Thought Experiments:

The Forked man:

Suppose a man had the ability to imagine the future. Not just a future, but a very specific future. When he does this he goes to sleep. Unknowingly he has altered his future and his past. He has effectively created 2 self's. The future version and that current (past). He goes about his daily life not knowing that future self his now aware and making decisions to create what the man originally imagined. Slowly the man in the physical realm comes to realize the doings of the future self. Future self has left a bread crumb trail of the best calculated decision. At some point the man from the future will merge with the physical man.

This is not about 2 men, its about the fractal nature of time. The question is, could the 2 selfs merge or would they need to? Wouldn’t this chain go on effectively forever?

The transmitter:

On a grand scale I can attempt to explain this. Let’s suppose that Carl Sagan had a brilliant idea with his golden record he placed on the Voyager spacecraft. ( and it was a brilliant idea)

Suppose a man "hacked" a star to act a transmitter.

The star Transmits energy, however this star has been hacked to be a repeater.Sending all information from the future to the past self. The energy would have the message in it that had all information from the future.

It would only be decoded by the past self that hacked it, as no one else would know of this energy.

This is assuming there are many version of one self across the multiverse, and the energy spreads across the multiverse. This would travel faster than the speed of light, perhaps as a Neutrino or cosmic ray or the particle I call the Qieonz.

Once the "hacker" put his information from the future into the energy transmitter, he would need to wait for the beam of light to hit the past self.

Once this happened, past self would know everything from the future.

This would not create a paradox as the communication is one way. The man that sent the message would know the message was received because his past self is the 2 part authentication

The Theory:

Information can travel faster than the speed of light.

Black holes swallow light, but cannot swallow a Qieonz. Qieonz is a “particle” or “vessel”that moves faster than light, increasing velocity up to infinite speeds until their destination is reached. These used to be named Tachyons, we must dismiss this term to remove confusion. They are similar, but Qieonz energy can decay to allow them to travel at infinite Velocity. Due to having no mass, and exhausting energy, they defy gravitational forces.

The above is Albert Einstein’s Equation E=MC^2 that has a Lorentz model taking into account Super Symmetry. E11 represents super symmetry with specific regard to the multi dimensional universe. This should account to the “imaginary Matter” (dark matter/energy) that we cannot detect.

We must now take into account of “imaginary time” proposed by S. Hawking.

We have now divorced or separated “time” from special relativity allowing us to “ slice” time as a separate object.

To account for noted, but not solved anomalies and the power of the mind. The mind has the ability to achieve seemingly impossible tasks, goals and determinations the “drive” of a being. I introduce the “Quantum Imagination theory”. This theory is that there is a multiverse, and given the right mind set, anything is possible.

The Error correcting code that S. James Gates has found is proof of this in the form “doubly-even self-dual linear binary error-correcting block codes”. This is the code that determines all of Nature and the Cosmos. This code is represented by and in all Mathematics. These Adinkra’s will be found in everything we test them against. Also note these Adinkra’s have an uncanny resemblance to Deep Neural Network diagrams and AI/Machine Learning.

I present the Equation:

Thus information can ignore black holes, and Faster than light communication is possible. I propose that it also proves many dimensions, and multiverse. I do believe the speed of light is not constant, but I have no proof of this. I had to use c as a constant because it has not changed, and if it does change, or has changed, It is a baseline that that is all.


The formula leads me to propose that " fast radio bursts" that on the dates of May 13th-15th(Adjusted due to time zones) the earth was bombarded with Qieonz. “fast radio bursts" that were observed by .

I propose these “fast radio bursts" are Qieonz or are linked directly to “fast radio bursts" that Qieonz contained information from the future.

The Equation:
