PRESS RELEASE No 31/2007 / Brussels, 25 April 2007

A joint EESC/CoR conference concludes that a European framework is needed for high-quality public services

On 19 April 2007, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Committee of the Regions (CoR) co-hosted a conference on the follow-up to the Commission's White Paper on services of general interest. The conference, which was held at the Committees' headquarters in Brussels, focused on how to promote high-quality public services within a European framework, whilst also safeguarding local autonomy and citizens' rights. A large number of representatives (approximately 300) of organised civil society and local and regional authorities took part in the conference, which was also attended by several MEPs. The large number of participants shows that services of general interest are still a key issue at European level.

Michel Delebarre, CoR President and Mayor of Dunkirk (France), and Dimitris Dimitriadis, EESC President, gave the opening speech.

Michel Delebarre said that "in the light of September's voteby MEPs on the White Paper on services of general interest, it was important to help keep the debate going". He said that the common initiative was also based on the fact that "at their plenary sessions, the two institutions adopted by a majority and after intense debates, opinions setting out similar positions on services of general interest".

Dimitris Dimitriadis said that "it is completely natural that services of general interest play an essential role against a backdrop of global competition and globalisation, and that these services are essential for the wellbeing of citizens; they must be promoted and we must think about the best way to do it". Mr Dimitriadis highlighted the added value that cooperation between the EU's two consultative bodies could bring, adding that "this conference shows that our two Committees can join forces to present the grassroots views".

Raymond Hencks, EESC rapporteur for the White Paper on services of general interest, underlined the need for a "regulatory framework safeguarding the existence of services of general interest, Member States' or local authorities' freedom to define and organise, the freedom to choose management and funding methods, the principles and limits of Community action, evaluation of their performance, consumers' and users' rights and a basic platform for public service missions and obligations". Edmundo Martinho, President of the Portuguese Social Security Institute, presented the Portuguese Presidency's follow-up on services of general interest, a subject which was "an essential tool for citizenship and the driving force of social cohesion". Edmundo Martinho stressed the importance of access for everyone to high-quality services, whilst also highlighting Member States' responsibility for respecting subsidiarity.

EESC and CoR members were pleased with the quality of the constructive dialogue with civil society representatives and the relevant stakeholders. Legal uncertainty was the main argument put forward by the majority of participants in justifying the need to set up a framework to clarify the implementation of services of general interest in the single market. Taking into account the views expressed during the fruitful discussions, the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee will continue to follow these issues closely.

For further information, please contact:

Dennis Abbott
Committee of the Regions
Tel.: +32 2 282 20 99
Email: / Karel Govaert
European Economic and Social Committee
Tel.: +32 475 75 32 02