15 Dunwood Road
Port Washington, NY 11050
(516) 695-7407 cell
2001-Present.Professor, Department of Education Specialties and Senior Research Fellow, The Vincentian Center for Social Justice and Poverty.
2017 Coordinator, Masters Degree Literacy Programs. Charged with reviewing and scheduling course offerings and assignments, maintain integrity of programs; provide presence and visibility for recruitment; advise junior faculty members in literacy department.
(2003-2005). Associate Chairperson, Department of Early Childhood, Childhood, and Adolescent Education: Charged with observing and evaluating the teaching performance of adjunct faculty, reviewing scheduling and course assignments with Chairperson and maintaining visibility and integrity of department as well as performing other duties as prescribed by the Chairperson.
(2001-2010)Coordinator, Graduate Adolescent Education Programs, Department of Early Childhood, Childhood, and Adolescent Education. Charged with maintaining integrity of secondary programs (largest programs in School of Education); recruitment and advisement for programs; revision of programs commensurate with New York State regulations and requirements.
Writing across the curriculum, applied/socio linguistics, English as a Second language (ESL), urban education, adolescent education, first and second language acquisition, literacy to achieve social justice and equity among diverse learners (especially writing development and processes across content areas, methods, and alternative pedagogies); literacy and gender, ethnographic and feminist-based research methodologies.
Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction.
Dissertation title: Multiple voices: Critical struggles through writing among low
income, fifth grade urban girls.
Major advisors: Professor Christine C. Pappas and William Ayers
M.A. Linguistics. Thesis title: The whole language philosophy at work in a third grade English as a Second language classroom: An ethnographic study.
Major advisor: Professor Joan G. Carson.
B.A. French.
Minor field: Anthropology.
Major advisor: Professor Oscar C. Haac
LA SORBONNE, Paris, France;
Diplome Superieure: French Art & Literature 17th-20centuries.
Wu, Y., & Blake, B.E. (2018, Forthcoming). Autoethnography in teacher education: A global perspective. New York, NY: Springer: Amsterdam/NY.
Blake, R.W. with Blake, B.E. (2017, Forthcoming).Literacy: Strategies for successfulteaching and learning in the classroom: 1970-Present. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Blake, R.W., Jr. & Blake, B.E. ( 2012). Becoming a teacher: Using narrative as reflective practice. A cross-disciplinary approach. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.
Dunn, R. & Blake, B.E., (Eds)., (2007). Teaching all children to read. Latham, MD: Rowman/Littlefield.
Reutzel, R., Cooter, & Blake, B.E. (Contributor). ( 2007). Teaching children to read. The teacher’s the answer. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Sinatra, R., Blake, B.E.,Guastello, F. & Robertson, J. (2006). Engagingreaders and writers in reflective and authentic literacy practices. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers.
Blake, B.E. & Blake, R.W. (2005). Literacy Primer. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Blake, B.E. (2004). A culture of refusal: The lives and literacies ofout of school adolescents. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Blake, B.E. & Blake, R.W. (2002). Literacy learning: A reference handbook. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Blake, B.E. (1997). She say, he say: Urban girls write their lives. Albany, NY: State University at New York Press.
Wu, Y. & Blake, B.E. (2017, Accepted, Forthcoming). University English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ beliefs on learner autonomy: A cross-cultural study. Qualitative Research: Emerald Publishing.
Varuzza, M., Sinatra, R.C., Eschenauer, R., & Blake, B.E. (2014). The relationship between English language arts teachers’ use of instructional strategies and young adolecents’ reading motivation, engagement, and preferences. Journal of Education and Learning, 3, #2, 108-129.
Blake, B.E. & Sinatra, R.C. (2005). The 6Rs approach: Developing critical writers among poor, urban students in a summer literacy program. The Language and Literacy Spectrum, 15, 62-79.
Blake, B.E. (2001). Fruit of the devil: Writing and English Language Learners. Language Arts, 78, 5, 435-441.
Blake, B.E (1998). 'Critical' reader response in an urban classroom: Creating cultural texts to engage diverse readers. Theory into Practice, 37, 238-243.
Blake, B.E. (1995). Doing number 5: From process to cultural texts in an urban writing classroom. Language Arts, 72, 396-404.
Blake, B.E. (1995). Broken silences: Writing and the construction of cultural texts' by urban, pre-adolescent girls. Journal of Educational Thought, 29, 165-180.
Blake, B.E. (1995). Women's literature and voice: Implications for girls' writing in the classroom. The Language and Literacy Spectrum, 5, 57-60.
