Primary headteacher year planner

Half term / Tasks / Notes
Half term 1 / ·  Ensure the smooth induction of new staff and pupils.
·  Revise pupil lists to account for changes to the school population since the summer term.
·  Implement school improvement plan (SIP) and launch of any major new initiatives and curriculum changes. Monitor progress at senior leadership team (SLT) meetings.
·  Complete staff annual reviews and set new objectives by 31st October.
·  Review KS1, KS2, EYFS and phonics outcomes anddiscuss in SLT meetings.
·  Draw upa preliminary report to governors and hold meetings with subject leaders (who should be asked to prepare a report on outcomes in their areas prior to the meeting).
·  Update self-evaluation form (SEF) in light of results from the previous summer term.
·  Implement review processes, including teaching observations.
·  Begin budget planning with an evaluation of the current budget.
·  Ensure the teachers’ pay and appraisal policies comply with the latest School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD).
·  Consider whether staffing structures need to be reviewed.
·  Submit October school census data.
·  Write and deliver address to staff on the first inset days; remember to praise high performing staff and curriculum areas.
·  Ensure staff are briefed on changes to Ofsted guidance.
·  Plan assembly focus for the term.
·  Review and update policies according to schedule.
·  Sign off appraisal documents, set new objectives and consider pay recommendations before communicating with governors.
·  Fix governors agenda, write HT report.
·  Organise dates for parents evenings and curriculum information. evenings for parents.
·  Ensure that all new staff and governors have a clear induction programme which includes safeguarding and KCSIE Part 2.
·  Ensure that safeguarding arrangements and procedures are revisited at the beginning of the term for all staff and governors.
·  Review school website and ensure that specific contents comply with DfE and Ofsted requirements.
·  Review safeguarding/child protection policy and present to GB for approval.
Half term 2 / ·  Begin annual curriculum review in the light of budget projections for the future academic year and begin conversations with those middle leaders likely to be affected.
·  Ensure pupil assessments have been organised and that reporting to parents is taking place.
·  Monitor capability processes.
·  Check pupils at risk of underperforming have been identified and appropriate interventions are being planned.
·  Ensure appraisal and QA processes are occurring to schedule.
·  Review results analysis in the light of inspection data dashboard and RAISEonline for KS1, KS2, phonics and early years.
·  Ensure curriculum plan has been completed and present to relevant governors committee.
·  Review longer term strategic planning.
·  Ensure the headteacher review is completed by 31st December (or in line with your school’s policy).
·  Update the SEF in light of the inspection data dashboard and RAISEonline.
·  Ensure pupil assessments are analysed and feed into intervention strategies.
·  Report on standards and their implications to governors using official DfE data and school tracking data.
·  Ensure seasonal arrangements are organised.
·  Review and update statutory whole school policies and send them to governors for ratification or approval at the autumn term GB meeting.
Half term 3 / ·  Submit January census data.
·  Cost the curriculum and the new school improvement plan.
·  Monitor intervention strategies and ensure key pupils are shared with staff.
·  Attend RAP (raising attainment and progress) meetings.
·  Ensure mid-year appraisal reviews with staff are completed.
·  Oversee continuing options process and translate into staffing and timetabling planning.
·  Plan assembly focus for the term.
·  Continue to review and update statutory whole school policies and send them to governors for ratification or approval at the spring term GB meeting.
·  Request that curriculum leaders produce a self-evaluation and development plan for their curriculum area that will link into the new SIP for the next academic year.
·  Continue to ensure that the school website contains up-to-date and relevant information.
·  Report progress and budget implications of curriculum and staffing structure to the GB and focus on future planning.
Half term 4 / ·  Constantly review staffing requirements during the interview season.
·  Continue to report on whole school pupil progress and any budget implications to the whole governing body with a focus on future planning.
·  Continue to monitor standards in teaching and learning and pupil progress.
·  Carry out mid-year review of SIP.
·  Update the SEF and make any necessary changes.
Half term 5 / ·  Plan for Year 6 leavers’ days.
·  Plan transition days for Reception and nursery.
·  Plan assembly focus for the term.
Half term 6 / ·  Write, consult on and communicate school development priorities for next academic year.
·  Check the annual reporting, recording and assessment schedules for next academic year.
·  Review and analyse pupil progress across core subjects and report KS1 and 2 results to parents.
·  Read and sign end-of-year reports.
·  Ensure the QA process is updated and in line with Ofsted grade descriptors.
·  Ensure the staffing structure is in place for the new school year (including contracts).
·  Report on school progress based on SIP and final staffing to governors.
·  Prepare for next appraisal target setting and review cycle in September.
·  Check that a staff in-service training plan has been organised.
·  Ensure the INSET day arrangements are published and sent to all parents/carers.