Arts and Crafts




1. Objectives in terms of First Year Skills

  • To use techniques and resources related with artistic language in order to know and assess the artistic manifestations around them.(Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To differentiate between the background and figure in a picture and identify them as basic elements in a plastic composition. (Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To explore materials and techniques to discover their plastic and aesthetic properties.(Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To perceive colour, shape and texture as properties associated with the surroundings and assess their beauty as an element of artistic representation (Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To explore and recreate shapes, colour and textures from the surroundings.(Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To explore possibilities of everyday objects in volumetric constructions. (Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To recognise the importance of the compositional lines of a picture. (Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To assess the expressive possibilities of lines and their shapes. (Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To know how to properly use drawing instruments to trace straight and curved lines.(Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To explore the technique using watery markers and discover their aesthetic properties. (Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To broaden their expressive possibilities using the stamping technique. (Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To explore and discover new artistic possibilities in objects, materials and plastic techniques.

(Cultural and artistic.Learning to learn)

  • To identify chromatic properties in a natural context. (Cultural and artistic. Mathematical skill and basic skills in science and technology)
  • To analyse spatial and geometric concepts in pictures for drawing simple animals using the geometrisationof the shapes. (Cultural and artistic. Mathematical skill and basic skills in science and technology)
  • To know different ways to represent space: flat and volumetric pictures. (Cultural and artistic. Mathematical skill and basic skills in science and technology)
  • To organise their own plastic creations in terms of space. (Cultural and artistic. Mathematical skills and basic skills in science and technology)
  • To interpret and convey instructions related with the work processes. (Cultural artistic skills. Linguistic communication)
  • To use technological means as forms of investigation and artistic expression. (Cultural and artistic skill. Digital skill)
  • To start to use technology as an artistic resource.(Cultural and artistic skill. Digital skill.)
  • To plan and review the creative processes themselves using the expression of different emotions using drawings of the human face.(Cultural and artistic skill. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit)
  • To explore and recreate shapes, colours and in the surroundings, representing leaves and fruits using simple, non-stereotypical drawings. (Cultural and artistic skill. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit)
  • To represent the body and its movement using schematic drawings and drawing flowers and other natural elements in a non-personal, non-stereotypical way. (Cultural and artistic skill. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit)
  • To know and assess the work of various artists and reflect on the processes in plastic experimentation.(Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To analyse and reflect on the processes in the handling of objects, materials and techniques of plastic creation.(Cultural and artistic. Learning to learn)
  • To cooperate with the group and respect rules and instructions. (Cultural and artistic. Social and civic skills)
  • To carry out artistic projects in a cooperative way, applying the techniques worked on to achieve a group project. (Cultural and artistic. Social and civic skills)

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2. Sequencing and timetable of Contents, Evaluation Criteria and Learning Standards in the First Year

COMMON TO THE THREE QUARTERS / Educational units in which they are developed: all
Contents / Evaluation criteria / Learning standards
Block 1. Audiovisual education.
1. Fixed image: photography and drawing.
Block 2. Geometric drawing.
2. Geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle and rectangle.
3.4. Consistencies and symmetry.
Block 3. Artistic expression.
1. Points as an element of configuration for shapes.
2. Composition: use of space. / 1. Identify the representation of reality in photos and drawings assessing the different level of iconicity between them.
2. Recognise geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle and triangle), drawing them freehand in the creation of simple compositions with shapes or abstracts in them.
3. Differentiate between repetition from revolution and symmetry in simple modular compositions (series).
4. Analyse axial symmetry indifferent representations of elements from everyday life.
1. Identify points as an element of configuration for shapes in both artistic pieces and their own creations.
2. Use the space of the medium provided in their own creations adapting their drawings to different formats. / 1.1. Identifies the reality in photos.
1.2. Understands that a drawing is a representation of reality.
1.3. Recognises the different levels of iconicity in reality, photography and drawing.
1.4. Makes drawings based on photos in which the object or reality represented is distinguished.
2.1. Distinguishes between geometric shapes.
2.2. Builds geometric shapes based on vertices previously provided.
2.3. Cutsout geometric shapes in paper that have previously been drawn with a template provided by the teacher and pastes them to create a composition.
3.1. Analyses and repeats simple modular structures (series) made with squares of different colours from revolution and symmetry.
4.1. Draws the axis of axial symmetry in a picture of an everyday element.
1.1. Knows the expressive possibilities of points as an element of configuration for shapes in art, in particular in prehistoric paintings and in works of art from the pointillist movement.
1.2. Creates compositions using points to configure different shapes.
2.1. Uses all types of space provided in a coherent way to make their own drawings.
2.2. Adapts what they want to represent to the format provided.
FIRST QUARTER / Educational units in which they are developed: 1, 2
Contents / Evaluation criteria / Learning standards
Block 3. Artistic expression.
3. Identification of colour. Techniques and materials: wooden crayons. / 3. Recognise different tones and identify variations of brightness in them. / 3.1. Names orally and in writing different colours in the pictures provided.
3.2. Distinguishes between variations of brightness in colours that have been presented, associating them with the corresponding tones.
3.3. Uses the wooden crayons in their compositions knowing the graphic possibilities that they offer.
SECOND QUARTER / Educational units in which they are developed: 3,4
Contents / Evaluation criteria / Learning standards
Block 3. Artistic expression.
4. Flat and volumetric forms. / 4. Differentiate between flat and volumetric representation of shapes. / 4.1. Makes simple volumes based on flat shapes.
THIRD QUARTER / Educational units in which they are developed: 5,6
Contents / Evaluation criteria / Learning standards
Block 1. Audiovisual education.
2. Digital image: creation of simple images.
Block 2. Geometric drawing.
1. Types of line: closed/open, straight/curved, horizontal/vertical. / 2. Use simple IT programmes to create simple drawings.
1. Identify and differentiate between different types of lines and then copy them. / 2.1. Uses IT programmes to create simple drawings and then colour them in.
1.1. Differentiates between an open line and closed line.
1.2. Draws open lines and closed lines consistent with their meaning.
1.3. Identifies horizontal and vertical lines in a composition.
1.4. Makes drawings of simple and everyday objects using vertical and horizontal lines.