Blake, B.E. (1992). Talk in non-native and native English speakers' peer writing conferences: What's the difference? Language Arts, 69, 604-610.
Blake, B.E. (2017, Forthcoming). ‘The Jungle:’ Adolescent refugees in France and experiential learning. To appear in: Steinberg, S., Down, B., & Nix-Stevenson, D. (Eds). The SAGE Handbook of Critical Pedagogies. Sage Publishing, UK.
Spiridakis, J. & Blake, B.E. (2017, Forthcoming). Translanguaging. To appear in: Liontas, John, I. (Ed). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching.
Blake, B.E. (February, 2017). A look at other side of long-term nursing care. In: The Democrat & Chronicle, Gannett Publishing, Rochester, NY.
Wu, Y. & Blake, B.E. (2017). Becoming a transformative teacher-researcher: An autoethnography of a Chinese visiting scholar in New York. In: Li, Y. (2016). Chinese experiences studying in American: One hundred and seventy years of cross-cultural learning. New York: The Society for Chinese-American Studies.
Blake, B.E. (2017, Forthcoming). Issues in ELL education. To appear in: Thornburg, D. & Mungai, A. School reform in high need schools: Teaching the next generation.
Blake, B.E. & Blake, R.W., Jr. (2016). Theodore R. Sizer, Horace’s Compromise: The dilemma of the American high school. In DeVitis (Ed.). Curriculumin the 20th century: A reader. Peter Lang: New York.
Blake, B.E. (2016). A broken arch, a broken bridge, and a broken promise: Using Kincheloe’s critical pedagogy concepts to teach about race in an urban graduate school classroom. In: Agnello, M.F. &Reynolds, W.M. (Eds). Practicing critical pedagogy: The influences of Joe L. Kincheloe. Springer: London.
Blake, B.E. (2015). Mothers aren’t the problem. Letter to the Editor. The New York Times.
Nayan, R. and Blake, B.E. (2014). From a culture of refusal to a culture of renewal: Criticalizing Muslim middle school girls’ lives through writing. In Ibrahim, A & Steinberg, S (Eds). The critical youth studies reader. Peter Lang Publishing, New York.
Blake, B.E. (2010). Culture of refusal: Theoretical directions for “multiply-marginalized” adolescent development. In DeVitis & Devitis (Ed.). Adolescent reader. Peter Lang Publishing: New York.
Blake, B.E. (2007). Discourse(s) of local literacy practices in adolescent jail classrooms: Cultural mediation through critical race theory. In Brown, II, M. Christopher, (Ed.). Still not equal: Expanding educational opportunity in society. Peter Lang Publishing: New York.
Blake, B.E. (2007) Disabilities in juvenile correction facilities. Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties. (Guest Editorship).
Blake, B.E. (2006). The mayor’s a real New Yorker now. Letter to the Editor, The New York Times.
Blake, B.E. Using portfolios with English language learners. (2002). In Cohen,J. &Weiner, R. Literacy portfolios: Using assessment to guide instruction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
Blake, B.E. (1990). Whole language at work in an urban ESL classroom. In: Blake, R.W. Whole language: Positions and pedagogy. Urbana, IL: NCTE.
(2013)(Invited). “Teaching Matters: Stories from Inside City Schools.” In: Educational Review. Newark, DE: University of DE Press.
(Invited). Tilley-Lubbs, G. (2017). Critical autoethnography and spiritual discovery. Toronto: Sense Publishers.
(Invited). Spatig, L. & Amerikaner, L. (2014). Thinking Outside the Girl Box: Teaming Up with Resilient Youth in Appalachia. Columbus, OH: Ohio University Press.
(Invited). Guha, S. (2013). Today’s Youth, Tomorrow’s Leaders: How Parents andEducators can Influence and Guide the Learning Process. MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Blake, B.E. (2017, October). Invited Plenary Speaker/Organizing Committee Member, Scholarship Committee. The 9th Annual International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership Conference, Turin, Italy.
Blake, B.E. (2017, July). Session Organizer. XIX International Sociological Association of Sociology, Toronto.
Blake, B.E. & Steinberg, S. (2017). Experiences with L2 immigrants: Literacies in the world as primary, and in the word, as secondary. Roundtable presentation at: The Spring2017 Conference on LEP and the Perceived Identities of Immigrant Children. University of Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Blake. B.E. (2017). Invited Plenary Speaker. Immigrants and Refugees in Community Spaces. The University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow.
