WCPA Board Meeting December 8, 2005

Carroll College

In attendance: Louise Paskey, Michael Perry, Matt Suwalski, Steve Taylor, Sheila Jensen, David Sarnowski, Lisa Sarnowski, Amanda Hebert, Crystal Faledas, Betsy Bishop, Katie Wildman, Greg Iaccarino, Arcetta Butler

Absent: Nora McGuire, Diana Maki

9:50 am Icebreaker, Activity (Rock around the clock)

10:50 am Welcome, Go through new binders (Benefits statement, constitution, ACPA)

11:10 am Read Position Descriptions and discuss what is involved from the perspective of the person holding the position or the former member

How can the rest of the board help/support each member:

Past-President: Volunteer and help out at Careers in Student Affairs Conference

Student Activities: Get the word out around campus, help pave the way (i.e. if you get an e-mail from this representative, please read it, etc…

PDI Chair: Attend PDI, help out with getting info on the internet

President: Come to meetings, carve out time to do WCPA Work, make time to communicate with President and your constituents, be patient

Membership Administrator: Help keep list up to date, Use list to contact your constituency, if you know of someone new to your institution talk to them about joining WCPA, help with ideas of getting new members

Conference Chair: Recruitment of people for conference attendance, keynotes, presenters, committee members, contribute theme and conference ideas, work with Past-Presidents on Student Affairs 101

Publicity & Newsletter Chair: Communicate to groups to get articles for newsletter,

Communication/Technology: Provide updated information

Human Diversity & Standing Committee Liaison: Forward articles on Social Justice Education

Secretary: Help with Award Nominees, Help point out items to include on the minutes

Treasurer: Check before making a purchase and turn in receipts in a timely manner, notify when you receive any reimbursements from treasurer, Have institution make purchase so we can use University tax exempt status and have WCPA reimburse the institution if possible

Graduate Student Representative: Help bring graduate students to the attention of the rep

11:40 am Transition discussion with former and new board members

11:45 am Lunch, Discuss action items

1:30 pm Discuss date and times for Winter Retreat in Chula Vista and April Meeting

Thursday, February 23, 2006, Deming Way (Edgewood) 10:00am-6:00pm

Tuesday, March 28, 2006, Fluno Center or ECB (UW Madison) 10:00-4:00pm

Summer meeting at UW Milwaukee

1:50 am Reports and checking in

Officer Reports

A.  President – Louise

PDI logistics, working with Katie and Lisa on this, more to report later

ACPA social with Minnesota at Ram Brewery

Is $325 okay to spend? Carolyn Approved

Worked with Steve on elections

Sheila officially elected as Secretary

Working on finding a President-Elect

Still need a Dimensions of Wellness Representative

Louise to follow up on some suggestions

Carolyn to follow up on Phil Tompkins

Amanda to follow up on her campus

Matt Sarnowski also following up on his campus

B.  Past-President – Steve

Louise has been working very hard. We are going to see some fun changes this year. Good work, Louise! Very excited and proud to have Louise as our leader. Let’s all support her.

C.  President-Elect – Vacant

D.  Treasurer – Carolyn

Our total income was $11, 200 so far. We spent over $14,500 on the conference.

Our projected income was $18,000 so we have a lot to make up.

We need to work on making money on the PDI and on next year’s conference.

Award for Program Presentation – we will pay for one registration (plus membership, early bird rate). Sheila - Add to award criteria that if more than one person presents, the same amount will be given and needs to be split between the presenters. The presenter need only submit their program for ACPA, not necessarily be accepted to receive the funding.

