Capital Projects Advisor
A4C Band 8a
As a vital part of NHSScotland, NHS National Services Scotland’s mission is to enable and support the delivery of better health and better care by working in partnership. We do this by providing a range of specialised support services that enable NHS Boards to focus their efforts on delivering health improvement and patient care
The Facilities Directorate of Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities Strategic Business Unit is a division of NHS National Services Scotland and provides operational guidance to NHSScotland healthcare bodies on all facilities topics. We deliver and co-ordinate effective advice and support in relation to national facilities, equipping and technical matters which support and improve health and well-being services.
The Facilities Directorate of Procurement, Commissioning and Facilities Strategic Business Unit is Framework Manager for Frameworks Scotland 2 which is an exciting procurement initiative for the delivery of health and social care projects across NHSScotland. This framework has the potential to deliver circa £660M of new NHS construction and refurbishmentprojects across Scotland over its duration..
This unique post will report directly to the Capital Projects Manager and the post holder will be part of a team of Capital Project Advisors involved in the management and development of Frameworks Scotland and Frameworks Scotland 2. This second framework builds on the success of the first framework which has seen 48 completed NHS facilities with a value of £336M delivered to date and a further 13 either on-site or in development with a value of £135M. Frameworks Scotland 2 has projects registered to the value of circa £95million. The post holder will be required to provide advice and support to NHS Boards on the Frameworks Scotland process.
The post holder will also be required to give advice toeducation, training and operational support and advice to NHSScotland bodies on all topics related to the deliveryof projects being delivered under a variety of procurement routes and associated facilities related topics.
The role will require an understanding of partnering in the construction industry,a thorough knowledge of the procurement and management of capital schemes, detailed experience, understanding and working knowledge of the NEC3 suite of contracts is essential.
The role will require an understanding of NHSScotland property issues, including the development of estates strategies and the compilation of estates related information as diverse as condition surveys and population and demographic studies.
Our benefits package includes final salary pension scheme, comprehensive range of work life balance policies, occupational health services, learning resource centres and discounted leisure, financial and shopping benefits
For an application pack please complete the online application form on the SHOW website . Ref G27046
Closing date 2nd December 2014
Please note that the majority of correspondence is sent by e-mail only, so please check your e-mail regularly (including junk folders).
1. JOB DETAILSJob Title: / Capital Projects Advisor
Responsible to: / Capital Projects Manager
Division: / Procurement, Facilities & Commissioning, Facilities Directorate, 3rd Floor, Meridian Court, 5 Cadogan Street, Glasgow G2 6QE
Job Reference:
To drive forward improvements in the construction procurement process through the implementation of the new national strategic framework for the NHSScotland working closely with NHS Boards and SGHSCD to deliver high quality health care facilities.
The Capital Projects Advisor will also support the development of the Principal Supply Chain Partners (PSCPs) and Consultants for the national rollout of partnering and the design, development and delivery of training to key stakeholder groups.
The post holder will also provide advice, guidance and support on a broad range of complex building and estate related issues to the Scottish Government and the NHS in Scotland and take the lead within PCF for advice and support to PCF and the NHS.
Procurement Commisioning and Facilities, (PCF)is a Strategic Business Unit of National Services Scotland and provide operational guidance to NHSScotland healthcare bodies on non-clinical topics such as:
- estates engineering;
- building and architecture;
- procurement;
- safety;
- environment;
- energy;
- property management;
- clinical waste management;
- sterilization;
- legionella and other estates related pathogenics;
- hazards and safety action notices;
- fire safety.
PCF also maintains links with other UK NHS Health Bodies, various healthcare related professional bodies and institutions, influencing decision making to reflect the Scottish interest as far as possible.
Capital Projects focus on the building of new and refurbishing of existing healthcare facilities and are commissioned by Boards in NHSScotland when they which to invest significant capital in facilities. The construction framework being developed by NHSScotland to deliver its £660 million hospital building programme is being led by PCF, Work valued at up to £110 million is expected to be procured through the framework every year.
The post holder is employed by PCF, a Strategic Business Unit of NHS National Services Scotland.
