1. Based on the following situation, answer the questions.

1) Which appliances in the picturerun on electricity?

2) Does this family try to save electricity? Why? List two reasons.

3)How can we save electricity at home? Suggest two ways.

Ans: 1)Fan, vacuum cleaner, air-conditioner, television, lamp.2)No. e.g. The TV is on even when no one is watching. The window is open when the air-conditioner is on. It is daytime but the light is on.Both the fan and the air-conditioner are on, etc. 3)e.g. Use compact fluorescent bulbs and energy-efficient appliances, etc.

2.Based on the following situation, answer the questions.

1) What is happening in the picture?

2) Why does it happen?

3)How can we prevent it from happening again?

Ans: 1)The multi-plug adaptor is smoking.2)The multi-plug adaptor is overloaded.

3)e.g. Use a single plug for each socket. (or any other reasonable answers)

3.Based on the following situation, answer the questions.

A. B.

1) What is Dad doing in Picture A? What are the advantages of doing so?

2) What mistake is Dad making in Picture B? What should he do instead?

Ans: 1)He is reading the instruction manual of an electricalappliance. Learning how to use it correctly reduces chances of accident and makes the appliance more durable.

2)He is plugging the electrical appliance with a wet hand. He should dry his hands first.

Q 1

New General Studies Educational Publishing House Ltd 2016

1. Based on the following cases, answer the questions.


B. C.

1)Which of the above circuits can light up the bulb?

(PictureA./ PictureB./PictureC.)

2) Which of them is not a closed circuit?(There can be more than one answer.)

(PictureA./ PictureB./ PictureC.)

3) Draw wires to connect the three batteries and form a closed circuit that will cause the bulb to light up.

Ans: 1)Picture C. 2)Picture A.PictureB.3)Any reasonable answers, thewires must be connected to the positive and negative poles of the batteries.

Q 1

New General Studies Educational Publishing House Ltd 2016

1. Study the following pictures and answer the questions.

/ B. / C.

1) Will the light bulbs in the above circuits light up? Circle the correct answers.

Picture A / Picture B / Picture C
A. Thelight bulb (will / will not) light up. / B. The light bulb (will / will not) light up. / C. The light bulb (will / will not) light up.

2) According to the results of Question 1, what materials conduct electricity?What materials do not? List three examples each.

Material / Example
A. Materials that conduct electricity are called .
B. Materials that do not conduct electricity are called .

3) According to thepictures above, how is a closed circuit formed?

4) Is Picture B a closed circuit? Why?

Ans: 1) A. will not; B. will not;C. will 2) A. conductors, e.g. Iron, aluminium, copper, etc. B. insulators, e.g. Paper, plastic, wood, etc. 3) Connect the bulb to the positive and negative poles of the batteries using electric wires.4) No, because the batteries are not placed correctly. Electricity cannot flow through.

2. What are the uses of electricity in daily life? Complete the following diagram.

Ans: A. Heat.B. Electrical energy  light C. Lamp, TV.D. Magnetic force.E. The magnetic effect occurs when an electric current flows through a coil of wire wrapped around an iron nail. F. Door bell, fan.

Q 1

New General Studies Educational Publishing House Ltd 2016