Lake Norman Majors Baseball Spring 2014

Major League Rules

The Little League rulebook shall govern all play, except for local rule modifications as outlined below:

  1. There is a two-hour time limit on Majors games. No inning will start play after two hours unless there is atie game. There will be a 10 run rule after 3 ½ innings. There is no per-inning run limit.
  1. All players will be listed on the scorebook and will bat in that order. Injured players may bewithdrawn from the starting batting order without penalty. All players must play 2 innings in thefield by the fourth inning. A shortened game (rain or score) will not result in a forfeit provided theabove was still possible.
  1. Free substitution of players throughout the game (except pitcher – once a pitcher is removed from the mound, they cannot reenter the game as a pitcher – any other position is ok).
  1. Any runner deliberately crashing into or throwing a block on a fielder is automatically out and willbe ejected from the game.
  1. Any player who flagrantly throws a bat or helmet will be ejected from the game.
  1. Any person ejected from the game must leave the premises. Any ball player(s) who has beenremoved from the ball game for violation of rules # 4 or #5 above may not, under circumstances re-enterthat game.
  1. Spectators are not allowed on the field unless invited to help get the field ready for play or to helpan injured player .Spectators are asked to remain behind the “play area” line and not sit or stand behind the backstop or behind the rear dug-out fences.
  1. If a coach is ejected from the game he must leave the property and will not be allowed to return tocoach until approved to do so by the LKN LL Board of Directors.
  1. There is NO “at-bat”, “on-deck”, or “in the hole” when batting. All are asked to stay in the dug-outand pay attention to the game.

11. Pitch Count Rules: Pitch count rules will apply per Little League Regulation VI - Pitchers, Option 1

Maximum allowable pitches are as follows:

Pitch count limits:

Refer to Little League Hand Book (Green Book)

Pitches / Days of rest
1-20 / No rest
21-35 / 1 calendar day of rest
36-50 / 2 calendar days of rest
51-65 / 3 calendar days of rest
66-85* / 4 calendar days of rest

*please note that the maximum pitch count for 9-10 year old pitchers is 75

Specific examples for each game day:

# of pitches on Tuesday / Can they pitch again on Friday?
1-20 / Yes
21-35 / Yes
36-50 / Yes
51-65 / No
66-85* / No
# of pitches on Friday / Can they pitch again on Tuesday?
1-20 / Yes
21-35 / Yes
36-50 / Yes
51-65 / Yes
66-85* / No

EXCEPTION: If a pitcher reaches a day(s) of rest threshold while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 1. That batter reaches base; 2. That batter is retired; 3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest for the threshold he/she reached during that at-bat, provided that pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to another batter.

The following process is implemented to monitor pitch counts:

-Each team’s scorekeeper keeps their own pitch count utilizing the LL Baseball Game Pitch Log

-Each team will be responsible for maintaining the LL Baseball Pitcher Eligibility Tracking Formin their scorebook for each game. This document will be made available to opposing coach priorto each game, if requested.

-Pitch counts will be reconciled by scorekeepers between each inning

-Any discrepancies between scorekeepers, the home team will be the official count. A suggestion is for both home and visitors pitch counters to be together so there are NO discrepancies. Good communication is the key here.

-Intentional walks will count as 4 pitches.

-No Balk rule in the Majors but there is an illegal pitch that does count toward the pitcher pitch count. Please refer to LL handbook.

-All pitch counts will “reset” at the end of the regular season prior to playoffs, however each pitcher must meet the “days rest” before their next pitching appearance.

12. Players who throw 41 or more pitches in a game cannot play the catching position. Any player catching 4 innings, cannot pitch in that game(1 pitch in the 4th inning is considered 4 innings).

13. According to Little League International Rules, the “Drop 3rd Strike Rule” is now in effect, in the Majors Division. Any 3rd strike, called or swung at, that hits the dirt, or is dropped by the catcher, is a live ball, with no runner on first. If there are 2 outs, and a runner on first, then the Drop 3rd Strike Rule is in effect as well.

14. All bats must be Little League approved. A batter caught using a non-approved Little League bat, for even 1 pitch, will be called out for that at bat. Subsequent violations of this rule could result in ejection for the player and head coach involved. It is the Head Coaches responsibility to ensure the proper equipment is on the field at all times.

15. Lightning Rule-The fields are to be cleared of all players upon recognition of thunder or lightning.At this time, players and families shall return to their cars until all is clear. Players cannot remain onthe field or in the dugouts. You must wait 10 minutes after the last visible lightning before resumingplay. (NO Exceptions)