Paignton Computing KS3 2013/14

Key Stage:3 / YEAR:7 / DURATION: 6 LESSONS
AIM: In this unit pupil’s focus on how to use basic principles of programming. They will start by learning the ways a program can be built visually using the SCRATCH software. The initial activity will be to create a simple dancing or walking character. This will lead on to developing understanding in creating sequences of events and responses if the character hits the wall or the background changes colour. More advanced principles of programming can be explored by looking at work already produced.

Prior learning

It is helpful if the pupils have:
  • Used programming/sequencing systems like logo or flowal previously.

Language for learning

Throughout the activities in this unit pupils will be able to understand, use and spell correctly words relating to visual programming, control, sensing, sound, numbers, operators, x axis, y axis,



  • Computers
  • Scratch from MIT
  • Google for support
  • VLE for how to do it videos.
  • Access to information through ICT

Key Concepts and Processes:
Use Software to create a product
Pupils will develop their ability to use software and think through the stages of designing a complicated solution to a problem. They will learn about simple programming but have the opportunity to create an interesting game if they progress that far. / Creativity and Decision Making
Pupils will learn to identify and make decisions on the design of game or software product to suit their own requirements as well as those of other users. / Developing Skills/Performance
Pupils will learn to use basic principles of software design utilizing features of Scratch. Move, Turn, Play. Run, loops, etc.
Making Informed Choices About choice of software to perform required functions.
Students will make decisions about what software they should use for additional features as well as how to navigate the Internet to find resources and support their learning. Choice of software is limited for this project. / Evaluating and Improving
Be able to understand the concepts of how Scratch works as an introduction to programming. Using the software to develop solutionsto real or imagined problems. Review will be in the form of
Questioning and discussion. Appropriate questioning on teaching points of the skills and processes developed. Observation and peer assessment.
Cross Curricular Links: Literacy (key words), Math’s (functions, formulas), Citizenship (designing for others). / Assessment: Q & A, Formative and summative assessment.
Extension & Enrichment
Out of lessons, and at home students should be encouraged to find examples of where simple software applications could be written ie, Shopping lists, apps. Games. The program SCRATCH is available for free download. / Expectations
After carrying out the activities and core tasks in this unit.
Most pupils will:
Choose and use combinations of skills with confidence, accuracy and
consistent quality in most of the solutions they develop, use a sound
understanding oftheprinciples of software designwithin the
constraints of the SCRATCH environment.
Some pupils will not have made so much progress and will:
choose and use skills that aren’t so well considered.
They should all have produced a moving character and created a game as outlined but also listen and act on advice outlining how to improve.
Some pupils will have progressed further and will: choose and apply complex skills and techniques that are suited to their software development project.
They will use learning resources effectively and produce software outcomes that can be used by others and that work effectively and are well presented.

Language for learning

Through the activities in this unit pupils will be able to understand, use and spell correctly words relating to:play, run, move, forward, backward, left, right, sequences, instructions.
By the end of this unit a pupil will reach level:
Level 4
They use ICT to present information in different forms and show they are aware of the intended audience and the need for quality in their presentations.
They plan and test sequences of instructions.
They use ICT-based models and simulations to explore patterns and relationships, and make predictions about the consequences of their decisions. They use ICT to organize, store and retrieve information. They compare their use of ICT with other methods and with its use outside school.
Level 5
They use ICT to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences.
They create sequences of instructions and understand the need to be precise when framing and sequencing instructions.
They explore the effects of changing the variables in an ICT-based model.
They use ICT safely and responsibly.
They discuss their knowledge and experience of using ICT and their observations of its use outside school.
They assess the use of ICT in their work and are able to reflect critically in order to make improvements in subsequent work.
They use appropriate evaluation criteria to critically evaluate the fitness for purpose of their work as it progresses.
Level 6
Pupils plan and design ICT-based solutions to meet a specific purpose and audience, demonstrating increased integration and efficiency in their use of ICT tools.
They develop and refine their work to enhance its quality, using a greater range and complexity of information.
They present their ideas in a variety of ways and show a clear sense of audience.
They develop, try out and refine sequences of instructions and show efficiency in framing these instructions, using sub-routines where appropriate.
They plan and review their work, creating a logically structured portfolio of digital evidence of their learning.
They discuss the impact of ICT on society.
Level 7
Pupils design and implement systems. They are able to scope the information flow required to develop an information system.
They combine information from a variety of ICT-based and other sources for presentation to different audiences.
They identify the advantages and limitations of different information-handling applications.
They select and use information to develop systems suited to work in a variety of contexts, translating enquiries expressed in ordinary language into the form required by the system.
They develop, test and refine sequences of instructions as part of an ICT system to solve problems.
They design ICT-based models and procedures with variables to meet particular needs.
They consider the benefits and limitations of ICT tools and information sources and of the results they produce, and they use these results to inform future judgments about the quality of their work.
They make use of audience and user feedback to refine and enhance their ICT solutions.
They take part in informed discussions about the use of ICT and its impact on society.
Week / Learning objectives / Task examples / Information/
1 / Intro
Scratch explained! – Programming basics.
Developing Games/Entertainment Software.
Produce software that is easy to use for a new user! Make navigation intuitive.
Homework: List ideas for your own games.
Design A games character in Xara.
Replace the cat in scratch with your own character.
/ Introduction to the project: You will be learning about the main features of Scratch as an introduction to programming.
The Scenario:
You work in a local doctor’s surgery. In recent months young children/ teenagers have been messing around in the waiting room whilst waiting for their doctor. Lots of rubbish has been left, items broken and an even an elderly lady injured. The surgery has interviewed two of the trouble makers, both of them state ‘’the games in the waiting room at the moment are boring that’s why we mess around’’.
You have been asked by the surgery manager to design a new game/animation to keep young people occupied whilst waiting.
Using the ‘Scratch’ program you must create a game or animation that entertains young people for as long as possible. You must create a game that meets the needs of your target audience. (You must decide upon a target audience.)
Once completed, you must create instructions explain how the game was created for other surgeries in the local area. / All lessons start with starter and quick fire discussion about what they have done previously and what they will be doing in that lesson.
Examples: We are looking at Programming
Make learning as active as possible.
Use video resources to support learning and allow pupils to review and remind themselves what is required and how to do things.
Tasks set to cater for all levels of ability:
SMSC – Outlined for each lesson.
Spiritual, Creative.
Social, Designing for others.
2 / Character animation.
Try to get your character to move around the screen as a minimum! If you can develop your character further to sense the colour of the background all the better.
(Progress Record Sheet Completed With Staff Comments.)
3 / Developing Your Ideas.
When you have tried the first task and have gained some experience ion SCRATCH then develop your ideas and produce a game or entertaining animation of your own choice for assessment. / Develop your own project for assessment.
4 / Develop your own project.
(Progress Record Sheet Completed With Staff Comments.) / Use resources and previously built software to develop an entertaining animation or game of your own choice.
5 / Complete Tasks from VLE
Start the Assessment Piece.
/ Discuss the project brief and work out a solution.
Start building the solution.
Complete your personal progress record as you work through this unit.
6 / Review more advanced features:
(Progress Record Sheet Completed With Staff Comments.) / Starter to review and discuss formatting and formulas as used in Spreadsheets 1 and Spreadsheets 2.
Continue with the design and build of game or animation solution as outlined.
Review of this unit.

Paignton Community & Sports Academy Computing KS3