Village of Williamsville

Parks Committee

Meeting Minutes

April 7, 2009

Present: Brian Geary, George Gates, Al Hershberger, Dave Pennington, Tracy Galuski, Noel Bartlo

1)South Long Walking Path Progress:

Dave Sutton of Dean Sutton Architects is working on the path specifications for the final grant approval and bid process. We should get them back soon. Once they are returned by Dave, the committee will review them for final recommendation to the Board.

2)SouthLongPark Surveys:

The responses have slowed down. Noel Bartlo will finalize the results in the next couple months.

3)Remaining Budget for 2008-2009:

There is approximately $24,000 left in the parks budget for equipment. This money is remaining as a result of the fundraising and grants acquired for the purchase of the new Garrison toy last summer. The committee has brainstormed and reviewed dozens of potential projects that might be considered attractive in each of the parks, and has concluded that the following list should rank highest in priority and be completed immediately. Noel Bartlo will present the request to the Board at the April 27th meeting.

a) Garrison Park:Estimated Cost:

Topsoil and Grass around Toy$400

Wheelchair Ramp for Gazebo$400

Add’l Wood Chips for Swings$100

Benches (4@$150)$600

Install Sandbox & Buy Sand$100

Dog Clean up Bags$200


b) IslandPark:

Replace Broken Tot Seat on Swing$150

Fix Teeter Totter (Bent)$???

Purchase a Grill for Small Shelter$230

New Swing Set (Addition)$2000

Add’l Wood Chips for Toys$100

Dog Clean up Bags$200

Total:< $3,000

c) SouthLongPark:

Basketball Court Re-surface$10,000

Softball Infield Clay Fill$5,000

Move Small Swing Set away from


Add’l Wood Chips$100

Bike Racks (2@$250)$500

Soccer Net$1,000

Volleyball Net$1,000

Dog Clean up Bags$200


Grand Total for Equipment:$23,600


Brian Geary gave an update on new trees for the parks. There may be up to 30 trees scheduled for the parks during the spring planting (May 9-10). Possible locations have been identified and will be finalized in the coming weeks.

5)Committee Top Recommendations for Park Maintenance and Improvement:

Garrison –

Complete the topsoil and seeding around the big toy and gazebo.

Replace sandbox as planned last summer.

Install some new park benches.

Install a ramp for wheelchair access to the gazebo.

Re-surface walking path.

Install old tires under the teeter-totter.

Island –

Remove old telephone poles (old fire siren holder)

Repair tree mounted lights.

Lehigh Trail –

Topsoil, grass, and shrubs between train station and S. Long.

Replace missing trees and plaques.

South Long –

Implement path grant and install path between parking lot and Milton Street.

Paint tennis backboard.

Complete plan for gazebo, and install foundation.

Continue planting additional trees.

Re-surface basketball court.

Upgrade softball diamond infield.

Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday May 6th, 6:30 PM at Village Hall.

**Future meetings will be scheduled on the first Wednesday of each month.