Committee meeting agenda

27 September 2016, 7.30pm

Diploma Suite, Hinchingbrooke School

Alice Noyes
Claire Ashton
David Newton
Gilles Corby
Govinda French
Melanie Fowler / Pippa Burns
Rachel Miller
Richard Davies
Sarah Watts / Excused
Alan Hannibal
Chirag Godhania
Jo Loosley
Kate Ruddock
Michelle Caspersz

Order of the day

-Welcome, introductions and apologies for absence

-AGM minutes approval (all)

-Action point register (Gilles)

-Officers report (all)

-Agenda items

-AOB, next meeting

Agenda items

- Celebrating Success event (Mike)

- BRJ race report (Alice)

- 5k Charity race proposal (Alice)

- Winter workshops (David)

- Introduction of coached swim session form (Pippa)

- Funding for level 1 coach qualification (Pippa)

Agenda items classification

  • For Action
  • For Decision
  • Rewarding success event (Mike)
  • Winter workshops (David)
  • Funding for level 1 coach qualification (Pippa)
  • For Information/discussion
  • BRJ race report (Alice)
  • 5k Charity race proposal (Alice)
  • Introduction of coached swim session form (Pippa)

Action points register (closed APs in the archive)

Item / Description / Owner / Status
16BRJ0503 / Meet with Alice to look at database encryption / Sarah / On-going
16BRJ0701 / Ask contact at House of Flags for quotes. / Gilles / Done
16BRJ0702 / Cost long-term membership recognition / Alice / On-going
16BRJ0703 / Investigate procurement of first aid kits / Govinda / Done
16BRJ0704 / Design business card for David / Bren / On-going
16BRJ0901 / Provide names of first-aid qualified runners / Richard / New
16BRJ0902 / Circulate the insurance facts summary / Sarah / New
16BRJ0903 / Supply nominee for weekly article writer / David / New
16BRJ0904 / Supply nominee for weekly article writer / Rachel / New
16BRJ0905 / Supply nominee for weekly article writer / Pippa / New
16BRJ0906 / Include Strength & Conditioning in dev plan / Rachel / New
16BRJ0907 / Kick off race director sub-committee / Alice / New
16BRJ0908 / Take charge of winter workshops / Chirag / New
16BRJ0909 / Check alternative flag providers / Alice / New
Minutes / Action point
Claire has stepped in to fill Sabrina Crothall’s role whilst she is recovering from having her baby.
David congratulated Gilles for his achievements in Cozumel.
Congratulations to Mel for her engagement too.
Sarah brought up the point that a rule for the transfer of cash had been agreed during the last meeting. Pippa offers to set up a process. Sarah stressed that the rule must be fully implemented by everyone within the agreed timescale as undue delay makes it is difficult to manage the accounts properly. Sarah says she tries to make it as easy as possible to get the money to her by offering to collect the money when possible.
David reinforced that there is no going back on this rule as money must be accounted for in a timely manner in order to maintain transparency and good practice.
Sarah proposed the approval of the minutes of the last meeting, Rachel seconded.
Action points register
Quotes for flags have been received.
Alice is still working on the cost of long-term membership
Govinda has found first aid kit belts that can be taken (£4.50ppc), they need to be filled with plasters, space blankets etc.. Sarah suggests they should be allocated to first aid trained runners and the junior coaches.
Chirag/Richard will provide names of first-aid qualified runners (there are 10).
Bren being gone the design for the business cards has not progressed / 16BRJ0901
Officers reports
Treasurer’s report
Sarah has received the renewal notice for the insurance. Sarah ran through a summary on what the insurance policy covers. This is the England Athletics insurance and it does not cover Triathlon (provided by BTA licence). For coaches it is a different policy covered by their coaching licence.
The EA insurance applies to all runners from 5 to 80 years, but doesn’t cover over 70s for competitions. The travel to training sessions or competitions is covered and the insurance runs anywhere in the world. Maximum compensation is £250k with reductions for under 18s and over 75s.
Claims must be made to EA’s broker Arthur J Gallagher and claimants should ensure they notify the BRJ Welfare Officer, currently Govinda.
Sarah will circulate the summary and have it posted on the website.
Mike’s report
Half the committee of the Huntingdon 10k has resigned so the future of the race is in balance. Mike will take part in the next meeting will take place and a decision may be made.
As for the Celebrating Success event, Mike proposes to hold it on Saturday 25 February 2017 at Hinchingbrooke park after Park Run. This is quite close to the AGM so alternative solutions should be envisaged. This included holding the ceremony on a Sunday afternoon. Mike will contact the Countryside Centre to check availability.
Communications officer Report
This week Claire sent 6 articles including 2 triathlon related. Claire would need to designate people responsible for sending articles on a weekly basis, this can be adapted based on the racing calendar. Claire would like to nominate one person for the Juniors, one for Senior runners and one for multisport, as well as race directors the week BRJ organises an event.David, Rachel and Pippa will supply the nominees.
