Curriculum Vita

Name: Guy Edward Gibbon January, 2010

Education: Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 1957-59

University of Wisconsin-Madison 1959-60, 1963-69

B.S. degree in Anthropology, June 1964

M.S. degree in Anthropology, June 1966

Ph.D. degree in Anthropology, August 16, 1969

Employment History:

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,

Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, 1969-1970, summer 1970

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, fall 1970 through summer 1972

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, fall 1972 through summer 1973

University of Minnesota

Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Summer 1972

Assistant Professor of Anthropolgy, fall 1973 through June 1976

Associate Professor of Anthropology, June 1976 to September 1991

Professor of Anthropology, fall 1991 to present date

BRW, Inc. Minneapolis, MN. Senior Archaeologist, June 1995 to June 1997 (70% research leave from the University of Minnesota)

Administrative Positions:

Acting Director and Director, Center for Ancient Studies (CAS), summer 1981 through summer 1985.

Director/Director of Graduate Studies, Interdisciplinary Archaeological Studies (IAS), summer 1991 through summer 2001.

Research Director, BRW, Inc., June 1995 to June 1997

Areas of Interest:

Midwestern prehistoric and historical archaeology; the historical ethnography of North Central North American Native Peoples.

Sabbatical associations with other universities:

1976-77 Department of Philosophy, London School of Economics

1985-86 Institut fur Ur-und-Fruh-Geschichte (Institute of Archaeology), Heidelberg University, West Germany

Recent grants/research fellowships:

- Mn/Model project through BRW, Inc. (Principal Investigator, 1995-97; $5 million)

- Gibbs Farm excavations, Ramsey County Historical Society (1995; $13,000)

- Small Technology Grant, University of Minnesota (Spring, 1998; $11,500)

- Graduate Research Partnership Program Grant (Summer 2001)

- Faculty One-Semester Research Leave (Fall 2001)

- Graduate Research Partnership Program Grant (Summer 2005)



*1984 Anthropological Archaeology. Columbia University Press, New York.

*1989 Explanation in Archaeology. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.

1998  Archaeology of Prehistoric Native America: An Encyclopedia (editor). Garland Reference Library of the Humanities (Vol. 1537), 942 pp. Garland Press, New York.

*2003 The Sioux: The Dakota and Lakota Nations, Basil Blackwell, Oxford (a volume in Blackwell’s Peoples of America series).

2008 Minnesota Archaeology: The First Thirteen Thousand Years (with Scott Anfinson). University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology, No. 6.

2008 Stone Weapon Points of Minnesota: A Guide. University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology, No. 7.

2008 Minnesota Archaeology: A Brief History (with Scott Anfinson). University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology, No. 8.

2008 Prehistoric Pottery of Minnesota: A Guide. University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology, No. 9.

----- Critical Reading for Archaeology: An Introduction. Book manuscript nearing completion.

---- Digging Up Local History: Historical Archaeology in Minnesota. Edited book in progress.

--- Minnesota Archaeology: The Prehistory of the Upper Mississippi River Valley Region. Book manuscript nearing completion.


1973 The Sheffield Site: An Oneota Site on the St. Croix River. Minnesota Prehistoric Archaeology Series No. 10. 62 pages. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

1979 The Mississippian Occupation of the Red Wing Area. Minnesota Prehistoric Archaeology Series No. 13. 373 pages. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

1982 Oneota Studies, editor. University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology No. 1. 122 pages.

1983 Prairie Archaeology, editor. University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology No. 2. 170 pages.

1983 The Blue Earth Phase of Southern Minnesota. Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 30:1-84.

1990 The Woodland Tradition in the Western Great Lakes, editor. University of Minnesota Publications in Anthropology No. 4.

2007 The Old Savanna Portage: An Archaeological Study. The Minnesota Archaeologist 65:9-29 (plus a related 220 page monograph with extensive illustrations in an attached CD-ROM).

---- An Unusual Fur Trade Era Structure at Big Sandy Lake, Minnesota. Monograph in preparation.


1970 A Brief History of Oneota Research in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Magazine of History 53(4):278-293. Madison.

1970 The Midway Village Site. The Wisconsin Archaeologist 51(3):79-162. Milwaukee.

1971 The Bornick Site: A Grand River Phase Oneota Site in Marquette County. The Wisconsin Archaeologist 52(3):85-137. Milwaukee.

*1972 Cultural Dynamics and the Development of the Oneota Life-Way in Wisconsin. American Antiquity 37(2):166-185.

1972 The Walker-Hooper Site: A Grand River Phase Site in Green Lake County. The Wisconsin Archaeologist 53(4):149-290.

1974 A Model of Mississippian Development and Its Implications for the Red Wing Area. In Aspects of Upper Great Lakes Anthropology, ed. by Elden Johnson, pp. 129-137. Minnesota Prehistoric Archaeology Series No. 11. Minnesota Historical Society.

