FOD FIN Belgiumand IBM Confidential - © FOD FIN Belgiumand IBM Corporation 2008

Message Implementation Guide

Negative Acknowledgement of XML Receipt


Author:Wim Mertens


Customer:FOD FIN Belgium

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Date of this revision: 23/02/2010 / Date of next revision (date)
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00.01 / 23/02/10 / Initial version created / (N)


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2.Functional description......


3.Message overview......

3.1Primary message......

3.1.1Message structure......

3.1.2Mandatory field explanations......

3.1.3Mapping to XML......

3.2Response messages......

4.Technical message structure......


This chapter identifies the document, describes the contents of the document, and states its purpose.


The primary purpose of the Message Implementation Guide for IE917is to describe the way that the message and its related response message need to be implemented.


This document refers to the following external documents and/or Web sites

Ref. / Reference / Title/URL / Release
R1 / Design Document EMCS / ECP2-FITSDEV2-DDNEA-v2.23-EN.doc / 2.23
R2 / Core Business EMCS / ECP1-ESS-FESSv3.03-2-SECTION II CORE BUSINESS.doc / 3.03
R3 / Messages EMCS / ECP2-FITSDEV2-DDNEA_P2_APP_D_223-EN.pdf / 2.23
R4 / Toepassingsverordening /
R5 / Codelists EMCS / ECP2-FITSDEV2-DDNEA_P2_APP_B_223-EN.pdf / 2.23
R7 / XML Mapping / ECP2-FITSDEV2-DDNEA_P2_APP_E_223-EN.pdf / 2.23


Acronyms / Description
AAD / Administrative Accompanying Document
API / Application Programming Interface
ARC / AAD Reference Code
BCC / Business Communication Channels
CCN / Common Communication Network
CD / Common Domain
CDEA / Centrally Developed Excise Application
CDIA / CCN/TC Directory Administrator
CLD / Collaboration Diagram
CoA / Confirm on Arrival
CoD / Confirm on Delivery
CONTRL / Syntax and service report XML message
COS / Central Operation Specification
CPT / Central Project Team
CS/MIS / Central Services - Management Information System
CS/RD / Central Services Reference Data
CSI / Common Systems Interface
CSIDD / CCN/CSI Data Descriptor
DDNEA / Design Document for National Excise Applications
DG TAXUD / TAXation and Customs Union DG
DTD / Document Type Definition
EC / European Community
ECP / Excise Computerisation Project
ECS / Export Control System
ELO / Excise Liaison Office
EMCS / Excise Movement and Control System
EMCS-CO / Excise Movement and Control System - Central Operations
ETA / Excise Test Application
EXC / Exception Report
EXP / Expiration Report
FESS / Functional Excise System Specification
FMS / Functional Message Structure
FRS / Fallback and Recovery Specification
FS / Functional Stage
GLT / Glossary of Terms
GMT / Greenwich Mean Time
GSS / Generic Security Services
GUI / Graphical User Interface
HTML / HyperText Markup Language
HTTP / HyperText Transfer Protocol
IE / Information Exchange
ISO / International Standards Organisation
IT / Information Technology
KEL / Known Error List
LRN / Local Reference Number
LSO / Local Security Officer
MD5 / Message Digest 5
MIME / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MS / MemberState
MSA / MemberState Administration
NACK / Non-ACKnowledgement service message
NCTS / New Computerised Transit System
NDEA / Nationally Developed Excise Application
NEA / National Excise Application
ORO / Occasionally Registered Operator
PRO / Permanent Registered Operator
PSS / Phasing and Scope Specification
QoS / Quality of Service
RD / Reference Data
RoR / Report of Receipt
SD / Scope Document
SEED / System for Exchange of Excise Data
SEP / Security Policy
SESS / Security Excise System Specification
SETA / Standard Excise Test Application
SGML / Standard Generalised Markup Language
SMTP / Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SRO / System Requirements Overview
SSL / Secure Socket Layer
STD / State Transition Diagram
TC / Technical Centre
TCP/IP / Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TESS / Technical Excise System Specification
TMS / Technical Message Structure
TSD / Time Sequence Diagram
UC / Use Case
UML / Unified Modelling Language
URI / Universal Resource Identifier
UTF / UCS Transformation Format
VAT / Value Added Tax
VIES / VAT Information Exchange System
WS / Web Service
WWW / World Wide Web
XML / Extensible Markup Language
XSD / XML Schema Definition

2.Functional description


The negative acknowledgement of XML receipt (IE917) is used for reporting XML formatting errors.

The IE917 message contains the following information:

  • The character line and column number of the error identifying the first position of the identified location of the error within the message.
  • The Error Reason containing the text of the error for which no specific requirements are imposed.
  • Optionally, the Error Location containing the XPath location of the error. For message with invalid XML content or if the reported error concerns XML conformance or formatting, the XPath location will, most probably, not be available in which case the Error Location needs not be included. Even for XML schema errors, this data item is optional as the sender’s application may not support this information. Moreover, it is recommended to avoid including the Error Location if the XPath string is to be truncated (i.e. if the length of the string is greater than the length of the relative Data Item), thus avoiding reporting inaccurate location.
  • Optionally, the Original Attribute Value that should be used when the error is an XML schema error concerning an invalid value. The reasons for considering an attribute value invalid might be the format or a value outside the applicable technical Codelist. For such cases, the Original Attribute Value should contain the invalid value contained in the received message in order to indicate which value was perceived invalid.

3.Message overview

3.1Primary message

3.1.1Message structure

The primary message is the IE917“negative acknowledgement of XML receipt” described below:


---HEADER 1x D TR0104

---XML ERROR 999x R


Message sender R an..36

Message recipient R an..36

Date of preparation R date

Time of preparation R time

Message identifier R an..44

Correlation identifier D an..44 TR9121


AAD Reference Code R an21 R030

Sequence Number R n..5


Error Line Number R n..9

Error Column Number R n..9

Error Reason R an..350

Error Location O an..350

Original attribute value O an..350

Conditions and rules are described in detail inR3. Applicable codes for certain fields can be found inR5.

Document:MASP.be_EMCS_MIG IE917.docDate:23/02/2010


Owner:FOD FIN D&AStatus:Draft

Subject:Message Implementation Guide - IE917Page1of11

FOD FIN Belgiumand IBM Confidential - © FOD FIN Belgiumand IBM Corporation 2008

3.1.2Mandatory field explanations

The explanation of the different fields in the message structure is given in the table below, but only for required data fields. For detailed descriptions seeR4.

Segment/field / Description
AAD Reference Code / The format of <ARC> is defined in "FESS Appendix B"
In case a response to an IE815 message is made then “99NOARCAVAILABLEMOCK1” is used as a default value for the ARC.

3.1.3Mapping to XML

The functional mapping of IE917 message fields to XML Tags is defined in R7. The technical XML message formatting is defined R6in the file ie917.xsd.

3.2Response messages


4.Technical message structure


Document:MASP.be_EMCS_MIG IE917.docDate:23/02/2010


Owner:FOD FIN D&AStatus:Draft

Subject:Message Implementation Guide - IE917Page1of11