Meeting Called to Order at 7:05 a.m., followed by prayer and the pledge of allegiance.

Members Present: Darren Butler, Dan White, Fred Zacarola, Bill Genthe, Terry Fulton, John Collins, Al Dalbec, Bob Engles, Bill Fulton, Eric Fulton, Fr. Greg Pawloski, Mel Halkens, Duane Weninger, Jerry Bulmer, John Crotty. Guest: Colter Fulton.

GK Eric Fulton began the meeting with a summary of the busy month since our last meeting. With the January breakfast, TeamMates breakfast, district Free Throw Challenge, Clergy Dinner, food drive, Cajun Fest, and the first of six Fish Fry’s, we have been quite active! Eric and Wendy were privileged to attend the Servant of the Shepherd dinner with Bishop Bruskewitz in Lincoln last Thursday. We were one of only a few councils in the state to receive this invitation for making 200% of our membership quota last year. Fr. Greg was also invited to the dinner, but was unable to attend due to prior commitments. Eric presented a commemorative pin to Fr. Greg from the state council, recognizing his support in our council’s recent successes.

Corrections to Minutes: None. The January minutes were approved.

Chaplain’s Report: Fr. Greg requested help delivering a dryer from St. Francis Gift & Thrift to a needy family in Auburn after the meeting. Duane Weninger and Eric Fulton volunteered to help.

Treasurer’s Report: Al Dalbec (An amount of $20.00 will be transferred from checking to the Project Moses account.)

Checking Account $ 3285.53

CD $ 1036.00

Scholarship Fund $ 1339.42

RSVP Fund $ 808.72

Funeral Benefit Fund $ 400.28

Project Moses $ 1326.56

One Rose One Life $ 10.00

Petty Cash $ 200.00

Fish Fry Proceeds $ 1088.50

TOTAL $ 9495.01

Financial Secretary’s Report: Darren Butler

Income since last meeting included:

Member dues = $ 2005.00

Culture of Life Fund = $ 166.00

Project Moses = $ 20.00

Holiday Dinner = $ 20.00

January breakfast = $ 224.00

50/50 Raffle = $ 43.00

One Rose/One Life = $ 168.22

Petty Cash for Cajun Fest = $ 200.00

Cajun Fest = $ 1591.40

Fish Fry = $ 1088.50

TOTAL INCOME = $ 5526.12

Expenses incurred since last meeting include:

January Breakfast supplies = $ 31.96

Project Moses = $ 232.44

Clergy Appreciation Supper = $ 30.00

CSS – Holiday Dinner = $ 549.48

Fam. Conn. – Holiday appreciation = $ 137.37

One Rose/One Life = $ 168.22

Supreme Council – Per Capita dues = $ 152.55

Supreme– Catholic Advertising = $ 45.50

Supreme– Culture of Life = $ 90.00

Cajun Fest = $ 480.37

Petty Cash for Cajun Fest = $ 200.00

Petty Cash for Fish Fry = $ 200.00

TOTAL EXPENSES = $ 2317.89

We currently have no outstanding bills to the Supreme office.

Semi-Annual Audit has been completed and submitted to Supreme. One item of interest is the over the last 6 months of 2009, we as a council paid out the exact same amount we took in! The net balance in our account on July 1st was $1820.41, and the net balance in our account on December 31st was $1820.41.

Congratulations on jobs well done the past month! We had a successful breakfast for the Knights netting more than $190, then the following week it sounds like we had a very successful Teammates breakfast from which I have heard great accolades around the community on how good a job the Knights did. This past Tuesday we held our 3rd Annual Cajun Fest and yesterday we held our first Fish Fry for this year. Once again we were very successful in both events! We grossed more than $1500 in our Cajun Fest and more than $1000 for the first Fish Fry. Our hard work and dedication over the past several years are really paying off. Let’s keep it going!!

Second notices have been sent out on membership dues. Those that don’t pay by March 8th will be place on the Knights Alert notice and turned over to our retention committee for collection.

Events coming up before our next meeting include…breakfast tomorrow morning benefitting Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House and our weekly Friday Lenten Fish Fry’s. Any and all help you can give for these events will be greatly appreciated!

Membership Report: Jerry Bulmer. A major exemplification is scheduled here at St. Joseph’s on Sunday, March 21st. We have one new member; Lance Kreifels is a transfer to our council from Nebraska City. Please welcome Lance to the council when you get the opportunity. The Tootsie Roll drive will be held April 9-11.

Right to Life Report: Forty Days for Life began on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17th. John encouraged the council to choose a date to carpool to Lincoln to pray at the abortion mill. He also suggested that our council banquet (postponed to June 13th) also be in honor of Fr. Greg and our priests since it is the Year of the Priest.

Evangelization Report: Bill Fulton

Field Agent’s Report: John Stoeckinger was not present.

District Deputy’s Report: Bernard Burenheide was not present.


-  Marian Festival will be held at Pershing Auditorium on Saturday, March 27th. Tickets are $10.

-  John Stoeckinger has been named Agent of the Month for January.

-  The council received a thank you card from the Auburn TeamMates advisory board for our help with their fundraiser breakfast in January.

-  The council received a letter from the state council about the KofC Nebraska State Council (KCNSC) Foundation, which is a state level endowment fund to fulfill our mission of Catholic charity in Nebraska. Eric suggested that the council host a breakfast to support the foundation.

Old Business:

-  We will be serving breakfast in the Halligan Center on 2/21 from 8 to noon. The proceeds will go to Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House. Bob Engles and Bill Fulton are in charge. Darren Butler has prepared an announcement for the breakfast.

-  We will be serving breakfast in the Halligan Center on 3/21 from 8 to noon. The proceeds will go to the Catholics Come Home program. Darren Butler and Bill Genthe are in charge. Bill Fulton will prepare an announcement.

-  Fish Fry’s will continue every Friday through 3/26. The first one was a big success, please continue to support!

-  The council banquet scheduled for 2/28 has been postponed. The council selected a new date of June 13th.

New Business:

-  Auburn will host a major exemplification (1st-3rd degree) on March 21st. Eric Fulton and Jerry Bulmer will chair a committee to ensure the success of this event.

-  The state convention will be held at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Kearney on April 23-25. Eric Fulton has reserved rooms at the Wingate next door, since the H.I. was already booked. Eric Fulton and Darren Butler are delegates. Jerry Bulmer is first alternate. Eric will ask the council via email for nominations/volunteers to be second alternate.

-  The Nebraska KofC is once again holding a lottery to support our seminarians. Tickets are $10. Cash prizes are $2500, $1000, $750, and $500, and winners will be drawn at the state convention. Our council has been given a packet of 20 tickets. A motion was made that the council purchase 10 tickets. The motion was seconded and the vote passed. A motion was made that the council purchase 1 ticket for the Family Connection Café. The motion was seconded and the vote passed. Individual members purchased 9 more tickets. There is 1 ticket remaining for purchase, contact Eric if interested.

-  John Kahanca won the membership dues raffle. His dues for 2011 will be covered by the council.

-  Eric Fulton proposed thanking Susan Mann for our use of the Family Connection Café by refurbishing some of the worn booth seats and tables, an idea brought up by Mike Steadman at our Holiday Dinner. Bill Fulton will sponsor this activity.

-  Fred Zacarola donated a box of collectible coins to the council to use as we desire, as long as a portion of the proceeds are given to the church.

Action Items: No changes.

Good of the Order: Please remember Loras Baumhover and Jay Koziol in your prayers.

Prayer for Vocations, meeting adjourned at 8:40 am.