Composite Drawing

For Law Enforcement

Announcing a 40-hour class in composite art.

Monday through Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM.

September 26-30, 2011

Hosted by the

Federal Way Police Department

33328 8 Ave. So., Federal Way, Washington 98003

Composite Drawing for Law Enforcement

Approved for Certification requirements:

Stuart Parks Forensic Associates Certification Program

International Association for Identification

No drawing background required.

Drawings left are pre-instructional and after one day of class.

Subjects include:

  Drawing the face, facial feature

  Setting up the composite unit

  History of forensic art

  Identification and perception

  The three methods of drawing composites

  Hands on skill development

  The cognitive interview

Enrollment information: Class fee: $695. Fee includes workbooks, handouts, and materials. There is a supply list enclosed. This is a limited enrollment class. Early registration is encouraged. For more information and to enroll:

Carrie Stuart Parks, Stuart Parks Forensic Consultants, P.O. Box 73, Cataldo, ID 83810. (208) 682-4564 fax (208) 682-4773. Email:

Supply list: basic class

You will need these supplies.


  HB

  2B

  6B

  2H


  Strathmore 300 series 9” x 12” tape rather than wire bound,

100 sheets works fine


  Bristol board, plate finish is what I use--but also bring a pad of other paper

Tracing paper

Circle template (smaller circles, not the big ones)

Erasing shield

Drawing board

Legal size clipboard works fine


Kneaded rubber eraser

White plastic eraser

Pink Pearl

Pencil sharpener

Pen (to take notes)

Writing paper

Notebook etc

12” C-thru ruler--the kind with centering and a grid pattern on the front

Paper stumps or tortillions

Various sizes

Please note: To save you time, the above supplies are available from Stuart Parks Forensic Consultants. The supplies will be waiting for you in class. You may order the student basic package for $69.00.

Ask about our professional level supply pack (highly recommended!) for $169.

Please order no later than two weeks prior to class.


Forensic Classes

Stuart Parks Associates

1.  Class
Information / Date:
2. Attending
Information / Full Name:
City, State,
Work phone:
Home phone:
3. Method of / Check enclosed
Note on using credit card for payment-please fill out ALL requested information
payment / Credit card # / Exp.:
CVV # / (small 3 digit number on signature line, back of card)
Name on card:
Billing address:
4. Information / Please send me / Motel information
needed / Supply list
5. Previous
Classes / Please list previous Composite
Classes you
attended if any

Mail to: Stuart Parks Forensic Consultants, P.O. Box 73, Cataldo, Idaho 83810-1073

Call: (208) 682-4564 Fax: (208) 682-4773