Advanced Blast Vibration Analysis and Prediction

Department of Explosives Engineering – Missouri S&T

Number of Credit Hours: 3
Semester: Fall 2015 / Instructor: Dr. Braden Lusk
Meeting time: Online / Office: 234D MMRB, Lexington
Meeting location: TBD / Phone: 859-257-1105

Office Hours: Dr. Lusk - By e-mail appointment

/ Instructor: Email:
Course Description: Advanced Blast Vibration prediction methodologies. Includes typical methods including scaled distance, linear regression, signature hole analysis, and modern improved signature hole analysis. Structural response and damage criteria for blast vibrations including considerations for frequency spectra and amplitude.
Prerequisites: consent of Instructor
Course Goals: Master the techniques for predicting blast vibrations. Apply structural response considerations for damage limitations.
Textbook: Blast Vibration Monitoring and Control by Charles Dowding. Additional Reading may be required upon request.

Course and Program Learning Outcomes

The following items will be used to assess the achievement of specific program outcomes:

Course Outcome / Program Outcome / Assessment Method
Students will gain a fundamental understanding of blast vibration components and measurement.
Students will master the major methods for predicting blast vibrations.
Students will understand the effects of amplitude and frequency spectra on structural response.
Students will understand damage criteria for structures subjected to blast vibrations.

Course Projects:


There will be a quiz for each major topic covered, taken and administered in class. It is likely that these quizzes will be administered through blackboard.


There will be homework assignments and calculation problems throughout the semester; some of these will require in depth analysis.

Technical Paper:

There will be a technical paper assignment that will cover one of the topics listed above.


The final will cover all topics presented in the course.

Course Grading:


Quizzes: 25%

Homework, project assignments: 25%

Class Participation: 10%

Technical Paper 15%

Final a) Multiple choice: 25%

It is anticipated that the final grades will be based on a straight scale as follows:

A: 90% - 100%

B: 80% - 89%

C: 70% - 79%

D: 60% - 69%

E: < 60%

Course Topics:

The course outline for EXP 401 has been separated into 9 sections. An outline for the lecture series is shown below to act as a guide to lectures given as part of this course. You will be notified of what lectures will be given each week in class. Supplemental material for various topics will be produced whenever necessary.

1 Introduction
1.0 Introduction to Blast Vibrations

1.1 Primary components of blast vibration

2 Monitoring
2.0 Monitoring Equipment

2.1 Understanding seismograph measurements

2.2 Field Practice Guidelines for seismographs

3 Sinusoidal Approximation of Blast Vibrations

3.0 Components of the blast vibration waveform

3.1 Sinusoidal Approximation Calculations

4 Peak Particle Velocity Prediction

4.0 Scaling Laws: Cube Root vs. Square Root
4.1 Dimensional Analysis of Scaling Laws

4.2 Linear Regression

4.3 Attenuation Calculations

4.4 Scaled Distance Limitations

5 Signature Hole Technique
5.0 Original Theory (Crenwelge)

5.1 Importance of Electronic Detonators

5.2 Signature or Seed Waveform

5.2 Wave Superposition

5.3 Signature Hole Technique Predictions

6 Modified Signature Hole Techniques

6.0 Multiple Seed Waveform (Yang)

6.1 Transfer Functions

6.2 Silva-Lusk Equation

6.3 Signature Waveform Synthesis

6.4 Signature Waveform Synthesis Randomized

6.5 Monte Carlo Method for Prediction

6.6 Peak Particle Velocity Histogram

7 Structural Response
7.0Why Peak Particle Velocities

7.1 Frequency Spectra

7.2 Natural Frequencies and Response

7.3 Predicting Response

8 Damage Criteria
8.0 RI 8507

8.1 RI 8896

8.2 Case Studies and Summary (Dowding)

8.3 Natural phenomena causing damage

9 Blast Design for Vibration Control
9.0 Distance Considerations

9.1 Timing and Application of Explosives