1.What is in the Plan?

The Plan describes the school and its environment, the potential hazards to which it is likely to be exposed and the manner in which emergencies will be managed by the school. It assumes that staff and students will be familiar with its contents and will be regularly drilled in the procedures to be adopted during an emergency. It assumes that preventive measures will have been implemented to reduce the impact of an emergency which occurs.

1.1An emergency can be either an internal emergency or an external emergency.

  • An internal emergency includes all emergencies that take place within the school buildings or any emergency that directly affects the school buildings.
  • An external emergency includes all emergencies that take place outside of the school buildings and within the school grounds. Some external emergencies may take place outside of the school grounds (such as road accident or fire) while still impacting on Hamlyn Banks Primary School.

1.2 An emergency includes the following:

  • fatality
  • serious injury/serious assault/sexual assault
  • siege/hostage/disappearance or removal of student
  • firearm/bomb/threats
  • collapse/major damage to building or equipment
  • motor vehicle collision/impact with school
  • fire in school building/bushfire
  • impact by equipment/machinery/aircraft
  • fumes/spill/leak/contamination by hazardous material
  • outbreak of disease

1.3The Plan is intended to be flexible. Procedures have been developed which should assist the school to manage emergencies ranging in nature and intensity from small scale localised incidents lasting minutes or hours and which are managed by the school, to large scale incidents which require external assistance and which may last for several days. It identifies roles and responsibilities of staff, students, and visitors during an emergency. It describes actions to be followed in the case of specific types of emergencies.

1.4All incidents likely to affect the safety and well being of students, teachers or visitors are to be reported immediately and responded to as soon as possible. The safety and well-being of all people exposed to the emergency are to be considered at all stages of the emergency.

1.5An emergency may have effects on those involved lasting long after the initial crisis has been resolved. The school recognises that in addition to implementing procedures to resolve the emergency quickly, the school may require support to assist the school community to return to normal functioning.

1.6.1The Plan is to be reviewed annually by the School Council. In the event of a major emergency, the Plan is to be reviewed as soon as possible after the event to determine whether procedures in the Plan were followed and whether they were adequate.

1.7Emergency Management drills are to be conducted and evaluated regularly.

2.About the School

2.1Hamlyn Banks Primary School is located along Vines Road and Chaucer Street, Hamlyn Heights in a residential area. The school consists of a main, north/south facing building with corrugated iron and steel deck roof and grey masonry walls, a multi purpose room and library north-west of main building,two Mod 5, a Mod 4 and a Mod 2. There are three other buildings - a shelter shed and storage shed on the North West boundary and a music/storage room situated further north of the library, all of which are free standing.

2.2The school has a population of 320 pupils (as per 11.02.10). Pupils walk, ride or are predominately brought by their parents to the school via car. Vines Road continues to be a busy thoroughfare, although with less heavy transport concerns as these heavy vehicles now utilise the Geelong Ring Road to the west of the school.

3.Identifying the Risks

3.1Storm water drains in Chaucer Street

- large quantities of excess water from the Fyansford Quarry is pumped through these


3.2Internal Fire

3.3.Vehicle Collision - personal injury

- hazardous chemicals

3.4Gas Leak

3.5 Electrical Hazard

3.6 Bomb threat

3.7Flood or severe storm


3.9.1Assault or abuse by parent, family member or member of the general public.

3.9.2Abduction or threat to abduct student

3.9.3Dispute over access/custody restriction and intervention orders.

A local doctor is located in Vines Rd, diagonally opposite the school and one in Church St.. At other times emergency medical treatment, ambulance, fire brigade and police come from Geelong City and North Geelong. This would probably mean a minimum attendance time of 10 -15 minutes.

4.Co-ordination the School’s Response

4.1Reporting an Emergency in the School

  • Students should report an incident immediately to an adult within the school.
  • Teachers should report an incident immediately to the Principal or Office Staff.
  • All emergencies are to be reported to The Office of Emergency Management  95896266.

4.2 Reporting an Emergency at a Camp/Excursion

An emergency which occurs during a camp/excursion is to be reported by the supervising teacher to the emergency services. The Principal is then to be advised. The Principal will attend the emergency if practical. In other cases, the school will ask the Regional Office to send a Department Officer to the incident to assist staff at the scene and to liaise with the school. For local excursions staff members will be requested to carry a mobile phone so that they can contact the emergency services and then the school immediately.

A school sourced mobile phone will be made available for all camps and excursions. ???

4.3Alerting the School

Students will be alerted by means of a warning siren across the public address system or if the power is unavailable by the portable warning siren.(This is stored in the office store-room).

There are two different sirens, one (a‘wah’ sound) that will indicate an evacuation out of, or into the school buildings, followed by instructions on the P.A. system.

The second warning siren, (a shrill escalating siren) will indicate a ‘drop command’ for all who are in the school grounds to immediately drop to the ground, whether they are either inside or outside the buildings, followed by a P.A. instruction. All students and adults in the school must obey these sirens and must wait for an ALL CLEAR to be reported via the P.A. system.

