Seminole Springs Elementary

School and Workplace Safety Meeting

Safety Minutes November 14,2012

  1. Call to Order

At 3:05 PM meeting was called to order.

  1. Roll Call

The following were in attendance:

Pam Cox, Sandra Reed, Ana Moyer, Ramona Rodriguez, Sue Harris, Valecia McMennamy, Linda McClelland, Kathy Osborne, Midge Abston

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting: Sue Harris made a motion to accept the minutes, Mrs. Osborne seconded. All members were unanimous in accepting the minutes.
  1. Old Business: Safety Patrols- over all everyone stated that the patrols were doing a good job, some did report that the students may need to be reminded about not socializing with their friends. Some problems occur in the dome area.
  1. New Business
  2. Areas of Concern: Tree limbs in the back need to be trimmed, Valecia stated she would take care of it. A reminder was given regarding the cords on the floor, especially if we have a safety inspection from the county. Mats in the cafeteria need to be replaced. Mrs. Abston stated she would address it with Ms. Longo.
  3. Safety Issues: Nurse Reed stated that all meds, CPR supplies, and AED are now put on a cart and are taken out during fire drills and other emergency drills. She stated that if she were ever absent that there should be someone as an alternate who knows what to take.

Mrs. Abston reminded the group to report to their grade level regarding the colored cards and the kits. She stated the kits need to be taken out with the drills to show green:all is ok, or red: to identify that there is a problem,(ie missing student or someone sick).

The teachers identified that when we had the alarm go off during breakfast that there were several problems that arose from that. There were problems in the parent traffic area, the parents got upset, etc. (need more teachers to assist if another situation arises)

Another issue: when students left their breakfasts, there was no way to be sure they would return to the correct meal, we threw them out and let them get a new breakfast. Mrs. Abston did explain that she had been working on a solution, and had created a kit for the cafeteria for such a situation. That tickets would be placed on the table with each breakfast/lunch and that the student would receive the other piece to identify their meal.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:55 PM. The next meeting will be in January.