Nov. 14, 2016

Lessons covered Week of Nov.7, 2016

Language Arts

“Monsters of the Deep”

Genre: Non-fiction

Common Core Standards: Asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers, Recount stories, determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and how they support the main idea

Vocabulary #1


Topic 5 Multiplication facts: Use Patterns

5-1 2 & 5 As a Factor 5-2 9 as a Factor

5-3 Multiplying with 0 and 1 5-4 Patterns for Facts

Social Studies/Science



-Collaboration Days, Wed, Nov 30 & Dec. 7. School dismisses at 2 p.m.

-Parent/Teacher Conferencesthis week. Thank you for signing up. Looking forward to meet with you to discuss the progress of your child.

Nov. Poem was sent home. Memorize and recite by Nov. 30.

-Large clean Pizza box & 4 different colors of play dough needed from each child for landform project on Nov16. See hand out on Fri.

-Spelling Change a 10 vocabulary list will be replacing the 20 words spelling list beginning this week.

-No School Fri. Nov. 18, Teacher workday.

-Early Release Week of Nov. 14. 2 p.m. dismissal.

-Thanksgving Break Nov. 21-25.

Minimum Day Dec. 22. School dismisses at 12:30 p.m.

-LABEL lunch boxes with “Rm 22” Child’s name so it can be return if lost.

-Math websiteshighly recommended for reviewing math facts, rounding, skip counting (preparation for multiplication), and place value: (type: mathmagician, click Oswego City School District) , ,

-Reading website: is a great site that provides comprehension tests to check if your child understands what he/she read. This is a free site. Parents need to sign up. This does not REPLACE THEIR AR QUIZZES.

Nov. 14, 2016

Lessons covered Week of Nov.7, 2016

Language Arts

“Monsters of the Deep”

Genre: Non-fiction

Common Core Standards: Asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers, Recount stories, determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and how they support the main idea

Vocabulary #1


Topic 5 Multiplication facts: Use Patterns

5-1 2 & 5 As a Factor 5-2 9 as a Factor

5-3 Multiplying with 0 and 1 5-4 Patterns for Facts

Social Studies/Science



-Collaboration Days, Wed, Nov 30 & Dec. 7. School dismisses at 2 p.m.

-Parent/Teacher Conferences this week. Thank you for signing up. Looking forward to meet with you to discuss the progress of your child.

Nov. Poem was sent home. Memorize and recite by Nov. 30.

-Large clean Pizza box & 4 different colors of play dough needed from each child for landform project on Nov16. See hand out on Fri.

-Spelling Change a 10 vocabulary list will be replacing the 20 words spelling list beginning this week.

-No School Fri. Nov. 18, Teacher workday.

-Early Release Week of Nov. 14. 2 p.m. dismissal.

-Thanksgving Break Nov. 21-25.

Minimum Day Dec. 22. School dismisses at 12:30 p.m.

-LABEL lunch boxes with “Rm 22”& Child’s name so it can be return if lost.

-Math websiteshighly recommended for reviewing math facts, rounding, skip counting (preparation for multiplication), and place value: (type: mathmagician, click Oswego City School District) , ,

-Reading website: is a great site that provides comprehension tests to check if your child understands what he/she read. This is a free site. Parents need to sign up. This does not REPLACE THEIR AR QUIZZES