4.4Coordination Point

All emergencies are to be co-ordinated from the Principal’s Office. The co-ordinator will manage the emergency from the Principal’s Office.

For the duration of the emergency, staff should not enter the coordinator’s office except when undertaking a task directly related to the emergency.

5.Roles and Responsibilities

5.1Principal to co-ordinate activity during an emergency.

In the absence of the Principal, the Assistant Principal or person designated in charge will carry out the role of coordinator. One of these people will be at the school at all times. Relevant personnel to be kept informed of absences at all times.

5.2The coordinator is responsible for:

  • notification of emergency services and the Emergency Management Unit of the DEECD.
  • alerting staff/students about emergency
  • evacuation of staff/students/visitors

5.3 Staff will be directed by the co-ordinator during the emergency and should not initiate any action related to the emergency without the coordinator’s authorisation. This does not prevent a teacher taking action which minimises the nature of the emergency such as using a fire extinguisher on a fire or administering first aid to a student to reduce the effects of an injury. Any staff member given a task to complete by the co-ordinator must advise the coordinator when it has been completed.

5.3For an internal emergency such as fire, teachers are responsible for the safe and orderly evacuation of students when instructed by the coordinator to do so. Teachers will ensure that students are accounted for and will check storerooms and toilets as indicated on the classroom emergency action card.

Students will be lined up on the oval (on the east of cricket pitch) in grades with the Preps at the North end of the oval and the 6/5 students at the South end of the oval.

Off site options will include, Haines Reserve and ????

5.5Teachers must supervise their students at all times. If directed to another task by the coordinator, it is the responsibility of the class teacher to arrange alternative supervision before leaving the students.

5.6Turn off all appliances if time permits including stoves, heaters, pilot lights, light switches. Close doors and windows before leaving the classroom if this is necessary and time permits.

5.8General office staff will deal with routine enquires from staff and will assist the coordinator during an emergency. Office staff will be responsible for general telephone communications including notification of parents at the direction of the coordinator.

5.7For an external emergency the following procedure will apply:

Teachers on yard-duty are responsible for notifying the Displan Coordinator immediately of the type of emergency and the position of the emergency. This can be achieved by the use of the walkie talkie system used by the first aid and yard duty teachers. The code colours, as attached may be used on the radios to further indicate the type of assistance required or incident level. A back up to this procedure will also be instigated, by the sending of an appropriate student to notify the Displan Coordinator or office staff.

The yard duty teacher is responsible for minimising risk to students by clearing the immediate area affected by the emergency and by assisting injured/affected students where possible.

The Displan Coordinator will notify the whole school of the emergency situation via the use of the continuous emergency signal, followed by a P.A. announcement. This signal will mean that allstudents are to proceed directly to the main school building.

Classroom teachers are to proceed directly to the meeting place for their grade. Other teaching staff are to report to the Displan Coordinator to assist as required.

The alternate emergency signal will be used to indicate the possibility of attack by firearm/projectile etc. whilst students are in the yard or within the buildings. This will mean that all outside and inside the school precinct should immediately lie flat on the ground to minimize the possibility of targets. Drills will be held to practice this.

6.Communications: Keeping in Touch with Everyone.

6.1A warning siren will be sounded if an evacuation is required. Otherwise an information message will be broadcast over the public address system or by a runner to individual classrooms to advise students and teachers about action to be taken.

6.2The Principal’s land line or the school mobile telephone is to be used during an emergency by the coordinator to liaise with emergency services and the Emergency Management Unit.

6.3Teachers are to take attendance rolls or class lists with them on to the oval. A class list in a plastic pocket with a pen should be accessible to the nearest wall to the doorway of the classroom so that it can be immediately available for an evacuation procedure.

6.4An information centre will be established to communicate with parents who arrive at the school. In the event that the media arrives at the school, they should be directed to the coordinator. All information given to the media is to be made by the Principal.

7.All About the Evacuation

7.1The coordinator will issue evacuation instructions to classes closest to the danger zone followed by classes further away from the danger area. When moving to the designated evacuation area students must be moved away from the danger zone and not towards or through the affected area. Teachers should not evacuate unless instructed to do so by the coordinator or by the sounding of the evacuation siren.

7.2Teachers are responsible for the safety and supervision of their students during the evacuation and for the duration of the emergency.

No teacher is to leave students unsupervised.

7.3No student is to leave the school or the evacuation area with a parent or other adult unless specific authorisation to do so has been issued by the co-coordinator and documented by teachers.

7.4Parents attending the school are to be directed to the information centre where a member of staff nominated by the coordinator will be available to provide information concerning the welfare of students and other information about the emergency. The coordinator will also designate the area to be established as an information centre.

7.5 Food, water, shelter and toilet facilities will be required if evacuation occurs in adverse weather conditions or is likely to be prolonged. If it is necessary the coordinator will arrange for food, water and shelterto be supplied.