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3. SkillsProfileof the First Year

CE / Identifies the reality in photos.
CE / Understands that a drawing is a representation of reality.
CE / Recognises the different level of iconicity in reality, photography and drawing.
CE / Makes drawings based on photos in which the object or reality represented is distinguished.
DS / Uses IT programmes to create simple drawings and then colour them in.
CE / Differentiates between an open line and closed line.
CE / Draws open lines and closed lines consistent with their meaning.
CE / Identifies horizontal and vertical lines in a composition.
CE / Makes drawings of simple and everyday objects using vertical and horizontal lines.
CE / Distinguishes between geometric shapes.
CE / Builds geometric shapes based on vertices previously provided.
CE / Cuts out geometric shapes in paper that have previously been drawn with a template provided by the teacher and pastes them to create a composition.
CE / Analyses and repeats simple modular structures (series) made with squares of different colours from revolution and symmetry.
CE / Draws the axis of axial symmetry in a picture of an everyday element.
CE / Knows the expressive possibilities of points as an element of configuration for shapes in art, in particular in prehistoric paintings and in works of art from the pointillist movement.
CE / Creates compositions using points to configure different shapes.
CE / Uses all types of space provided in a coherent way to make their own drawings.
CE / Adapts what they want to represent to the format provided.
LC / Names orally and in writing different colours in the pictures provided.
CE / Distinguishes between variations of brightness in colours that have been presented, associating them with the corresponding tones.
CE / Uses the wooden crayons in their compositions knowing the graphic possibilities that they offer.
CE / Makes simple volumes based on flat shapes.


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4. Criteria for promotion for the First Year