Kit officer
Kate is still in the process of getting in Bren’s boots. Orca is our supplier and will open up a shop on their website where BRJ members can purchase their kit, first minimum order will be 4, then will be 2 per item. Gilles raised the issue that the design of cycling and trisuits has not enough bright colour in the back, which reduces the visibility.
Multisport officer
Pippa would like to introduce coached swimming sessions forms to record presence and payment to be included in an envelope together with the money collected in order to improve the traceability. The committee approved this initiative.
Social officer
The Xmas party is booked, the next event is the quiz night, it is suggested that participants bring their own food but cake could be made. There will be more promotion for the event in order to ensure a large participation.
The social events need to be added to the calendar on the club website.
Junior report
The Try a Tri event had a poor turn out, however Simon Moore asked if we could price up a junior triathlon. David has had a discussion with Nicetri Events for past events and he wonders if we could have a partnership with them. In the meantime this project should be put on hold pending a more coordinated approach to managing events.
As for strength & conditioning Rachel would like to see something akin to what is being planned for Seniors. David required that it be included in the development plan.Sarah offered to assist Rachel in the budgeting for the junior section with a view to identifying the investment needed for development.
Rachel enquired about coaches’ t-shirt, David clarified he had a discussion with Kate and these should be available.
There has been a case where a child of a senior member turned up after the father paid for a family membership. Alice will specify the family membership applies only when the junior member has been confirmed.
Training coordinators
EA Club Run Programme coached sessions have been successful on the two track sessions so far. On Club Runs coaches may need to don a high visibility vest as it is getting dark.
Membership officer
The membership figures are lovely and we keep getting enquiries.
Chairman’s report
The Duathlon was a learning experience that came with some unexpected difficulties. Due to a very low level of registrations it was necessary to review expenditure and cut costs. David’s involvement in the promotion and practical support went beyond his expectations. David reduced overheads by cancelling the transition timing and regrets not consulting with Gillian on this subject. He has apologised. The number of registrations rose in the last few days prior to the event and it is likely to have covered the running costs. David proposed that the committee review how these events are managed, especially the financial management in order to avoid having to take such drastic steps in the future. David reported that he found the experience very stressful and was encouraged to delegate some of the tasks he takes upon himself to others. / 16BRJ0902
Pippa is interested in taking L1 triathlon Coaching course and requests the funding by the club. David approved that this fits in the development plan and the funding has been approved.
The Ouse Valley Way Marathon was a huge success, we had 135 entrants, 110 people finished. The marshal’s contribution was praised in the runners’ feedback, some marshals pushed their resistance to the limit. Alice would like to hold the race again next year. The event yielded a profit of about £300 that will be reinvested in club activities.
It has been suggested that BRJ runs a 5k Charity race.
For all these races the interest of the club needs to be reconfirmed.
The Mayor’s Charity race may be in doubt as the Frostbite will use the same course a few weeks before the race Seven weeks before the race.
David thinks that we need to increase the pool of Race Directors, it is a time consuming role with high responsibilities. Gilles suggested setting up a Race Organisation sub-committee. Sarah, Pippa, Alice and possibly Claire Few could be part of this sub-committee.Alice will draft a communication to call for volunteer race directors and organise the meeting of the sub-committee.
David has a discussion with Andy Matson to give him a role as a consultant coach. He would run coaching workshops.
Andy also offered a number of workshops for senior runners and triathletes, either as a paying event organised by Andy or an event set up by the club with costs covered by participants. These workshops would take place on Fridays in the winter season.
David suggests Chirag takes ownership of ensuring these workshops happen.
David has checked the quote from the House of Flags, Alice will check other potential suppliers.
Great Eastern Run has asked if BRJ could hold water station number 3, this would require 8 volunteers. As no one wished to take on the responsibility of recruiting volunteers David agreed to contact the organisers and advise them the club could not assist on this occasion. / 16BRJ0907
All other business
There is no other business.
The next meeting will be on 22nd of November at 7.30


