Name of Sports Officer:Pete Brinkley School:Brooke School

Reporting Period:9th September to 23rdOctober 2015

The achievements forSeptember – October - Brooke School.

  1. Increased participation inhigh quality physical education.
  • Pete Brinkley hasprovided PEinputto all classes in Foundation on Mondays, including soft play, structured pe lessons and swimming on a Monday afternoon.
  • Pete Brinkley has worked with yr 3, 4, 5 and 6 children on Thursday mornings, taking them to Harris School Sports Centre, to receive infant agility coaching from Neil Huddlestone.
  • Children from Orange1 and 2 and Silver, received PE sessions from Pete Brinkley on Thursday afternoons.
  • P16 students participated in team games, swimming, fencing andgymnastics as part of their Friday morning activity programme.

2. Increased participation in high quality physical education and out of school hours learning.

  • The Secondary Running Club has met on a weekly basis on Tuesdays with 10-12 students regularly attending.
  • The Primary Running Club runs at lunch times once a week.
  • The Cheerleading Clubs, both Primary and Secondary have continued this term on Monday lunchtimes.
  • Table Tennis Club has taken place on Monday lunchtimes.
  • Play Leaders from RBC have come in to run sessions in the secondary playground during lunchtimes.
  • The new fitness suite lunchtime club has proved to be very successful with the suite full to capacity most Fridays.

3. Increased participation in informal physical activity.

  • Using the Wake and Shake DVDs and You Tube, a number of classes have warm up sessions to start the day. These sessions are student lead in a lot of cases.
  • Primary classes also use the climbing frame on the Primary Playground during breaks in the school day.
  • Foundation groups use the small playground outside their classroom, which encompasses various play equipment.
  • All classes and students had access to the new play area, which includes specially adapted swings for both abled bodied and wheel chair users.
  • A sunken trampoline is also part of this area.

4. Increased participation in high quality competition and performance.

  • 20 students participated in the Rotary Football Festival held at Aston Villa Football Club.
  • A Brooke team competed in the Cross-Country running event held at Exhall Grange School. Nathan Swift acted as a pacesetter.
  • 8 children from yrs 3- 6 went over to Hereward College to participate in an Infant Agilty Day.
  • Kingfisher class participated in the New Age Kurling event at Warwickshire College in Rugby. They gained first position and gold medals.
5. Improved attitude, behaviour and attendance at school.
  • The new individual needs centred timetable has enabled students physical requirements to be more appropriately met.
  • By involving students with behavioural difficulties during the school day in various physical activities there has been a marked improvement in their attitude and behaviour.
  • In all the festivals, competitions, school and after school club sessions the pupils behaviour has been exemplary.
  • With a fixed calendar of events it has enabled us to reward good behaviour and set targets for pupils to aim for.
  • The use of the 8 trampolines enables students to regularly access exercise during the school day and develop balance and coordination skills.

6. Increased attainment and achievement in and through physical education, out of school hours learning and sport.

  • The continued success of the after school Athletics Club with good attendance has contributed to increased attainment and achievement.

7. Increased participation in community based sport and improvement in the quality of community life.

Liam Ashby and Luke Jones, as Sports leaders supported the PE sessions with R and River and Jet classes on Thursday afternoons.

A group of students acted as sports leaders helping at the Kurling event, held at Warwickshire College.

The idea of practising an event 5 weeks before the competition has made a tremendous difference.

Kingfisher gained gold medals, as a result of this at the Kurling Festival.

Skills gained from practising, infant agility meant that all children participated with more confidence and enjoyed the day more.

An afternoon of Rugby activities, celebrating the Rugby World Cup, was a result of a strong link with the Old Laurentians Rugby Club in Bilton.

A club coach came and equipment was borrowed and students got a real flavour of playing the sport of Rugby.

Brooke hastaken part in activities at 4 different venues this half term:

Warwickshire College – Rugby

Aston Villa Football Club

Exhall Grange School

Hereward College

  • Pete Brinkley 23/10/15