1.A woman from has the reproduction ability to not to have the
reproduction ability transition period.
2.The common woman menopause average age is 40~60 years old.
“The menopause”, refers to the menstruation to stop,
degenerates completely on behalf of the ovary function,if already
had about a year not to have the menstruation,but did not have
other physiological question, might determine nearly was the
三、“Menopause syndrome”:
Because the ovary secretion estrogen drops, woman's body and
mind has had all sorts of changes, for example: The hot blood
flushes, the robber perspiration, the uropoiesis reproductive
organ wither, the skin lose the elasticity dryly; In the spirit
often appears the heart Palpitates melancholy, dizziness, the
chest, the breath impeded, loses sleep anxiously, restless and so
on, in these physiological as well as the psychological feeling
or the symptom, are called as “the menopause syndrome”.
四、The menopause ill symptom may divide into:
1. Autonomic nerve aspect: Produces intermittent giving off
heat and the perspiration and so on.
2. Reproduction uropoiesis aspect: Including when atrophy
vaginitis, sex act ache, frequency urine and pelvis week
encircles the soft tissue atrophy to degenerate, forms the
pelvis bottom muscle relaxation, possibly initiates the
stress urine to lose endures, symptoms and so on cystoptosis,
metroptosis, prolapse of rectum.Womb either colpoptosis or
incontinence of urine and so on.
3. Osteoporosis sickness: Including backache backache, changes
short, humpbacked even can create the spine and the hipbone
bone fracture and so on.
4. Heart blood vessel aspect: The ovary function degenerates,
the estrogen drops, the blood speed of flow reduces, the
fibrinogen density increases, also adds on the lipin and the
cholesterol stack, easy to have diseases and so on cerebral
apoplexy, coronary artery disease, arteriosclerosis,like has
the neck shoulders rigid sore pain, the breath along,
disgusting,the vomit and so on does not have to pay attention
to the heart blood vessel disease specially.
5. Mood aspect: The estrogen drops, can have the memory to drop,
the attention not not strongly,the mood unstable,is agitated
restlessly, nervous, the easy vitality, to lose sleep and so
on the namelesses depressed, Yi Nu, easy to think weary, the
headache dizzy and loses sleep and so on.
五、The menopause life adjustment and looks after:
1. Balance life: Refers is the nutrition, the leisure, the
movement, the work and rest balanced.
2. Balanced Diet:
2.1 In the diet should pay attention to the protein, the
calcareous content.
2.2 Edible soybean food and dines when can link the cartilage
bone to eat up, the cheese together, for example: Drinks
the milk, chooses the skimmed milk, the big bone soup,the
small fish to wait suitably including calcium many foods,
and ingestion suitable Vitamin D, may prevent osteoporosis
2.3 The calcium tablet together does not take with the green
vegetables, can reduce the calcareous absorption.
2.4 The control cholesterol, does not use coconut oil, lard,
butter, palm oil and so on saturation the fat.
3. Accepts the estrogen treatment suitably:
3.1 Estrogen cosmetic creams:After every morning or the evening
bathe spread use, to spread in the arm inside,the pate,the
thigh inside or the underbelly,cannot spread in the breast
or the vagina spot.
3.2 The estrogen pastes the piece: May paste outside the
buttocks on leans, a piece may maintain three to four days,
a week Uses two pieces approximately.
3.3 Vagina frost: Uses in directly the vagina; Front every
evening sleeps uses.
3.4 The mouth takes medicine: Instructs the use according to
3.5 The estrogen use should by doctor according to sickness
symptom, bodily, the living condition decide this which
way uses, regardless of which way uses to supplement the
estrogen all should pay attention to the lutein the
3.6 Processing hot blood flushes:
3.6.1 Ordinary day the day while cold, may put on several to
put on escapes the convenience thin clothes, avoids
the tight-fitting high-necked sincere clothing.
3.6.2 The diet spicy too, too do not burn food and the ethyl
alcohol, the strong tea, the coffee can aggravate this
3.6.3 May the ice piece either the ice bag as for two cheeks
or the forehead, may reduce the symptom.
4. Urinary tract aspect:
4.1 Maintains the normal urination state, also chooses the
cotton material on the attire to attract the perspiration
the underpants.
4.2 Execution pelvis bottom contracture of muscle, if the Koegel
movement, prevents or reduces the urine incontinence.
5. Appraisal to menopause cognition: Increases the woman to the
menopause cognition understanding, causes its understanding
the year time syndrome, reduces the nonessential
misunderstanding, then reduces the anxious degree.
6. Rule movement: May promote the blood circulation, then
maintains the muscle good tensity, may delay the speed which
gets older.The movement may stimulate the bone cell activity,
therefore may avoid the osteoporosis sickness occurrence.
7. Encouragement rule sex life: The caress or the massage and
so on also may promote the pelvic cavity blood circulation,
the vagina Lubrication; Perhaps needs a change, if when
natural activity may use the petroleum jelly or K-Y jelly
changes because of lacks the sexual intercourse which the
lubricant causes to move sorely.
8. Suitable adjustment life manner: To ask at past possible
everything, was responsible for other people by the family
member The demand for first waits, now possibly needs trying
to pay attention to the oneself intrinsic demand,takes oneself
demand the space, establishes newly belongs to own life goal.
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