Church of the Holy Spirit – Christian Servicse Commission

Bi-Monthly Meeting Minutes for August 12, 2014

Opening: 7:05pm

In Attendance: Gayle Greene, Eve Komos, Barb Papuga, Colette Lintol, Barb Kozlowski, Maurena Muldoon, Maureen Boyd

Last Meetings Minutes - Approved by all.

Gayle Greene

  1. Finances
  • New fiscal year begins
  • Starting with little funds
  1. Bulletin Articles
  • Any article to be put in church bulletin from or concerning Christian Service, needs to be approved by Gayle. Please give her a copy of the article 2 weeks prior to the bulletin due date. Try to keep the articles “fresh”- include “Did You Know”
  1. Green Book/Responsibilities of Commissions
  • All attendees were given copies of pertinent information concerning the responsibilities and structure of the Christian Service Commission from the Green Book
  • All members are to read this information for a better understanding of the Commission.
  • We will need to decide on new members and who will be named Chairperson (Gayle?), Vice Chairperson, Secretary, etc.
  1. General Information
  • Pantry Store has made over $300.00 thus far.
  • CROP Walk 2013 gave Pantry a check for around $1,900.00
  • Discussed a health ministry, legislative advocacy, PAC rep in our commission (possibly Dave and Annette Longtime)
  • Ask Children’s Ministry to inform children and families about bringing in non-persishables
  1. Hail Storm Recovery
  • Holy Spirit to donate money toward repairs…more to come
  • Community Sharing asked for help with volunteers

Colette Lintol

  1. Trunks and Treasures
  • Date: September 27, 2014 from 9-4pm
  • Cost: One car space - $25 or 2 for $40
  • Deadline for reserving a spot will be one week prior to event
  • Need to recruit more volunteers for Trunks & Treasures- John Paul came to mind
  • Colette will inquire about using the church’s marquee sign for promotion
  • Amber was volunteered to make signs
  • Undecided where all proceeds will go
  • Table in narthex for sign-up - date undecided
  • Have Pam put on website/bulletin
  • Planning meeting will be August 27, 2014 at 7pm

Barb Papuga

  1. Prison Ministry
  • Warden will hear the idea about phone cards – Barb will call her to discuss idea
  • Gayle met a Prison Chaplain – he informed her of a support group for families in Brighton

Maureen Boyd

  1. Foster Care Ministry
  • Maureen passed out update about Foster Care ministry activities since Spring 2014
  • Attended Royal Kids Camp and explained how it works – explained the mentoring program at Brightmoor
  • Attended graduation for Foster Care Mother

Eve Komos

  1. CROP Walk
  • Date: October 12, 2014 – begins at St. Mary’s Church at 1:45pm
  • To attend Crop Walk Recruitment Meeting – August 16, 2014 at St. Mary’s
  • Need to put Walk Info in bulletin; ask to speak at mass; recruit new walkers

Meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Eve Komos