details of all paid and voluntary jobs held, starting with your current or most recent employer.

Name of employer / Job title and your main responsibilities / Number of years in post / Reason for leaving

Covering statement

Please outline here why you are interested in becoming a volunteer with YoungMinds for the above role.

Supporting statement

Please outline here any relevant skills, experience, training, education and qualifications you can bring to this post. Pleasemake sure that you relate your supporting statement to the requirements set out in the person specification. Each section is graded so please provide full answers throughout.

Essential Skills & Experience
Good communication and interpersonal skills.
Good spoken and written English.
Good IT skills, including internet use, databases, Microsoft Office Systems i.e Word, Outlook
Good time management and organisational skills, with the ability to prioritise own workload and work to set deadlines and targets with support.
The ability to cope with a sometimes emotionally demanding workload.
The ability to deal confidently with the general public and professionals/work colleagues at all levels.
Broad awareness of the emotional difficulties families can face and the impact on children and young people, and the types of resources available to them.
Broad awareness of the types of help available to families whose children are having emotional difficulties
Ability to communicate relevant information about issues and services simply and clearly.
Ability to work independently and also as part of a team.
Sympathy with the mission and aims of YoungMinds.
Desirable skills and experience
Experience of working in the voluntary sector (paid or voluntary work).
Understanding of the principles of telephone helpline work
Experience of working on a helpline (mental health or other)
Understanding the importance of confidentiality when recording sensitive information


  1. Please indicate how many full days per week you are available (It is not possible to work for part of a day)

One full day a week
Two full days a week
Three or more full days a week
  1. Please indicate which days of the week you are available.

Monday / Thursday
Tuesday / Friday


Please give name and contact details of two professional people who will provide a reference for you e.g. current/previous employer, college tutor, GP

Your referees will be contacted once you have been accepted on to the training programme.

Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
Company: / Company:
Address: / Address:
Tel: / Tel:
Email: / Email:
Relationship / Relationship

Reasonable adjustments

If you have any particular needs that we should be aware of so that we can best support you to participate in the recruitment and selection process and your volunteering with us, please note them here:

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks

If your application is successful you will be required to consent to a Disclosure Check by the Criminal Records Bureau. This is to ensure we safeguard the children and young people we work with.


I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given on this form is correct. I understand that providing misleading or false information will disqualify me from volunteering with YoungMinds.


Signature: / Date:

YoungMinds Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Please do not write your name on this form. The information provided will be kept completely confidential.

Thank you for taking the time out to fill in this form. We are asking these questions to understand better the composition of our paid and voluntary workforce by gender, ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation and faith. This information will help us guide our recruitment strategies. YoungMinds are committed to equal opportunities and has a policy that is supported by a code of practice

Please state which post you are applying for

Where did you find out about this post?
Gender (please tick) and Year of Birth
Male / Female / Transgender / Date of Birth

Ethnic Origin

Please indicate how you would prefer to describe your ethnic origin, please tick the category and sub-category *

Asian / Asian British / Asian English / Asian Scottish
Asian Welsh / Bangladeshi / Indian
Pakistani / Other (please specify)
Black / Black British / Black English / Black Scottish
Black Welsh / African / Caribbean
Other (please specify)
Chinese / Chinese British / Chinese English / Chinese Scottish
Chinese Welsh / Chinese
Other (please specify)
Mixed / White and Black African / White and Black Caribbean / White and Asian
Other (please specify)
White / White British / White English / White Scottish
White Welsh / White Irish / Traveller/Gypsy
Other (please specify)

Marital Status

Please indicate your marital status
Divorced / In a civil partnership / Married / Separated / Single
Widowed / Other(please specify)

Sexual Orientation **

Please indicate how you would prefer to describe your sexual orientation
Bisexual / Gay / Heterosexual / Lesbian / Prefer not to state


Do you have a disability or impairment? This includes a physical or mental health condition, which has lasted or is expected to last at least 12 months, which has an adverse effect on your ability to carry out normal day-today activities?

(please tick)

/ Yes / No
If so are you registered disabled / Yes / No
YoungMinds is committed to making reasonable adjustments for disabled staff. If you are disabled, please provide details here of any reasonable adjustments you will require to the selection process or to your job or working arrangements if appointed. The line manager for this post of a member of the HR team will contact you in confidence to discuss any adjustments you identify.
Religion or belief
How would you describe your religion?
Buddhist / Christian
(including Church of England, Catholic, Protestant and all Christian denominations) / Hindu
Jewish / Muslim / Sikh
None / Prefer not to say / Any other religious belief (please specify)

By completing this form I understand that I give my consent under the Data Protection Act 1998 for the information contained in this form to be processed in accordance with the YoungMinds policy for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring.

Volunteer Application Form / Once completed please email to or post to: YoungMinds, Suite 11 Baden Place, Crosby Row, SE1 1YW