Please answer all questions, regardless of gender. Thank you.

Age: ____ Sex:_____ Last Year of Education _____ Occupation ______

Religious affiliation:______

Years married to current spouse ______Number of children together ______

Number of these children still living in your home _____

Have you been married before? ______Has your spouse been married before? ______

How many serious arguments have you had in the past year? ______

Have your problems ever been serious enough to make you discuss separation or divorce? ____

Have you been separated (because of problems) in the past year? ______

Overall, how happy are you in your current marriage? ______

Rate each area in terms of how much a problem it is in your marriage by using the following scale:

0 = This area almost never (less than once a year) causes conflict

1 = This area rarely (1-4 times/year) causes conflict

2 = This problem causes occasional (5-10 times/year) conflict

3 = This problem causes frequent (monthly) conflict

4 = This problem causes weekly conflict

(mark n/a if not applicable)

1. Husband's friends ____ 2. Wife's friends ____

3. Husband's family ____ 4. Wife's family ____

5. Husband's friends of opposite sex___ 6. Wife's friends of opposite sex ____

7. Husband's job ____ 8. Wife's job _____

9. Husband's mood/temper ____ 10. Wife's mood/temper ____

11. Husband's honesty _____ 12. Wife's honesty ____

13. Husband's behavior at social events ____ 14. Wife's behavior at social events____

15. Husband's support in crisis ____ 16. Wife's support in crisis ____

17. Religious beliefs ____ 18. Church attendance ____

19. Charitable gifts ____ 20. Love and affection ____

21. Sexual activities ____ 22. Sexual frequency ____

23. Sexual infidelity ____ 24. Saving/investment ____

25. Paying bills ____ 26. Spending money on clothes or hobbies ____

27. Use of credit cards ____ 28. Long range goals and priorities____

29. Family activities ____ 30. Use of vacation and leisure time ____

31. Resolving differences of opinion ____ 32. Communication ____

33. Companionship ____ 34. Agreement upon who is "head" of household ___

35. Household chores ____ 36. Discipline of children ____

37. Intellectual discussion ____ 38. Gambling ____

39. Alcohol/drug use ____ 40. Pornography ____

41. List any other problem

42. Which problem is most serious to you? ____