1975 The Brower Site: A Middle Woodland Mound and Camp Site on Lake Onamia. The Minnesota Archaeologist 34(1 and 2):1-43. St. Paul.

1975 The Crace Site: A Late Woodland Special Activity Site on Lake Onamia. The Minnesota Archaeologist 34(3 and 4):49-70.

1976 Archaeology and Prehistory, North America. In Dictionary of American History, pp. 154-158; also short topic articles on pp. 11, 83-84, 117, 289, 300, 319-320, 334, 352-352, 370, 382-383, 385-386, 402- 403, and 484. Scribner's Sons, New York.

1976 The Use of Taxonomic Aids in the Hierarchic Grouping of Ceramics. Canadian Archaeology Abroad, ed. P. L. Shinnie et al., pp. 251-260. Calgary.

1976 The Old Shakopee Bridge Site: A Late Woodland Ricing Site on Shakopee Lake. The Minnesota Archaeologist 35(2):1-56.

1978 A Simplified Algorithm Model for the Classification of Silvernale and Blue Earth Phase Ceramic Vessels. In Some Studies of Minnesota Prehistoric Ceramics, eds. A. Woolworth and M. Hall, pp. 3-11. Occasional Publications in Minnesota Anthropology No. 2. Minnesota Archaeological Society, St. Paul.

*1980 The Middle to Late Woodland Transition in Eastern Minnesota, with Christy A. H. Caine. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 5(1):57-72.

1981 One Hundred Years of Upper Midwest Archaeology. Upper Midwest History 1:41-53.

1982 Oneota Origins Revisited. In Oneota Studies, ed. Guy Gibbon, pp. 85-89.

1983 'First-Step' Settlement Subsistence Models for the Rock River Drainage in Southwestern Minnesota, with Homer Hruby. In Prairie Archaeology, ed. Guy Gibbon, pp. 131-149.

1984 Classical and Anthropological Archaeology: A Coming Rapprochement? In Studies in Aegean Archaeology, ed. by Nancy Wilkie and William Coulson, pp. 283-294. University of Minnesota Publications in Ancient Studies No. 1.

*1987 Does Minnesota Have an Early Woodland? In Early Woodland Archaeology, eds. Kenneth B. Farnsworth and Thomas E. Emerson, pp. 84-91. Center for American Archeology, Kampsville Seminars in Archeology No. 2.

1987 The Mississippian Tradition: Oneota Culture. In Introduction to Wisconsin Archaeology, eds. William Green et al., pp. 314-338. The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, Milwaukee

1987 Battle Island (21AK9): A Multi-Component Site on Big Sandy Lake, Aitkin County, Minnesota. The Minnesota Archaeologist, pp. 3-30.

1987 Indian Mound Point: A Multicomponent Woodland Site on the Shores of Big Sandy Lake. The Minnesota Archaeologist 46(2):17-37.

*1989 What Does an Observation Mean in Archaeology? International Journal of Moral and Social Studies 4:1-9. Oxford.

1990 What Does an Observation Mean In Archaeology? Chapter One in Powers of Observation: Alternative Views in Archeology, eds. Sarah Nelson and Alice Kehoe, pp. 5-10. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 2.

1990 Elden Johnson: An Appreciation. In The Woodland Tradition in the Western Great Lakes, ed. Guy Gibbon, pp. 3-5.

*1991 The Middle Mississippian Presence in Minnesota. In Cahokia and the Hinterlands: Middle Mississippian Cultures of the Midwest, eds. Thomas E. Emerson and R. Barry Lewis, pp. 207-220. University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago.

*1991 The Mississippian Presence in the Red Wing Area (with Clark Dobbs). In New Perspectives on Cahokia: Views from the Periphery, ed. James B. Stoltman. Monographs in World Archaeology No. 2. Madison: Prehistory Press.

*1993 The Middle Missouri Tradition in Minnesota: A Review. In Joseph A. Tiffany (ed.), Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Western Prairies and Northern Plains, pp. 169-187. Plains Anthropologist 38-145, Memoir 27.

1994 Cultures of the Upper Mississippi River Valley and Adjacent Prairies in Iowa and Minnesota. In Karl Schlesier (ed.), Plains Indians, A. D. 500-1500: The Archaeological Past of Historic groups, pp. 128-148. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

*1995 Oneota at the Periphery: Trade, Power, and Ethnicity in Northern Minnesota and on the Northeastern Plains in the Late Prehistoric Period. In Oneota Archaeology: Past, Present, and Future, William Green (ed.), pp. 175-199. Report 20, Office of the State Archaeologist Office, University of Iowa, Iowa City.

1995 Theory in Archaeology. A review essay in Oxford Companion to Archaeology, edited by Brian Fagan, pp. 509-511. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England.

*1998 Old Copper in Minnesota: A Review. Plains Anthropologist 43-163:27-50.

2001 Oneota. In Encyclopedia of Prehistory, Volume 6: North America, pp. 389-407. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.

