June 9, 2016

Attending: Hobbs; Eggers; Madlom;Demmer; Breitbach; Green; Goedken; Nash; Willey; Roussell; Nash; Roche; Hird; Soraparu; Koos.

Absent:Rios;Resnick; Helmrichs; Voelker; Dunkel; Notz; Wickham; Drahozal; O’Connor; Then.

Staff:Barnes; Pregler; Sullivan; O’Toole; Wood;Sipple; Fessler; Wiebke.

Call to Order, Roll Call, Establish Quorum

The June meeting of the Board of Directors of Operation: New View Community Action Agency was called to order by Chairman Buck Koos at 6:32 p.m. Roll Call established a quorum.

Action on Requests for Excused Absences

MSC-Approve excused absences for Resnick; Dunkel; Notz; Drahozal; O’Connor; and Then. Demmer/Madlom Carried.

Approval of Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2016

MSC-Approve the Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of May 12, 2016 with changes to the Head Start Director’s report separating the COLA and the grant to Extend Duration of Services into two paragraphs. Willey/Breitbach Carried.

Approval of Documents signed by Chairman/ Executive Director

MSC-Approve the Documents as follows:

  1. Account Specialist Job Description/Change C1
  2. CSBG budget amended-indirect costs
  3. Fiscal Policies Exhibit 1. Attachment Retention Policy.-exclude 990.

Soraparu/Madlom Carried.

Finance/Personnel Committee Report

MSC-Tabled the Financial Statement for May.

MSC-Approve the Schedule of Bills Allowed for May. Breitbach/Green Carried.

MSC-Tabled the Journal Entries Review.

Program Review Committee Report

Surveys are still open, awaiting feedback. Surveys available on the Operation: New View Facebook page.

Head Start Policy Council Report

Sullivan, reported that Head Start will be applying for an In-Kind waiver. Center changes include closing a center in Manchester and opening another site in the City of Dubuque. The COLA, Extend Duration of Services Grant, and Bloodborne Pathogens Policy were discussed at the May 17, 2016 meeting. The next meeting will be June 21, 2016 at Prescott Elementary.

MSC-Approve the Head Start Policy Council Report and the In-Kind Waiver. Roche/Willey Carried.

Head Start Director’s Report

Brenda Sullivan, Head Start Director, announced that we have received notification from the Office of Head Start informing our Agency that we have received our Head Start funding for July 1, 2016 thru June 30, 2021.

Acceptance letters for the 2016-2017 school years will be sent to families on Friday.

See Attachment 2-Budget Period 01 of the Project Period. A screening of the organization’s governance and leadership capacity will be conducted within 60 calendar days of the start of the project period.

The Regional Head Start Specialists will be in attendance at the July Board Meeting.

Grant Due Dates: Extend Duration of Services Grant-June 24, 206 and Continuing Grant-August 1, 2016

MSC-Approve application for Extend Duration of Services Grant and Head Start Director’s Report for May. Roche/Green Carried.

A new Head Start Staff Organizational Chart 2016 was proposed for the new grant. This involves rearranging existing job duties and adding two Family Advocates.

MSC-Approve Head Start Staff Organizational Chart 2016. Willey/Breitbach Carried.

Special Project Manager’s Report

Wood, reported on VITA statistics from the tax season and in preparation for the next tax season there will be a focus on getting more volunteer preparers in place in hopes of opening another site in Dubuque.

ONV is working with Project Hope to expand Bank On, which connects unbanked and under-banked citizens to financial services. A Financial Literacy program was developed and presented to two Head Start classrooms this past school year. The main goal of this program is for the kids to develop a positive foundation of financial knowledge that they can build upon in the future.

Sipple, our AmeriCorps VISTA worker will be finishing her term July 29th. Sipple, has recruited two summer interns that will be working as outreach interns, on grants, and the hygiene drive.

Executive Director’s Report

Barnes, reported that Operation: New View Community Action Agency received a donation from the Green Family.

Head Start Volunteer Panel- two board members will be working with a Head Start Coordinator and schedule In-Kind opportunities in local areas. An electronic version of the In-Kind form will be created. Roussell and Breitbach volunteered to work with Head Start on the In-Kind.

OSHA document, the agency is writing a policy with an eight page procedure regarding the immunization Hepatitis B for employees working with children. The policy will state that the agency is not responsible for paying for these immunizations upfront. If the employee is hurt on the job the agency will pay for the immunizations.

MSC-Approve OSHA document. Demmer/Breitbach Carried.

MSC-Approve the Executive Director’s Report. Willey/Breitbach Carried.

Board Members Report

Roussell, reported Sheila Freighburger, the Manchester Community Center Coordinator will retire from her position effective June 10, 2016.

Next Board Meeting

The next board meeting of the Board of Directors of Operation: New View Community Action Agency will be Thursday, July 14, 2016.

Motion to Adjourn. Madlom/Green Carried.

8:25 p.m. Board Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Betsy Wiebke

Early Childhood Education Specialist