7.6 A Classroom Action Plan for each classroom, containing procedures to be followed in an emergency, is to be displayed in every room and by every exit.

7.7 Hamlyn Banks Evacuation Procedure Site plan, along with Emergency phone numbers and class lists are also to be displayed with every Classroom Action Plan.

7.8 Each staff member is responsible for displaying these records, updating them when necessary and for being familiar with their content.

8.Supporting Those Affected

8.1 The principal will convene a recovery management group when staff or students have been traumatised or are likely to suffer long-term effects as a result of their exposure to an emergency. The group which will include staff, students, and Department support personnel, who will be responsible for development and implementation of a recovery program to those affected.

8.2 The regional office will normally ensure that recovery support is provided to the school. Support will normally be provided by North Network psychologists and social workers, and external consultants engaged by the Department where necessary.


POLICE000 - 24 hour call service

52 739555 - Corio - 24 hours

52 253100 - Geelong - 24 hours

REPORT EMERGENCIES95896266 - DEECD Melbourne (Emergency Management Unit)



5277 0414 - Corio

5221 2755 - Geelong

DOCTOR 52773333 137 Vines Rd.

DOCTOR 52770907 252 Church St.

BARWON HEALTH -52 267564 - Emergency

GEELONG HOSPITAL52 267111 - General

RED CROSS52238700 64 Bellerine St.

TRU (GAS)136707 - 24 hour emergency

132083 - supply faults


SEWERAGE1300 656007 - 24 hour emergency

PHARMACY 5278 4064 – 117 Vines Road

POWERCOR (ELECTRICITY)132412 - service difficulties

132206 – other enquiries









Ross Hayward / Displan Co-ordinator. /
  • Turn off gas and electricity/power supply.
  • Check: Adult toilets, photocopy room, computer server room, Assistant Principal’s office, multi-purpose room-including toilets and sports store.

Kerrie Duan


Assistant Co-ordinator

  • Assist Ross and assume his responsibilities in his absence

David Nunn /

Art Room

  • Evacuate class being taught to oval and hand over to their teacher.
  • Check Art Room/storeroom, dark – room, girls & boys toilets, IC room when in Art Room.

Julie Jarick


Room 1

  • Check Art Room/storeroom, dark – room, IC/withdrawal room-if David Nunn is not in the Art room.

Nicki Dasovic / Room 14 /
  • Remove class to the assembly area.

Amanda Vines / Room 4 /
  • Remove class to the assembly area.

All teachers / Room 5 /
  • When conducting lessons in the ICT room. Remove class to the assembly area.

Robyn Welsh / Room 6 /
  • Remove class to the assembly area via external door.

Simon O’Brien / Room 7 /
  • Check room 5 as they exit through it.

Kate Newton / Room 8 /
  • Inform Life Education Van if on site.

Helen Grgic

/ Room 9 /
  • Remove class to the assembly area. Oversee oval and check that the whole school is in attendance. Report to Displan coordinator.

Rob van Der Zee / Room 10 /
  • Remove class to the assembly area. Assist Helen
  • To assume Kerrie Duan’s or Allison Davidson’s responsibilities in their absence once class has been evacuated.

Allison Davidson / Room 11 /
  • Assist with supervision of students exiting down wooden stairs or ramp. Hand class over to Simon O’Brien to supervise and take over Principal or Deputy Principal’s role if they are absent.

Marianne Spiranovic / Room 12 /
  • Assist Kate with exiting of both Prep Grades. Check bike shed.

Felicity O’Halloran


Multi Purpose Room

  • Check store room, toilets and kitchen. Evacuate class being taken to assembly area and hand over to their teacher.
  • Assist Displan Coordinator.

Kate Fisher / Room 13 /
  • Assist Marianne with exiting of both Prep Grades. Check bike shed.

Janet Speirs

Amanda Stidwill / Room 16
Room 17 /
  • Evacuate class to assembly area.
  • Evacuate class to assembly area. Check student toilets.

Deb Butler

Helen McLaren / Library
Floating /
  • Check Library, including reading recovery room, back office and library resource room.
  • Evacuate students to assembly areas. Assist Helen Grgic collate
attendance rolls.
Officer(s) / Office /
  • Ring 000 EMS 95896266
  • Check Sick Bay, Literacy ResourceRoom, Teacher Resource Room, Photocopy Room, Canteen and Maths Store Room.
  • Take students’ register, Daily Diary and visitors book.

SSO Integration Aides / Various /
  • Support classroom teacher/students. Assist Displan Coordinator as required.

Sara Taylor
Felicity O’Halloran / Room 15 - Music Room /
  • Evacuate class being taught to oval and hand over to their teacher. Assist Displan Coordinator.

All Teachers / Multi Purpose Room
(If using this room) /
  • Check store room, toilets and kitchen. Remove class to the assembly area.

On siren all teachers to take their grade, roll and pen to the oval through their designated exit.

Close all windows and doors if time permits.

Specialist teachers, after leaving children in classroom teacher’s charge to report to Displan Coordinator.