1st Primary Education

Area / Standard / ACQUIRED
MAT / Verbally communicates the process followed in problem-solving processes for mathematics in school contexts.
MAT / Understands, with the help of guidelines, the formulation of problems (data, relationship between data and context of the problem) in school contexts.
MAT / Explains orally the processes followed in the measuring and treatment of lengths, capacities and masses in school contexts.
MAT / Describes positions and movements in school contexts in relation with themselves using the concepts of left, right, in front, behind, upwards, downwards, close, far, nearby, far away.
MAT / Recognises and names triangles, squares and rectangles in school and family contexts.
MAT / Understands and describes positions and routes in school contexts using the concepts of left, right, in front, behind, upwards, downwards, close, far, nearby, far away.
MAT / Makes a route in a school context based on oral information that includes the concepts left, right, in front, behind, upwards, downwards, close, far, nearby, far away.
SLL / Uses spoken language in assemblies, conversations, as a form of communication with others and expression of their ideas and personal thoughts.
SLL / Conveys ideas with clarity and coherence.
SLL / Uses linguistic resources (intonation and tone of voice) and non-linguistic resources (gestures and body language) to communicate in oral interactions.
SLL / Expresses themselves with correct diction and pronunciation: intonation, pronunciation and vocabulary when narrating events occurred or personal experiences; describes themselves, family members and friends.
SLL / Expresses their own ideas in an understandable way.
SLL / Participates actively in interactive situations communicating in the classroom, answering questions and making comments related with the subject discussed (assemblies and conversations).
SLL / Participates constructively: asking, expressing doubts and contributing experiences.
SLL / Demonstrates an attitude of active listening (maintain eye contact, adopt a suitable posture…) preventing others from repeating what they have said.
SLL / Understands the general information in oral texts used frequently (messages, schedules, instructions, regulations...) carrying out activities related with them (questions, opinion...).
SLL / Understands the meaning of the text by means of its basic elements (vocabulary and order).
SLL / Uses suitable vocabulary for their age in expressions.
SLL / Differentiates the meaning of similar words depending on the context.
SLL / Identifies the subject matter of the text.
SLL / Obtains the main ideas from a text.
SLL / Recognises the subject matter of a given text.
SLL / Reproduces simple texts from memory that are related with their likes and interests.
SLL / Reproduces simple texts correctly and creatively related with their experiences.
SLL / Acts in response to the orders and instructions given in order to carry out diverse activities.
SLL / Correctly responds to questions concerning an oral text.
SLL / Reproduces simple and brief oral texts copying models (descriptive, narrative and instructive).
SLL / Remembers some basic ideas of a text they have listened to and expresses them orally in response to questions asked about the text.
SLL / Starts to organise speech adapting to the situation of the communication.
SLL / Useseffectively spoken language to communicate and learn: actively listens, and expresses themselves with clarity.
SLL / Reads different types of texts aloud that are suitable for their age acquiring progressive confidence.
SLL / Decodes their own words for their age.
SLL / Recognises the message, on the whole, of the texts read aloud.
SLL / Carries out activities about different types of texts in classroom situations.
SLL / Reads different types of text in silence.
SLL / Reads in silence, understanding the texts read.
SLL / Identifies the heading of a given text.
SLL / Discovers reading as a form of entertainment.
SLL / Reads texts from the classroom library voluntarily, as well as from the centre, the town…
SLL / Knows bibliographical references: illustrations. Identifies illustrations as part of the chosen reading.
SLL / Writes brief texts in the context of everyday life: notes, greeting cards, copying model texts.
SLL / Writes brief texts using suitable vocabulary, organising the ideas with clarity, and respecting spelling rules that they know copying model texts.
SLL / Copies simple texts in the context of personal and school life.
SLL / Makes an effort to write correctly (spelling, order and presentation) statements and very brief texts.
SLL / Expresses very simple ideas in writing.
SLL / Presents and writes neatly, clearly and with a correct structure simple written tasks in relation with a given subject matter. Uses resources and strategies for their written tasks that help them to create ideas (for example, routines and thinking skills by the teacher)
SLL / Knows the first types of words (noun, adjective and verb), identifying their function within simple texts. Spontaneously uses articles and pronouns in their spoken work. Applies the first rules of spelling to these types of words (for example: capital letters for names).
SLL / Knows simple verbal forms used daily.
SLL / Knows the meaning of new words with the help of the teacher.
SLL / Uses the first rules of gender and number agreement between nouns and adjectives.
SLL / Includes new vocabulary in their spoken work related with familiar contexts: school and family routines, hobbies, personal interests, aspects of the immediate surroundings (i.e.: activities, landscape, etc.).
SLL / Starts to formulate new words using previously established models in the classroom.
SLL / Uses the first rules of spelling worked on (for example: use of capital letters, mp, mb, etc.).
SLL / Identifies the function that some types of words (nouns to name things and verbs to indicate actions) and uses this knowledge to improve their understanding of oral and written messages.
SLL / Uses the rules for gender and number agreement correctly in oral expression in classroom situations.
SLL / Improves pronunciation of syllables of a word progressively.
SLL / Respects the use of the full stop and comma in their daily reading (texts related with their interests and personal, family and school experiences).
SLL / Read texts from children’s literature: narrative and poems with the help of the teacher.
SLL / Identifies simple texts like stories, poems and sayings.
SLL / Recognises the comparisons in simple texts, with the help of the teacher.
SLL / Participates in the creation of very simple and brief literary texts orally and as a group with the help of the teacher.
SLL / Participates in very simple plays both individually and in groups.
SLL / Repeats brief and simple oral texts (for example: stories, poems and songs).
SLL / Knows the existence of different languages in Spain.
NS / Observes, using direct means of observation (magnifying glass…) and indirect means of observation (consulting pictures, graphs…), natural phenomena in their nearby surroundings.
NS / Presents experiences and tasks orally, in a guided manner.
SS / Collects information for events and phenomena studied and communicates them orally.
SS / Knows the vocabulary acquired to carry out activities from the topic studied.
SS / Presents orally content related with the topics in classroom situations.
SS / Names the days of the week in a structured way, and suitably uses the calendar (day, week and month) in everyday routines.
SS / Describes some characteristics of air orally.
SS / Recognises air as a fundamental element for life.
SS / Recognises the image of a weather vane as a device that shows the wind direction and associates it with a specific use.
SS / Describe the characteristics of water orally and lists some common uses of water.
SS / Identifies different states of water in pictures.
SS / Observes pictures of landscapes and identifies some elements, classifying them according to if they are a humanised landscape or natural landscape.
SS / Identifies members of the teaching community and respects tasks that are performed by people that work in schools, recognising pictures and expressing their function orally.
SS / Identifies parts of the street in pictures: pavement, road….and name the most common street furniture and some of the most common buildings.
SS / Names the demonym of their town and province.
SS / Associates the name of some common professionals with the type of activity that they carry out, linking together pictures/texts.
SS / Describesorally the work that a member of their family carries out, indicating the place and activity that they carry out.
SS / Identifies the name of different common shops, the name of the person that works there and the products that they sell.