2005 Epistemology. In Archaeology: The Key Concepts, edited by Colin Renfrew and Paul Bahn, pp. 89-94. Routledge, New York.

2007 McKern’s Science. The Wisconsin Archeologist 85(2):18-23.

2009 Orwell: A Plains Middle Woodland Burial Component in Western Minnesota. The Minnesota Archaeologist 67:106-123.

2009 Lifeways through Time in the Upper Mississippi River Valley and Northeastern Plains. The Oxford Handbook of North American Archaeology, edited by Timothy Pauketat. Oxford University Press, New York. (accepted for publication in June 2009)

Book Reviews:

1971 Review of: Johnson, The Prehistoric Peoples of Minnesota; Wilford, Johnson, and Vicinus, Burial Mounds of Central Minnesota; Wilford, Burial Mounds of the Red River Headwaters; Bleed, The Archaeology of Petaga Point. In American Antiquity 36(1):123-124.

1972 Review of: Dale R. Henning, Development and Interrelationships of Oneota Culture in the Lower Missouri River Valley, The Missouri Archaeologist 32 (1970). In Plains Anthropologist 17(56):161-162.

1974 Review of: Raymond B. Chaplin, The Study of Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites, 1971, Seminar Press. In American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40(1):107-108.

1976 Review of: Marshall McKusick, The Grant Village, Report No. 4, Office of the State Archaeologist, University of Iowa, 1973. In Plains Anthropologist 21(71):78-80.

1981 Review of: Wilfred T. Neill, Archeology and a Science of Man, Columbia University Press, 1978. In British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32:106-109.

1989 Review of: James L. Theler, Woodland Tradition Economic Strategies, Office of the State Archaeologist, University of Iowa. In Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 36:85-86.

1990 Review of: Jane Kelley and Marsha Hanen, Archaeology and the Methodology of Science, University of New Mexico Press. In American Antiquity 55:188-189.

1993 O'Shea on Hodder's Domestication. In American Anthropologist 95:711-714.

2001 Review of: Steven R. Ahler (ed.), Mounds, Modoc, and Mesoamerica: Papers in Honor of Melvin L. Fowler. Illinois State Museum Scientific papers, Vol. XXVIII. In Illinois Archaeology 13:177-179.

2002 Review of: Thomas E. Emerson et al. (eds), Late Woodland Societies: Tradition and Transformation across the Midcontinent. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln. In Plains Anthropologist 47(180):85-87.

2003 Review: Taming the Taxonomy: Toward a New Understand of Great Lakes Archaaeology. Ronald F. Williamson and Christopher M. Watts, editors/ Eastenbooks, Toronto, 1999. In American Antiquity 68(1):201-203.

2007 Review of: Ronald J. Mason, Inconstant Companions: Archaeology and North American Indian Oral Traditions. University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa. Illinois Archaeology 19:197-199.

2009 Review of: Rani-Henrik Andersson, The Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 2008. Journal of American Ethnic History (In press)

Cultural Research Management (CRM) Reports:

1977 Prehistoric and Historic Archaeological Sites Survey of Voyageurs National Park. 353 pages. National Park Service.

1978 Spring Shoreline Survey of Voyageurs National Park. 53 pages. National Park Service.

1980 An Archaeological Survey of Nobles, Pipestone, and Rock Counties, Minnesota. 85 pages. Minnesota Historical Society Statewide Survey.

1981 Test Excavations at the Gideon Pond Historic House Site. 22 pages. City of Bloomington, Historic Sites Manuscripts.

1981 Phase 1 Cultural Resources Survey of Battle Creek Project 1. 45 pages. Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District, Sites Survey Manuscripts.

1984 Cultural Resources Reconnaissance Survey of the Shoreline of Big Sandy Reservoir, Aitkin County, Minnesota: 1982, with Terri Leistman. 77 pages. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Archaeological Survey manuscripts, St. Paul District.

1985 The Savanna Portage: An Archaeological Study, with Eugene Willms. 195 pages. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

1992 Woodland Cultural Context. In Phase III Data Recovery Operations at Sites 13LE179 and 13LE184, Lee County, Iowa, pp. 38-52. Prepared by BRW, Inc. Report submitted to the Iowa Department of Transportation.

1993. The Howard Lake Phase. In Guy E. Gibbon, G. Bennett, K. A. Ketz, and T. W. Bailey, Phase III Data Recovery Operations at Site 21AN17 Anoka County, Minnesota, Chapter 5 pp. 5-1 - 5-35). Report prepared by BRW, Inc. for the Anoka County Highway Department.

1994  A Predictive Model of Cultural Development. In Geoarchaeological Data Recovery, East Terrace Site (21BN6) and Gardner Site (21SN14), Benton and Stearns Counties, Minnesota, pp. 7-1 to 7-35. A CRM manuscript prepared by BRW, Inc. and submitted to the Minnesota Department of Transportation (SHPO Referral File Number: 91-1570).