Blake, B.E. (2016, October). Invited Plenary Speaker. The Annual International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership Conference, in conjunction with The Centre of Research in Theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities at the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Blake, B.E. & Wu, Y. (2016, Accepted, Did Not Attend Due to Lack Of Funding). Using critical ethnography to examine urban U.S. teachers’ decision-making choices in a pre-service university classroom. Paper to be presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Dublin, Ireland.
Blake, B.E. (2016, July). Trans-languaging as pedagogy and practice amongMuslim immigrant students in urban U.S. classrooms: Toward social cohesion or social inequality? Paper to be presented at the 3rd International Sociological Association Forum, Vienna, Austria.
Blake, B.E. (2015). Revisiting Freire’s ‘Trilogy of pedagogies’ through U.S. Muslim immigrant students’ narrative. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Budapest, Hungary.
Blake, B.E. (2015). Invited Plenary Speaker. The Annual International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership Conference, Cadiz, Spain.
Blake, B.E. (2014). Invited Plenary Speaker. The Annual International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership Conference, Chihuahua, Mexico.
Blake, B.E. (2013). Invited Plenary Speaker. The Annual International Institute for Critical Pedagogy and Transformative Leadership Conference, Malta.
Blake, B.E. (2012). Invited Plenary Speaker and Founding Board Member. Critical Pedagogy World Conference, Noto, Sicily.
Blake, B.E. (2012). Invited Chair. Panel session, Transformative resistance: Learning to teach for social justice and equity. AERA annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada.
Blake, B.E. (2011, October). Invited Plenary Speaker, Critical Pedagogy WorldConference, Korinthos, Greece.
Blake, B.E. (2010, November). Invited Plenary Speaker, Issues of Social Justice to Create a Global Network, the Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy. Granada, Spain.
Blake, B.E. & Blake, R.W. (2010, November). The discourse of literacy and linguistic practices in U.S. urban classrooms: Cultural mediation through critical race theory. Paper accepted to be presented at the International of Education and Development, Madrid, Spain. Did not attend due to lack of funding).
Blake, B.E. & Blake, R.W. (2010, July). Language and Identity in Urban U.S. Education. World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, Sweden. (did not attend due to lack of funding)
Blake, B.E. (2010, July). The discourse of urban literacy practices in the U.S.: Cultural mediation through critical race theory. International conference on education and society, Paris. (did not attend due to lack of funding)
Blake, B.E. & Blake, R.W. (2008, September). Social justice through critical literacy: Examining language and literacy acquisition patterns of urban adolescents in the U.S.A. Paper presented at the World Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spain.
Blake, B.E., Robertson, J.M., & Blake, R.W. (2007, August). Language acquisition and the early literacy learner. Paper accepted for presentation at the 22nd World Congress on Reading, International Reading Association, Berlin, Germany. (did not attend due to lack of funding).
Blake, B.E & Robertson, J.M. (2005, July). Closing the gap: Teaching poetry, drama, and craft writing to culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Poster session presented at the Annual United Kingdom Literacy Association Conference, Bath, UK.
Blake, B.E. (2004). Using out-of-school literacies to teach poetry. Paper presented at the Annual United Kingdom Literacy Association Conference, Manchester, UK.
Blake, B.E. (2002). Developing the literacies of diverse learners: Learning throughinteraction. Paper presented at the Annual United Kingdom Reading Association Conference, Chester, UK.
Blake, B.E. & Blake, R.W. (2001). Reading literature: A powerful way of knowing. Paper presented at the 12th European Conference on Reading, Dublin, Ireland.
Blake, B.E. & Blake, R.W. (2001). Using classroom reader response strategies forlearners to reflect critically upon their language and literacy. Paper presented at the Annual United Kingdom Reading Association Conference, Canterbury, UK.
Blake, B.E., S. Cunnane, I. Negron-Francais, K. Portales (August, 2000). The standardsand English language learners: Effective classroom strategies for the global classroom. Workshop presented with TESOL graduate students at the Fourth International Conference for Global Conversations on Language and Literacy, The University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Blake, B.E. & R.W. Blake (1999, November). Standards, reform, and ESL students in
America: Forming a more coherent theory of practice in language teacher education? Paper presented at the 7th Symposium for Language Teacher Education, The University of Edinburgh, Institute for Applied Language Studies.
