Using the Sound Recorder

Sound Recorder overview

Using Sound Recorder, you can record, mix, play, and edit sounds. You can also link or insert sounds into another document. You can modify an uncompressed sound file by:

•  Adding sounds to a file.

•  Deleting part of the sound file.

•  Changing the playback speed.

•  Changing the playback volume.

•  Changing the playback direction.

•  Changing or converting the sound file type.

•  Adding an echo.


•  To record sounds, your computer must be equipped with a microphone.

•  Recorded sounds are saved as waveform (.wav) files.

To record a sound in Sound Recorder:

•  Make sure you have an audio input device (either external or internal microphone) connected to your computer.

•  Click the START button and go to:


•  From the File menu, choose New.

•  To begin recording, click Record.

•  To stop recording, click Stop.


•  Recorded sounds are saved as waveform (.wav) files.

•  You can play your recording in Sound Recorder or in any other program that supports waveform (.wav) files.

To save a sound from Sound Recorder:

•  From the File menu, choose Save.

•  Navigate to the location in which you wish to save the file.

•  Name the file in the File name box at the bottom of the window.

•  Click Save.

Note: Recorded sounds are saved as waveform (.wav) files.

To play a .wav file in Sound Recorder

•  From the File menu, choose Open.

•  In the Open dialog box, find and double-click the sound file you want to play.

•  Click the Play button to start playing the sound.

•  Click the Stop button to stop playing the sound.


•  You can move to the beginning of a sound file by clicking the Seek To Start button , and move to the end by clicking the Seek To End button .

•  Sound Recorder uses waveform (.wav) files.

To embed a sound file into a document

•  In Sound Recorder, from the File menu, choose Open.

•  In the Open dialog box, find and double-click the sound file you want to insert.

•  From the Edit menu, choose Copy.

•  Using an application such as Word, WordPad, or PowerPoint, open the document or slide into which you want to copy the sound, and then click where you want to insert the sound.

•  From the Edit menu, in the application, choose Paste.


•  You can also link a sound file to a document (see below). This should be done if the sound file is greater than 100kb.

•  If you move the document file which has a sound embedded, the sound will move with the document.

To link a sound file to a document

•  In the selected application, such as Word, WordPad, or PowerPoint, highlight a picture, word, or phrase which will link to the sound file.

•  Right click on the highlighted picture, word, or phrase and choose Hyperlink from the shortcut menu.

•  Locate the .wav file and click OK.

•  To play the sound, use Control + click to follow the link.

Note: If you move or copy the document file, remember to move the sound file as well. It is not embedded in the document, it is linked to it.

Another thing worth mentioning is that when you first start recording, it looks as though you only have 60 seconds of recording time. You can increase that time, by simply starting your recording, and clicking the stop button and an opportune time during your recording…each time you stop, and then start recording again, you will have the 60 seconds available to you…in addition to the time you have already recorded.