Inventory of Dutch datasets for extreme value analyses

Authors: Madelon Burgmeijer and Pieter van Gelder (TU Delft)

Version: Febr. 22, 2005

Data set 1: Storm surge levels

Harl.asc, Delf.asc Held.asc Hoek.asc,Vlis.asc.

Data information

Variables: Peaks over treshold values of storm surge levels at 5 locations along the Dutch coast

Series length: winters from 1932 through 1985 during storm season October 1 through March 15.

English translation of the instruction at the beginning of the file:

* Name of place winters 1932 through 1985

* Daan S4-selection of wind setup (minimum 30 cm)

*Storm season october 1 through march 15

* consecutive date (YYYYMMDD), time (HHMM, in MET),

* high tide in cm +NAP, level corrected for 1985 in cm+NAP, wind set up in cm.

* with correction according to indication GWIA-88.236

* selection originally used by CWI

Metadata information

Geographic characteristics:

Survey location / NB / OL
Harlingen / 53°10'14'' / 5°25'55''
Hoek van Holland / 51°59' / 4°07'
Den Helder / 52°58' / 4°46'
Delfzijl / 53°19'54'' / 6°55'05''
Vlissingen / 51°27' / 3°35'

Owner of the data is State Institute of Coast and Sea-The Hague. The data are available via the website of P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder

Data set 2: wave climate parameters

Data information

Variables: Hm0, H1/3,HTE3, Tm02, TH1/3, Th0, wind direction, wind speed, water level , surge

Series length:

The period over which the wave climate parameters are available is:

1 January 1979- 31 December 2001

At most of the locations, survey statistics are available from 1979 onwards. At the Euro platform and Scheur west, however, the statistics begin much later, as can be seen from the table below.

location / beginning date
ancillory sensor / beginning date
main sensor
K13a platform / 18 jan 1979 / 21 mrt 1985
noord / 24 nov 1979 / 13 apr 1989
Eierlandse Gat / 13 sep 1979 / 17 apr 1989
IJmuiden munitie
stortplaats / 12 jan 1979 / 1 apr 1989
meetpost / 1 jan 1979 / 20mrt1985
Euro platform / 19 nov 1982 / 20mrt 1985
Lichteiland Goeree / - / 1 jan 1979
Schouwenbank / - / 1 jan 1979
Scheur west / 1 jan 1985 / 1 jan1985

In compiling the measured sequences, those approved from the main sensor at each location are used. The disturbances in these sequences (failure, rejected) have been supplemented, where possible, with information from the ancillory sensor. For information that was still missing after that, estimations have been made using the control and validation programme WAVIS98. As wave direction is never registered by the ancillory sensors, many more data are missing from this parameter than from wave heights and wave periods.*

*Detailed information about the net measurement duration of the main sensor, the main sensor supplemented by the ancillory sensor and the estimates can be found at the website of "Wave climate":

Extreme values:

In addition to wave climates, this website also pays some attention to extreme values for wave heights and wave periods. A statistical technique is presented, to estimate the distribution of these variables. See:

The following link provides the files (Hmo....mxm, Tmo2....mxm, Tpb....mxm) which include the peaks over treshold for a set of locations at the North Sea.

Data information for these files:

Variables: Hmo, Tmo2 and Tpb(peak period)

Series lenth: 1979 through 1993

Owner of the data: State Institute of Coast and Sea- The Hague

Metadata information


The second table gives an overview of the range of wave-measuring instruments present at each location. Since the introduction of the wavec buoy, measurements have been carried out with two sensors at most of the locations. The table shows in chronological order, under the heading 'main sensor', which instrument functioned successively as the only sensor or as the main sensor, and, under the heading 'ancillory sensor', during which period two survey instruments were present at that location and the type of ancillory sensor. If there is more than one sensor, the buoy that measures the wave direction is always the main sensor. The ancillory sensor acts as a back-up in case the main sensor fails.

Survey Location / Main Sensor / Period / Ancillory Sensor
K13a platform / wave-rider/wavec/ dir. wave-rider / 1985-present / waverider
Schiermonnikoog noord / wave-rider/wavec/ dir. wave-rider / - / -
Eierlandse Gat / wave-rider/wavec/ dir. wave-rider / - / -
IJmuiden munitie stortplaats / wave-rider/wavec/dir. wave-rider / 1989-present / waverider
Noordwijk meetpost / step gauge/wavec/step gauge/radar / 1985-1991 / step gauge
Euro platform / step gauge/wavec/dir. wave-rider / 1985-present / step gauge/radar
Lichteiland Goeree / step gauge/radar / - / -
Schouwenbank / wave-rider / - / -
Scheur west / wave-rider / 1985-present / wave-rider (Deurloo)