E. Secretary – Sheila

Member at large/Area Rep Reports

A. Residence Life – Crystal

B. Dimensions of Wellness – Vacant

C. Academic and Career Advising – Diana

D. Student Activities, Admissions, and Orientation – David

Working on getting directories for different areas he represents

Reorganizing programming board and how this may turn into a presentation

Issues of facebook and ads

E. Senior Student Affairs/Judicial – Nora

F. Graduate Student - Michael


A. Human Diversity and ACPA Standing Committee Liaison – Amanda

Working with Katie Vanroosenbeek on a Transgender Program to put on the website

Discussion questions for the movie “Crash”, distribute and maybe put in the newsletter

Keeping up to date on current issues

B. Publicity & Newsletter – Arcetta

Hope to have Newsletter out on December 23. Please submit to Arcetta by December 20. Choose

your own deadline to have articles submitted to you, as long as they get to Arcetta on the 20th.

We need a name for the WCPA Newsletter, contest has not worked.

Could we come up with a name at our Winter retreat?

Arcetta to work with Louise on the Great Lakes Journal

C. Communication/Technology – Matt

Website is down and reverted to old format. Matt can make changes, but they won’t be

live for a while

Please put your report on the message board after today’s meeting

Also, post job opening on this, PDI, Conference, and Newsletter

This is linked through our website

Paypal went well for conference and we can also use for PDI

Going to create a section for hot topics, bi weekly. Please post a response to get things started.

Working on web-based submission form for people who want to ask general questions.

Working on conference registration and membership listing on the website, too

D. Conference Chair – Katie, Greg

Very positive evaluation from the conference!

Decided to change our location to the Chula Vista


Participants will get the state rate, can stay over on a week end night after conference, saving on

room rental rate, saving on food a lot, no service charge on food, save approximately $4,100.

Katie and Greg visited and thought it was great. Water park, golf discounts, and boat ride and

upgrades available for rooms are some of the perks

Dates: change student conference from Friday to Saturday? Yes.

October 18-21, 2006

Board meeting on Wednesday, conference Thursday and Friday,

Student conference Friday and Saturday

Katie to confirm dates with Chula Vista

Hoping to set up a committee for conference planning

Need themes, keynote, other ideas (dealing with change??)

Dave wants some “save the date” cards for the conference to hand out at NACA

F. Membership – Betsy

Selection of functional area, when they select “other” who works with them?

We need to look at the categories we use.

Betsy to look at what ACPA has for functional areas

Have many more categories and we choose which rep they go with

G. Professional Development Institutes – Lisa

Mental Health and Today’s College Student, Brenda O’Beirne to do a 90 minute keynote, followed

by a panel discussion.

Discussion about the functional areas to include on registration form

Purpose of the PDI? Provide low cost, local professional development

Who we are looking at for panelists – Katie and Louise working on this

Member labels, working with Greg on this

E-mail for save the date, coming soon

Deadline is February 8, because need to order food by then

3:15pm Great Lakes Journal Discussion

Quoted from Louise’s e-mailed responses to their queries:

1. Does your state currently have a journal that is broad in nature for student affairs practitioners and scholars? If so, how successful has it been and who publishes it?

No, we don't.

2. Is there value in having a regional journal? Why or why not?

Yes, it provides more opportunity for graduate students, student affairs professionals to get their articles published and is an added benefit in providing professional development to our state members.

3. What should be the focus of the content of a regional journal (strictly research or should it also include best practices, feature articles, book reviews, etc.)?

The WCPA Board felt the emphasis should be on best practices (what are other people doing, learning?)- Make it a Regional "About Campus" publication with collaborationfrom the academic side.

4. How should the editorial board be organized?

Each state could have a member at large on the board, along with some faculty representation.

5. What resources might your state association be able to provide to the journal?

·  Help with funding (dependent ofcourse oncost,). A thought would be tohave some fundraising to help with cost (promote space for advertisements within publication).

·  Shoulder tap others within our state to submitpublications.

6. Should it be published electronically, in paper format, or both?

WCPA Board felt that in order for it to have credibility it should be in paper format if cost isn’t an issue.

7. How often should it be published?


8. Offer any other ideas you may have about the concept.

The WCPA Board is supportive of this, let’s continue the discussionand see what others are thinking!

3:20pm Meeting adjourned