Pronouns Quiz

A. Write the correct pronouns on the lines.

1.Maria and (me, I) are planning a vacation to Florida. ______

2.I have never been as skillful with computers as (him, he). ______

3.The material was beneath those other students and (I, me).______

4.Because he is an expert card player, you can't expect to win as often as (he, him).______

5.My mother invited Jill and (her, she) to our Thanksgiving dinner. ______

6.I don't know (who, whom) wrote that newspaper article.______

7.The worker (who, whom) left the empty soda can on the computer table should
not have been so thoughtless. ______

8.When Chas and I chose a builder, we chose one (whom, who) we believed
was reputable. ______

9.(Who, Whom) do you think won the lottery this week? ______

10.The explanation angered the Sudanese as much as (they, them).______

11.Julia is the name of the woman (who, whom) you met.______

12.Patricia is saner than (she, her).______

13.Although I am giving Mary a lot of cash, I am giving more to you than (she, her).______

14.I was (he, him), my father, who first noticed the trouble in my marriage. ______

15.I would not like to be (him, he) when the boss comes in this morning. ______

16.To (who, whom) does the sweater belong?______

17.We were taken in by a charlatan (whom, who) we thought was an honest man. ______

18.The man in the blue shorts is a better jogger than (he, him).______

19.Between you and (me, I), who and whom are confusing. ______

20.Just between you and (I, me), this play is a flop.______

21.The guests (who, whom) we had expected did not arrive. ______

22.Jane is the one woman with (whom, who) I feel comfortable. ______

23.If Manny wins, he will have as many points as (he, him).______

24.(Who, Whom) do you trust the most? ______

25.What are the reasons for (me, my) studying Italian? ______

26.The winner of the consolation prize is (who, whom)?______

27.Our drama teacher gave my husband and (I, me) two tickets to see Carmen. ______

28.By (who, whom) was the job offer made?______

29.The Joneses bought less at the store than (they, them).______

30.The argument was among Bill, Terry, and (I, me).______

31.(Who, whom) is in charge here?______

32.A committee of (we, us) citizens is working to make our neighborhood safer.______

33.(We, Us) students are being hurt by federal cuts in loan programs.______

34.The liar is (he, him).______

35.Will I finish this exam as fast as (they, them)?______

36.Often (we, us) boys will play hockey just for fun.______

37.We don't yet know against (who, whom) we will be playing next Saturday.______

38.High taxes have stopped (we, us) citizens from buying houses.______

39.The woman in the blue raincoat was (she, her).______

40.(Who, Whom) did you give my address?______

41.After supper, Fran and (I, me) like to watch the news.______

42.Even though Sue liked nature more, she found farming more tiresome than
(he, him).______

43.Bad weather forced Charles and (she, her) to postpone the trip.______

44.Jim and (he, him) don't often ride the same bus.______

45.Here comes the person with (who, whom) I am in love.______

46.Look! It is (I, me).______

47.Will you teach Joan and (I, me)?______

48.(We, Us) women like to play poker on Saturday nights.______

49.(She, Her) and I were high school sweethearts.______

50.The agent talked to the buyer (who, whom) put in a bid on the house.______

51.Everyone except Jim and (she, her) will be attending the party.______

52.Although Joe is more talented than his wife, the scorekeepers gave his wife
a higher score than (he, him).______

53.Karen called you and (I, me) for a meeting.______

54.I can't remember (who, whom) I saw at the party last night.______

55.You asked both the other team and ( we us ourselves ) the wrong question. ______

56.(Who, Whom) is the best person for the job?______

57.Do not give any money to (he, him) or (I, me).______

58.Just between you and (I, me), Greg will lose a lot of cash in that investment.______

59.Choose (who, whom) you want for the position.______

60.The best woman for the job is (she, her).______

B. Write a folktale about someone on a quest. Explain what the quest is and why it’s important, include a setback for the main character, and use at least 20 pronouns.