Geographic characteristics of the sampling zone:

full name of station / survey network / x / y / NB / OL / m MSL
K13a platform / Noordzee / 10.176 / 583.334 / 53º13'04" / 3º13'13" / 30
Schiermonnikoog noord / Noordzee / 206.527 / 623.483 / 53º35'44" / 6º10'00" / 19
Eierlandse Gat / Noordzee / 106.514 / 587.985 / 53º16'37" / 4º39'42" / 26
IJmuiden munitiestortplaats / Noordzee / 64.779 / 507.673 / 52º33'00" / 4º03'30" / 21
Noordwijk meetpost / Noordzee / 80.443 / 476.683 / 52º16'26" / 4º17'46" / 18
Euro platform / Noordzee / 9.963 / 447.601 / 51º59'55" / 3º16'35" / 32
Lichteiland Goeree / Noordzee / 36.779 / 438.793 / 51º55'33" / 3º40'11" / 21
Schouwenbank / ZEGE / 11.244 / 419.519 / 51º44'48" / 3º18'24" / 20
Scheur west / ZEGE / -7.797 / 380.645 / 51º23'32" / 3º02'57" / 15

Owner of the data is the department of Public Works, Transport and Water Management (ministerie van verkeer en waterstaat). The data were downloaded and are available via the website of dr. ir. P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder. The file format is .kls, they can be opened with Wordpad.

Dataset 3: River discharge data

Daily discharge data of over 200 West and Central European river stations is available at: is a 18 MB file).

The map shows the spatial distribution of the 213 flow gauges.





334.00 9999.320.00305.00296.00292.00288.00276.00268.00264.00 1 11978

264.00256.00252.00248.00248.00244.00244.00240.00236.00236.00 2 11978

240.00240.00240.00232.00224.00216.00212.00208.00204.00200.00196.00 3 11978

196.00196.00192.00192.00192.00188.00184.00184.00184.00184.00 1 21978

180.00180.00176.00176.00168.00168.00164.00164.00160.00164.00 2 21978

168.00172.00168.00164.00164.00164.00160.00160.00 3 21978

152.00148.00144.00140.00136.00140.00140.00136.00148.00148.00 1 31978

156.00148.00140.00136.00124.00124.00120.00120.00112.00112.00 2 31978

108.00108.00104.00104.0099.00099.00097.00097.00096.00096.00097.000 3 31978


A = Name of river (40 characters)

B = Name of station (40 characters max.)

C = Number of row (there are always 3 rows per month)

D = Month

E = Year

The values are in m3/s.

Data rows:

Each data row has a length of 80 characters + line-feed, where the year,

month and number of row are right-bound. There are always three rows per

month. The first 2 rows contain 10 flow-values; the third will differ from

8 to 11 values, depending on the count of days per month.

Each value consists of 6 characters. There maybe leading blanks.

Missing values will be marked with " 9999." or blanks (see 2nd Jan. 1978)

As you may recognize, in the example above the data-rows are only 76

characters of length this is because of formatting as a print-file!


February 23rd, 1978 = 168.00

The data from different stations situated in one datafile are divided by their

river- and stationname.

Data information

Variables: flow Q

Series length: The series lenths differ from a couple of years upto over 100 years.

For example the data of river Rhein at station Rees cover a period from 1814 upto 1997. There's a gap from 1841 till 1854 and 1834 is missing.

Meta data information

The coordinates of all locations are available from:

Owner of the data is the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) in Koblenz (Germany). The data are available via the website of P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder on the above URLs.

Data set 4: Wind climate

Data can be downloaded from:

Surf to the data sets via:

>klimatologische gegevens

> choose "english" (under,left)

>Daily wheather of the Netherlands, data sets

>Download time series

Data information


Series length:

Station / Start / End
Den Helder (De Kooy) / 1906 / 2005
De Bilt / 1901 / 2005
Groningen (Eelde) / 1906 / 2005
Twenthe / 1951 / 2005
Vlissingen / 1906 / 2005
Maastricht (Beek) / 1906 / 2005

Metadata information

Warning: because of relocation of stations and changes in measuring techniques these time series may contain inhomogeneities.

Geographic coordinates of the stations:

Station / Latitude / Longitude / Altitude of site (m)*
Den Helder (De Kooy) / 52°55'28" / 4°47'07" / 0.5
De Bilt / 52°06'00" / 5°11'00" / 2.0
Groningen (Eelde) / 53°07'30" / 6°35'00" / 3.5
Twenthe / 52°16'23" / 6°53'48" / 34.5
Vlissingen / 51°26'32" / 3°35'46" / 8.0
Maastricht (Beek) / 50°54'57" / 5°46'37" / 114.0

Owner of the data is the ''Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute'' These data can be used freely provided that this source is acknowledged. The data are available via the link, mentioned under "Data set 4"

The zipped files (83 kB) comprise at most 10 years of data in ASCII-format.

Data set 5: Potential wind speed

Data can be downloaded from:

Data information

Variables: (hourly averaged potential wind speed)

Series lenth: Next figure shows the lenths per location. The stations with red bars are used in the determination of the statistical parameters in Rijkoort (1983) and the reproduction by Smits (2000).

Roughness maps of the netherlands are available at

Information about extreme wind statistics can be found at the following URL.

* RMIZ made statistical analysis to get extreme windspeeds, frequency distribution tables and data from extreme storms in the period 1962-2002. See:

Metadata information

Warning: because of relocation of stations and changes in measuring techniques these time series may contain inhomogeneities.