-Officer reports :

-Other :

Action point archive

Item / Description / Owner / Status
15BRJ0301 / Discussion about on-line paying but that was tabled in April / Bren / Closed
15BRJ0302 / Gift aid claiming issue / Frankie / Closed
15BRJ0303 / Cycling code of conduct / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0304 / Increase qualified ride leaders / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0305 / Club photographer credentials/kit / Bren/Annette / Closed
15BRJ0306 / Soliciting members for the Race Organisation Working Group / Andy E/David / Closed
15BRJ0307 / Soliciting for a volunteer to run a coached beginners program / Andy/David / Closed
15BRJ0401 / AGM venue to be in next meeting agenda / David / Closed
15BRJ0402 / investigate payment solution providers / Chirag / void
15BRJ0403 / Enquire other clubs interest for ride leaders / Jacquie / closed
15BRJ0404 / set up the safeguarding session / Annette / closed
15BRJ0405 / check the venue for the Rising Star / Mike / Closed
15BRJ0406 / look into linking the BRJ FB page with the Huntingdon 10k race / Stan / Closed
15BRJ0407 / look for a qualified person to supervise on 17 May / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0408 / organise the bike coached sessions / Jacquie / Closed
15BRJ0410 / Send Gilles questions for membership survey / All / Closed
15BRJ0602 / Find accountancy & auditing support / David / closed
15BRJ0603 / Accounts auditing to be added in nest meeting agenda / Gilles / closed
15BRJ0604 / Invite Living Sport to present at the next committee meeting / Mairi / closed
15BRJ0605 / Make proposals for the new course of the next Mayor’s Charity Race / Annette / Done
15BRJ0607 / Cancel use of Hinchingbrooke School changing rooms / David / Closed
15BRJ0608 / Send e-mail to the membership regarding Hunts Post Awards nominations / David / Closed
15BRJ0609 / Prepare the Survey Monkey / Gilles / Done
15BRJ0801 / Provide Living Sport the list of events they could attend / David / Done
15BRJ0802 / Book Diploma Suite for Welfare event on Sept 8th / Gilles / Done
15BRJ0803 / Mike to procure centres for trophies / Mike / Done
15BRJ0805 / Take lead for plans for AGM @Parkrun / David / Done
15BRJ1001 / Direct the Junior interested in triathlon to the right email address / Bren / Done
15BRJ1002 / Improve visibility of the Mayor’s charity race on the website / Bren / void
15BRJ1003 / Put the BRJ buffs for sale at £7 per unit / Bren / Done
15BRJ1004 / Structure a proposal for membership fees / Alice / Done
15BRJ0409 / continue looking into coaching framework / David / done
15BRJ0804 / Prepare a project plan for Ouse Valley Marathon / Alice / Done
15BRJ1201 / Organise the preparations for the details of the AGM / David / Done
15BRJ1202 / Check the availability of baseball caps / Bren / done
15BRJ1203 / Draft comms package for membership fees / Alice / done
15BRJ1204 / Launch survey, results at next meeting / Gilles / done
15BRJ1205 / Organise dev plan kick-off session / David / Done
16BRJ0201 / Organise Orca visit at the club / Bren / done
16BRJ0202 / Organise First aid training sessions / Annette / done
16BRJ0203 / Call George Cant committee members votes / Gilles / done
16BRJ0204 / Check catering arrangements for AGM / Mel / done
16BRJ0205 / Get press coverage for Paul Evans @ AGM / Claire / done
16BRJ0206 / Compile 2015 video for AGM / Bren / done
16BRJ0207 / Present membership survey debrief @ AGM / Gilles / void
16BRJ0208 / Contact 401 Marathons / Gilles / Done
16BRJ0301 / Confirm next meeting dates / Gilles / Done
16BRJ0302 / Resolve the attachment scrubbing issue / Bren / Done
16BRJ0303 / Put Mike Gullis agenda items on next meeting / Gilles / Done
16BRJ0501 / Attach minutes of meeting to next agenda / Gilles / done
16BRJ0502 / Provide a formal reply on the championship / Mike / Done
16BRJ0504 / Provide thoughts on long-term membership / Alice / done
16BRJ0505 / Circulate benefit proposal for next meeting / Alice / Done

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