Honors Physics

Instructor: Mr. Uhrinek

This syllabus contains a list of all topics covered in this honors physics course during the first semester. The simulations and videos listed below are optional but quite interesting!

An excellent set of videos offering help with lessons and homework questions can be found at: www.physicseh.com and http://www.khanacademy.org/#physics. The Physics Classroom has an excellent set of tutorials: http://www.physicsclassroom.com/Class/.


Day(s) / Topics / Homework / Follow-Up
Ch 1 / Course Introduction
What is Physics?
Taking Notes
Measurement and Uncertainty
Numbers, Estimations and
Fermi Questions / Read Sec’s 1-1 through 1-4
Homework Problems 1-11 pgs 16 – 17
Read Sec’s 1-5 through 1-8
Homework Problems 12 – 20 pg 17
Video: Top 10 Amazing Physics Videos
Video: Scientific Notation
Extra Help: Uncertainty in a Single Measurement.
Review Lesson: Fermi Problems

Kinematics and Projectiles

Ch 2 / The BIG 3 Equations
Intro to Problem Solving
Modeling Problem Solving / Read Sec’s 2-1 through 2-2
Homework Problems 1-12 pgs 42 – 43
Read Sec’s 2-3 through 2-6
Homework Problems 13 – 24 pgs 42 -43.
Read Sec 2-7
Homework Problems 33 – 44 pg 44.
Review questions: 1-D Kinematics
Chapter 1 Outline: Kinematics
Simulation: The Moving Man
13-18 / Representations of Motion / Read Sec 2-8
Homework Problems 52 – 56 pg 45
Video: Converting Between Graphs - Slopes
Video: Converting Between Graphs - Areas
Ch 3 / Intro to 2-D motion
Vector components / Triangle Worksheet
Vector Addition Worksheet
Read Sec’s 3-1 through 3-4
Homework Problems 2 -8 pg 70-75
Simulation: Maze Game
Video: Components Video 1
Video: Components Video 2
Video: Components Video 3
Excelet: Vector Addition
25-30 / Intro to projectiles
Projectiles Problem Solving
Relative Motion / Read Sec.’s 3-5 through 3-6
Homework Problems 19, 20, 22-24, 26, 27, 31, 32, 35
Homework Problems 41 – 53 odd
Video: Projectile Problem Solving
Video: Velocity Vector Components
Simulation: Projectile Motion
Excelet: Firing a Projectile
Additional Practice Problems if you need EXTRA:
1, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 28-30, 33,
34, 36, 37, 38, 40 – 50 even, 67- 69 73.


Ch 4 / Newton’s Laws
Free Body Diagrams
Motion of Combined Objects / Read Sec’s 4-1 through 4-3
Read Sec’s 4-4 through 4-6
Homework Problems: 1 – 19 odd
Review Lessons: Newton’s Laws
Review Questions: Newton’s Laws
Video: Forces and Elevators
Lesson: Multiple Bodies
37-42 / Forces in 2D
Tension and Pulleys
Atwood Machine / Read Sec. 4-7
Homework Problems 23-28 all, 30, 31, 34, 35
Video: Forces with Angles 1
Video: Forces with Angles 2
Video: Simple Force Example
Video: Atwood Machine
43-48 / Friction
Inclined Planes / Read Sec. 4-8
Homework Problems 38 – 44 all, 48, 52, 55, 57
Homework Problems 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75
Simulation: Forces in 1 Dimension
Simulation: The Ramp: Forces and Motion
Simulation: Forces and Motion
Video: Inclines with Friction
Video: Pulley, Incline, Friction
Ch 5 / Circular Motion and Forces / Read Sec 5-1 through 5-3
Homework Problems 1, 2, 5 - 12, 18, 21, 70
Simulation: Ladybug Motion 2D
Video: Circular Motion Idea
Video: Circular Motion Idea 1
Video: Circular Motion Idea 2
Video: Tension in Vertical Circle
Video: Conical Pendulum
Video: Frames of Reference
55-60 / Universal Gravitation
Orbital Velocity
Kepler’s Laws / Read Sec’s 5-6 through 5-8
Homework Problems 25, 30, 39, 41, 43, 71
Read Sec. 5-9
Homework Problems 51-53
Simulation: Lunar Lander
Video: Universal Gravitation
Lesson: Satellite Motion
Simulation: My Solar System
Video: Gravity in Orbit
Lesson: Orbital Calculations
Video: Dark Matter
Review: 2-D Forces
Review: Gravity and Circular Motion

Energy and Momentum

Ch 6 / Work Energy Theorem
Conservation of Mechanical Energy / Read Sec’s 6-1 through 6-3
Homework Problems 1- 27 odd
Lesson: Work
Simulation: The Ramp
Video: Roller Coasters
Simulation: Energy Skate Park
Review: Work and Energy
67-72 / Spring Force and Energy
Power / Read Sec’s 6-4 through 6-7
Homework Problems 29 – 39 odd, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47
Read Sec’s 6-8 through 6-10
Homework Problems 58, 59, 63, 65
Video: Hooke’s Law
Video: Energy in Springs
Video: Energy in Springs 2
Simulation: Masses and Springs
Ch 7 / Impulse and Momentum
Conservation of Energy and Momentum / Read Sec’s 7-1 through 7-2
Homework Problems 1- 5
Read Sec 7-3
Homework Problems 14 – 18
Read Sec’s 7-4 thorough 7-5
Homework Problems 21 – 25 odd
Read Ch 7, Sec 6
Problems 32, 33.
Video: Impulse
Lesson: Impulse
Video: Intro to Momentum
Lesson: Conservation of Momentum
Lesson: Isolated Systems
Video: Slow Motion Collision
Video: Smart Car Collision
79-84 / Inelastic Collisions / Read Sec 7-6
Homework Problems 32, 33.
Simulation: Collision Lab
Video: 2-D Collision
Review: Momentum
Ch 8 / Rotary Motion Equations
Torque / Read Sec’s 8-1 through 8-3
Homework Problems 1-11 odd, 20-25
Read Sec 8-4
Homework Problems 29, 31, 33
Video: Rotary Motion
Simulation :Ladybug Revolution