- Staffing responsibility: No direct line management, however, will be required to supervise a range of specialist contractors/consultants under the direction of the Assistant Director, amounting to around 10 W.T.E.
- Budget responsibility: Influencing circa £150m per annum. The postholder works within set constraints in the team and is also an authorised signatory for budgets delegated to the Capital Projects Manager. Contributes to the planning and drawing up of budgets to support projects and plans.
- Support the Capital Projects Manager to establish, develop and set up the new national strategic framework for the NHSScotland by project managing delegated elements of the new national strategic framework from inception to evaluation monitoring and managing quality, cost and programme factors.
- Provide expert and specialist advice to NHS Boards on technical and contractual issues such as the new national strategic framework agreement, the NEC3 engineering and construction contract management, cost modelling and bid analysis etc. in support of their capital projects and provide strategic advice to Scottish Government and NHS Boards on the new national strategic framework and partnering generally to support capital planning decisions.
- For delegated Boards, the postholder will fulfill the role of framework manager for delegated NHS Boards in Scotland and oversee the implementation and operation of the agreement by ensuring that adequate procedures exist within NHS Boards and SCPs to enable the principle of open book accounting to be applied consistently.
- Develop links with NHS Boards and SCPs to allow the overall implementation and management of the new national strategic framework and assist NHS Boards in the selection process appropriate to the appointment of SCPs for their individual schemes and assist in the development and delivery of workshops and training sessions between all relevant stakeholders including NHS Boards and SCPs.
- Collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the development and implementation of the new national strategic framework throughout the NHS in Scotland and monitor project scheme progress to ensure that framework objectives are complied with by producing timely and accurate information and reports for the Capital Projects Manager and other stakeholders as required. This will also involve establishing regional user networking groups to further the development of the new national strategic framework and drive the continuous improvement of the Framework through research and development via learning sets and academic institutions.
- Assist in the design and implementation of a SCP performance management system, including supporting the Capital Projects Manager in ensuring that the framework develops in line with changes in best practice and policy in areas such as procurement, partnering, benchmarking, project director development, sustainable development and quality thus ensuring that project evaluation details are made accessible to interested parties for continuous improvement purposes.
- Liaise with appropriate managers to ensure that all capital schemes are subject to KPI and benchmark monitoring in compliance with the Scottish Capital Investment Manual, the new national strategic framework and any other monitoring requirements and provide, when necessary a preliminary dispute resolution service resolving problems between NHS Boards and SCPs.
- Assist in the answering of Scottish Government and Parliamentary Questions in this regard
- Participate in the development of PCF’s new national strategic framework team and develop national guidance and planning notes for use in NHSScotland by assisting in the development and maintenance of the new national strategic framework web site that will include a library of relevant material in support of the framework in areas such as design, sustainable development, benchmarking, costing information, KPI’s and partnering contracts.
- Other duties as are necessary from time to time as identified by the Capital Projects Manager and Assistant Director.
A high degree of computer literacy is an essential skill requirement as is the ability to use such systems for the delivery of presentations at national and UK level.
Post holder is expected to be able to manipulate highly complex datasets with statistical software packages for interpretation and reporting of national data.
The post requires planning and analytical skills of the highest order to ensure appropriate and timely allocation of resources to deliver the highest quality national guidance and advice for NHSScotland. The post holder works with a high degree of autonomy at national level and supports the Capital Projects Manager andAssistant Director at national level. This involves developing and maintaining links with national bodies and professional institutes and influencing decisions in the interest of NHSScotland.
The post holder receives a great deal of extremely complex and specialist information from a wide variety of sources, including national and international experts, professional bodies and front line practitioners. This often contradictory and incomplete information must be assessed, judged and used to form national operational policy, which may have major financial and operational consequences for NHSScotland.
Assignment and review of work by the Capital Projects Manager by means of twice yearly appraisal.However this is a senior role with a high degree of autonomy and the post-holder will be expected to manage their own work.
The post holder will, in conjunction with the CPM plan his/her objectives and will review these under NSSs appraisal system with the line manager twice yearly.
