Tyminski, Vita, p. 1


University of Georgia 280 Snapfinger Drive

105 Aderhold HallAthens, GA 30605

Athens, GA 30602Home: (706) 546-9241

(706) 542-4177Cell: (706) 372-1876


PhD.Mathematics Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia,

Anticipated completion date: August 2006

Dissertation title: Why do I want to tell? Examining teacher discourse within the college

mathematics classroom

Major professor: Dr. Denise Mewborn

M.Ed.Mathematics Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, August 2003

B.S.Elementary Education with extension in Mathematics Education, State University of New York College at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, December 1992, cum laude


Effectiveness of preservice education; beliefs of preservice elementary school teachers; mathematical knowledge for teaching; professional development of professional developers

Graduate Assistantship Work

Graduate Assistant, Technology Integration in Mathematics (2005-2006). Funded by the Georgia Department of Education Teacher Quality Initiative at the University of Georgia. PI: Dr. Chandra Orrill. The TIM project aims at supporting teachers in using technology to enhance mathematical thinking and problem solving in their classrooms. Responsibilities include designing and delivering professional development activities, mentoring lesson plan development, and facilitating reflection through use of a videotape analysis tool.

Research Assistant, Scientists And Professional Educators Learning together Outdoors (Summer 2005). Funded by the National Science Foundation at the University of Georgia. PI: Patricia Hembree. Responsibilities included working alongside Georgia science teachers and research scientists on science projects at the Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, Georgia, engaging teachers in reflection on the role of field science within the classroom, videotaping, and digital photography.

Research Assistant, Center for Proficiency in Teaching Mathematics (Spring 2003 - Summer 2005).

Funded by the National Science Foundationat the University of Georgia and the University of Michigan. PIs: Dr. Patricia S. Wilson, Dr. James W. Wilson, Dr. Jeremy Kilpatrick, Dr. Deborah L. Ball, Dr. Ed Silver. Responsibilities included planning instruction and research agendas for 2003 and 2004 Summer Institutes, videotaping, transcribing data, and taking field notes.

Graduate Assistant, PRIME–Partnerships for Reform in Mathematics Education, University of Georgia, (Fall 2002-Spring 2003). PI: Dr. Patricia S. Wilson. Responsibilities include attending seminars and meetings on professional development for practicing high school teachers who are supervising preservice teachers, organizing and leading bi-weekly meetings designed to foster the development of learning communities, as well as supervising six preservice high school teachers seeking initial certification.

Instructor, EMAT 3400–Children’s Mathematical Learning, University of Georgia (Fall 2004). Taught a class of 30 preservice elementary school teachers in examining the thinking and reasoning of children in the context of mathematics. Responsibilities included planning, teaching, assessing student work, and observing students in their interactions with 3rd grade elementary school students.

Instructor, EMAT 3410–Mathematics and Teaching Curriculum PreK - 5, University of Georgia, (Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2005). Taught three different sections of a course for preservice elementary school teachers. Content included methods of teaching geometry, measurement, probability, data analysis, and algebra to preK-5 students. Course includes a 4-week field experience in which I supervised approximately 6 preservice teachers in all subjects.

Teaching Assistant, EMAT 6990–Research Seminar in Mathematics Education, Lawrenceville, Georgia (Fall 2002). Assisted Dr. James W. Wilson in teaching a class for 24 in-service middle school mathematics teachers. Responsibilities included planning, facilitating class discussion, reading research proposals, and providing feedback.

K-12 Experience

Mathematics teacher, science teacher, curriculum developer Lynnhaven Middle School, Virginia Beach, Virginia (September 1993 – June 1997)

Mathematics teacher, Kemps Landing Magnet School, Virginia Beach, Virginia (September 1997 – June 2000, September 2001 – June 2002).

Mathematics teacher, curriculum developer, The American School of The Hague, Wassenaar, Netherlands (August 2000 – June 2001).

Mathematics tutor of middle school mathematics through Algebra II/ Trigonometry (September 1993-June 2002).


Mewborn, D. S., & Tyminski, A. M. (2004). Lortie revisited. In D. E. McDougall & J. A. Ross (Eds.) Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 1183-1189.Toronto: OISE.

Mewborn, D. S., & Tyminski, A. M. (under review). Lortie’s apprenticeship of observation revisited. For the Learning of Mathematics.


Mewborn, D.S., Sztajn, P., & Tyminski, A. M. (2005, April). Intentional teacher educator

preparation. Paper presented at the Research Presession of the National Council of Teachers

of Mathematics, Anaheim.

Tyminski, A. M., Ledford, S., & Brink D. (2005, February). Teacher lust. Poster session at the National Science Foundation Meeting of Principle Investigators for Centers of Learning and Teaching, Washington, D.C.

Mewborn, D. S., & Tyminski, A. M. (2004, October). Lortie revisited. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education–North American Chapter, Toronto, Canada.

Mewborn, D. S., Sztajn, P. & Tyminski, A. M. (2004, July). Working with students’ work. Mini

course taught at the 2004 CPTM Summer Institute, Ypsilanti, Michigan.


Social chair of the Mathematics Education Student Association (MESA). (May 2003-April 2004)

Reviewer for The Mathematics Educator. (August 2002-present).

Reviewer for Psychology of Mathematics Education – North American Chapter (Spring 2005).


National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 2003-present

Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America (PME-NA), 2002-present

Member of the Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge Working Group of PME-NA, 2004-present


Dr. Denise S. Mewborn

University of Georgia

105 Aderhold Hall

Athens GA 30602-7124


Dr. Paola Sztajn

219 Gundry Drive

Falls Church, VA 22046


Dr. Jeremy Kilpatrick

105 Aderhold Hall

Athens GA 30602-7124