Geographic coordinates of the stations and a graphical presentation next:

Stn, X, Y, zm, zstn, Name

008, 156971, 501253, 10.0, -4.2, Lelystad-Haven

135, 151696, 564704, 10.0, 3.0, Kornwerderzand

147, 170118, 518891, 14.0, 0.0, Urk

200, 84162, 450705, 10.0, 0.0, Ypenburg

202, 85211, 468368, 16.0, 0.0, Katwijk Paal

210, 88750, 464425, 10.0, -0.2, Valkenburg

220, 86494, 559222, 00.0, 0.0, L.S. Texel

225, 98450, 497450, 18.5, 4.4, IJmuiden

229, 110125, 556875, 10.0, 1.0, Texelhors

230, 112762, 553358, 14.0, 0.0, Den Helder

235, 114254, 549042, 10.0, 0.6, De Kooy

239, 111995, 763069, 59.2, 0.0, F3

240, 110750, 482550, 10.0, -4.4, Schiphol

242, 123800, 583850, 10.0, 0.0, Vlieland

248, 140525, 516175, 10.0, -1.2, Wijdenes

249, 127350, 517350, 10.0, -2.5, Berkhout

250, 141450, 596163, 10.0, 1.0, Terschelling

251, 152200, 600600, 10.0, 0.5, Hoorn (Tersch.)

252, 10240, 583356, 73.8, 0.0, K13

253, -50309, 940306, 103.3, 0.0, AUK-alpha

254, 80512, 476658, 27.6, 0.0, Meetpost Noordwijk

255, -73871, 1482790, 101.3, 0.0, North Cormorant

260, 140827, 456835, 20.0, 2.0, De Bilt

265, 147250, 460075, 10.0, 11.9, Soesterberg

267, 154725, 545250, 10.0, -0.9, Stavoren-AWS

268, 158345, 505543, 10.0, 0.0, Houtrib

269, 164125, 497125, 10.0, -4.0, Lelystad

270, 178970, 581970, 10.0, 1.5, Leeuwarden

271, 152850, 544400, 10.0, 2.6, Stavoren-Haven

272, 186309, 514332, 14.0, 0.0, Ramspol

273, 188850, 523975, 10.0, -3.1, Marknesse

275, 188330, 451950, 10.0, 44.4, Deelen

277, 209000, 603125, 10.0, 3.0, Lauwersoog

278, 214550, 494625, 10.0, 4.0, Heino

279, 235125, 529750, 10.0, 15.6, Hoogeveen

280, 235200, 571350, 10.0, 3.5, Eelde

283, 241400, 454500, 10.0, 29.0, Hupsel

285, 222037, 621279, 18.0, 0.0, Huibertgat

286, 272775, 580150, 10.0, 0.2, Nieuw Beerta

290, 257978, 477076, 10.0, 34.5, Twenthe

308, 15010, 378610, 17.1, 0.0, Cadzand

310, 30475, 385125, 27.0, 8.0, Vlissingen

311, 35636, 377878, 16.5, 0.0, Hoofdplaat

312, 32824, 421369, 16.5, 0.0, Oosterschelde

313, 6038, 392714, 16.5, 0.0, Vlakte van de Raan

315, 58390, 384990, 16.0, 0.0, Hansweert

316, 37852, 408733, 16.5, 0.0, Schaar

320, 36662, 437913, 38.3, 0.0, L.E. Goeree

321, 10044, 447580, 29.1, 0.0, Europlatform

323, 51250, 394325, 10.0, 0.7, Wilhelminadorp

324, 59300, 401630, 16.5, 0.0, Stavenisse

325, 54186, 408196, 10.0, -4.0, Zierikzee

328, 46646, 409836, 10.0, -0.2, Roggenplaat

330, 65550, 445050, 15.0, 0.0, Hoek van Holland

331, 72030, 388524, 16.5, 0.0, Tholen

340, 82820, 384700, 10.0, 14.9, Woensdrecht

343, 81025, 434250, 10.0, 0.0, R'dam Geulhaven

344, 90125, 441000, 10.0, -4.8, Zestienhoven

348, 123350, 442580, 10.0, -0.7, Cabauw

350, 123731, 397594, 10.0, 11.1, Gilze-Rijen

356, 138300, 429900, 10.0, 0.9, Herwijnen

370, 156800, 383950, 10.0, 20.3, Eindhoven

375, 177000, 407500, 10.0, 21.1, Volkel

377, 181300, 356375, 10.0, 30.0, Ell

380, 182614, 325240, 10.0, 125.6, Beek

391, 211100, 390150, 10.0, 19.0, Arcen

601, 179080, 373378, 00.0, 0.0, Someren

603, 209248, 481154, 00.0, 0.0, Diepenveen

Owner of the data is the ''Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute'' These data can be used freely provided that this source is acknowledged. The data are available via the link, mentioned under "Data set 5"

The zipped files comprise the available period of data in ASCII-format, for W95/XP systems, or UNIX systems.