The post requires oral and written communication skills of the highest order, as befits a national lead. The post holder must communicate complex information to NHSScotland generally at Director, but regularly at Chief Executive level and liaise with colleagues nationally and internationally, overcoming resistance and influencing peer organisations at senior levels to advance the interests of NHSScotland. This can be by oral, written or visual means and may involve subjects requiring great sensitivity and a detailed understanding of the political nature of the NHS.
Senior Property and Facilities Directors of NHSScotland Boards are key contacts in achieving the objectives above.
The post holder is expected to present papers at national conferences and other events representing the interests of NHSScotland. Such presentations may be to NHS Boards, Scottish Government, UK Health Departments and professional institutes, Architecture & Design Scotland etc.
Mental: Long periods of concentration on highly complex, numerical and statistical reports are required. Preparation of written and verbal reports for senior management required.
Emotional: An ability to balance a high volume of reports/report writing with demanding and conflicting deadlines. Negotiating skills, which can be confrontational, are required to negotiate and ensure best value to the NHS before awarding contracts.
Physical: The nature of the business is generally office work and administrative. A requirement to transport reports, folders, laptops and projectors can occasionally be required.
Working conditions: The post is primarily office based, however, periods of extended travel, which may occasionally require overnight stays, will be required.
The post holder will require a full driving license for business travel.
Professional leadership is of paramount importance. The post holder is required to work with the Capital Projects Manager to interact with and influence colleagues, industry and regulators at Board and national levels to promote the interests of NHSScotland. This entails the deployment of a comprehensive range of interpersonal and influencing skills. Success is dependent on the effective use of these skills.
- The post holder is required to be degree qualified and hold fellowship of one or more related professional institutes e.g. Architects Registration Board (ARB), MCIOB (Chartered Institute of Building), RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors).
- eg Fellowship of a professional registration body such as the ARB (Architects Registration Board) (For example, in the UK, courses of architecture leading to the award of recognised qualifications are conducted in two stages. Currently, over thirty universities and other tertiary institutions offer approved courses and examinations, which are of five years ’ duration or the equivalent in part time study. In addition to the Parts 1 and 2 qualifications, applicants for registration are required to complete a minimum period of two years’ structured and recorded architectural experience in a range of activities, and pass a recognised Part 3 qualification.)
- Highly specialist knowledge of the technical and management issues relating to design, property and capital planning, gained through at least 10 years post qualification experience in a field preferably related to healthcare
- Experience of using information for management purposes and in setting and monitoring targets and performance indicators
- Proven experience of health service commissioning/ planning; knowledge of differing UK-wide NHS funding systems and their application is essential
- Evidence of excellent written and oral communication skills.
- Excellent report writing and presentation skills
- Experience of organising and chairing meetings.
- Experience of change management and the use of skills to facilitate change.
- Evidence of excellent communication and negotiation/influencing skills as complex and sensitive negotiation, sometimes in emotive and hostile atmospheres are required
- Formal project management training is essential.
- Experience and proven leadership skills in working with a wide range of professionals at all levels, from very senior to junior local staff who can provide vital information about performance and quality
- Full current driving licence essential.
A separate job description will need to be signed off by each jobholder to whom the job description applies.
Job Holder’s Signature: / Date:
Head of Department’s Signature: / Date:
HR Department will check job description format and content and then send the job description to the AfC Team
HR Representative’s Signature: / Date:
POST:Capital Projects Advisor
- Chartered professional in an appropriate estates related discipline.
- Experience of working in a senior position within a public or private sector Estates Department with a large and diverse property portfolio.
- Experience of operating as a Project Director on major capital schemes.
- Experience of operating as a Project Manager for minor capital schemes.
- Must be able to work effectively as part of a team.
- Must be computer literate and able to word process, produce spreadsheets and use e-mail.
- Confident in making presentations to all levels of staff.
- Familiarity with the use of computer databases and Powerpoint.
- Able to use project extranet systems.
- A thorough knowledge of the procurement and management of capital schemes.
- Understanding of NEC3 engineering and construction suite of contracts.
- Knowledge of performance management initiatives.
- Knowledge of estate planning in respect of the rationalisation and disposal of property.