Blake, B.E. (2014). Developing Freire’s pedagogies in Muslim urban girls’ classrooms. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Blake, B.E. (2013). Invited. Chair. Academic achievement disparities. American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Blake, B.E. (2013). Invited Journal Talk—Taboo: The journal of culture and education. American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Blake, B.E. (2012). Invited Chair. Transformative resistance: Learning to teach forsocial justice and equity. American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Blake, B.E. (2008) Invited Chair. Believe the hype: Popular culture does exist in the urban classroom. Paper presented at the Annual National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Blake, B.E. & Robertson, J.M. (2007). Deconstructing ‘teacher quality’: Where’s the evidence? Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) annual conference, New York, NY.
Blake, B.E. (2007). Developing the literacies of incarcerated adolescents with or without learning disabilities: Fostering academic success through reading and writing strategies. Paper presented at the 16th Annual World Congress on Learning Disabilities (LDW), Boston, MA.
Blake, B.E. & Robertson, J.M. (2007). Burning the village: Deconstructing the ‘evidence’ about teacher quality. Paper presented at the 3rd International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL.
Blake, B.E. (2007). Invited Discussant. Challenges of difference: Moving among and within communities. Annual American Education Research Association (AERA), Chicago.
Blake, B.E., (2006). Teaching Informational Writing to English Language Learners. Paper presented at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Blake, B.E. (2006). Local Literacies and Hip Hop among incarcerated youth. Paper presented at part of the symposium, Hip Hop and Narrative. Kincheloe, J. & McLaren, P., Discussants at the Annual American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco.
Blake, B.E., Robertson, J.M., & Blake, R.W. (2005) Creating and composing: Teaching poetic and informational writing, 1-8. Paper *presented at the International Reading Association’s Southeast Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA. (*Cancelled due to hurricane Katrina)
Blake, B.E. (April, 2003). The discourse(s) of local literacy practices in adolescent jailclassrooms: Cultural mediation through critical race theory. Paper presented as part of the symposium, Educationese vs. the art of the contact zone: How current educational discourse interrupts diverse dialogue. Kincheloe, J. & Steinberg, S. Discusssants at the Annual American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago.
Blake, B.E. (April, 2002). Using critical race theory to find “value” in incarceratedyouth’s local literacies. Paper presented at the Annual American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Blake, B.E. (November, 2001). Invited Chair.
Redefining secondary reading. Paper presented at the Annual National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Blake, B.E. (April, 2001). A narrative of one’s own: Perspectives on using personaltheories to link theory to practice in science education. Paper presented as part of symposium, Constructing personal theories and professional stances of teaching science at the Annual American Educational Research Association (AERA), Seattle, WA.
Blake, B.E. (April, 2000). A culture of refusal: The lives and literacies of incarceratedadolescents. Paper presented at the American Educational Research (AERA) conference, New Orleans, LA.
Blake, B.E. & L.M. O'Brien (1999, April). Exploring female teacher educators, lives andwork through narrative: Perspectives on research for the 21st century. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Conference, Montreal.
Blake, B.E. & L.M. O'Brien (1999, January). Collaboration and women's oral histories:Struggles and successes. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Qualitative Research, The University of Georgia, Athens.
Blake, B.E. & L. M. O'Brien (1998, April).
Women educators talk about the intersections of their personal and professional lives. Paper presented as part of roundtable symposium, "Personal and Political Narratives," at the American Educational Research Conference Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Blake, B.E. (1997, December).
Poetry: Writing and the construction of voice. Paper presented as part of panel symposium, “The language of literacy in the special needs classroom," at the National Reading Conference Annual Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Blake, B.E. (1997, December). Co-Facilitator.
Poetry, students with special needs, and other topics. Roundtable discussion conducted as part of "Birds of a Feather Session," at the National Reading Conference Annual Conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
Blake, B.E. (1996, December).
Responses in the Urban Classroom: Exploring an Alternative Moral Framework. Paper presented as part of panel symposium, "Assessing moral responses to stories among diverse students: Implications for reader response theory," at the National Reading Conference, Charleston, SC.
Blake, B.E. (1996, November). Associate Chair.
ESL/EFL conversations for the 21st century. Paper presented at the National Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English, Chicago, IL.
Blake, B.E. (1996, April).
Modeling responses to the cultural texts of urban writers: What is an ethical, pedagogicalresponse? Paper presented as part of symposium, "Ethical dimensions of classroom/community research," at the American Educational Research Association National Conference, New York, NY.
Blake, B.E. (1995, November.) Chair and Speaker.
Response in the Urban Classroom: The importance of Cultural Texts. Paper presented as part of panel session, "Exploring Reader Response to Literature across Diverse Community Settings: Issues for the Elementary Classroom," at the National Conference of Teachers of English National Conference, San Diego, CA.